所在版块:狮城财经 发贴时间:2005-04-19 21:18

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Financial analysts, also called securities analysts and investment analysts, work for banks, insurance companies, mutual and pension funds, securities firms, and other businesses, helping these companies or their clients make investment decisions. Financial analysts read company financial statements and analyze commodity prices, sales, costs, expenses, and tax rates in order to determine a company value and project future earnings. They often meet with company officials to gain a better insight into a company prospects and to determine the company managerial effectiveness. Usually, financial analysts study an entire industry, assessing current trends in business practices, products, and industry competition. They must keep abreast of new regulations or policies that may affect the industry, as well as monitor the economy to determine its effect on earnings.

Financial analysts use spreadsheet and statistical software packages to analyze financial data, spot trends, and develop forecasts. On the basis of their results, they write reports and make presentations, usually making recommendations to buy or sell a particular investment or security. Senior analysts may actually make the decision to buy or sell for the company or client if they are the ones responsible for managing the assets. Other analysts use the data to measure the financial risks associated with making a particular investment decision.

Financial analysts in investment banking departments of securities or banking firms often work in teams, analyzing the future prospects of companies that want to sell shares to the public for the first time. They also ensure that the forms and written materials necessary for compliance with Securities and Exchange Commission regulations are accurate and complete. They may make presentations to prospective investors about the merits of investing in the new company. Financial analysts also work in mergers and acquisitions departments, preparing analyses on the costs and benefits of a proposed merger or takeover.

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请教: MFE在新加坡的工作前景+ NUS跟NTU的哪个比较好 alex_lan   (393 bytes , 2732reads )
谢谢papaya, dengke, 削竹, 临水照花,仙仙龙,真是人多力量大! 还有最后一个问题 alex_lan   (221 bytes , 516reads )
MFE gives you the ticket to enter.. after that it all depends on yourself 临水照花   (17 bytes , 567reads )
HOPE THIS IS HELPFUL nuswolf   (1212 bytes , 569reads )
very good point 海风   (0 bytes , 286reads )
I have the same question. 本贴应该删   (775 bytes , 572reads )
since you are jobless currently. 海风   (64 bytes , 378reads )
联系一下 alex_lan   (0 bytes , 276reads )
maybe ... u can read this book.. 仙仙龙   (92 bytes , 544reads )
强烈推荐liar's poker 削竹   (124 bytes , 344reads )
谢谢,可以说说我下面说的那个financial analyst的在SG的现状吗? alex_lan   (0 bytes , 386reads )
赚的银子狠多 牛魔王   (23 bytes , 411reads )
木瓜同学不是quantz吗? alex_lan   (16 bytes , 382reads )
Yap, Quantz is in front office, like 仙仙龙 as well. Anyway, frpapaya   (55 bytes , 412reads )
Got commission as a Quantz? alex_lan   (106 bytes , 505reads )
BONUS Formula is very simple % of work... frpapaya   (0 bytes , 211reads )
可以去找点相关的课本看看,你到底感不感兴趣。。 临水照花   (144 bytes , 407reads )
好,谢谢 alex_lan   (111 bytes , 314reads )
risk management和quant 削竹   (525 bytes , 451reads )
问题太大,也关系到你的前途,不敢随便回答 邓可   (16 bytes , 384reads )
想做这个 alex_lan   (2042 bytes , 520reads )
谢谢,因为我对这个field知道的不多, alex_lan   (329 bytes , 444reads )
说一下我知道的 削竹   (986 bytes , 453reads )
谢谢削竹,非常清楚 alex_lan   (0 bytes , 271reads )
既然你没当真就别去了。 彡彡灬灬   (50 bytes , 450reads )
不是没有兴趣,只是没有finance的背景,所以没有报多大希望 alex_lan   (4 bytes , 332reads )