所在版块:创业求职 发贴时间:2011-02-15 22:19

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新一轮的FAB招聘开始了 凡人   (1208 bytes , 1021reads )
偷空上来顶一下 凡人   (0 bytes , 181reads )
今天网络很给面子,顺利贴完了,请资深的SEMICON筒子们多多支持!=) 凡人   (0 bytes , 233reads )
SSMC的职位空缺 凡人   (64 bytes , 451reads )
Implant Manager (Process and Equipment) 凡人   (0 bytes , 179reads )
Senior Process Development Engineer 凡人   (1109 bytes , 228reads )
Equipment Senior Engineer (CVD/PVD each 1 position) 凡人   (2545 bytes , 377reads )
Diffusion Furnance Process Senior Engineer(2-3 years in TSMC is a must) 凡人   (1718 bytes , 296reads )
Product Engineer (eFlash, RF and EEPROM), prefer TSMC candidates 凡人   (1417 bytes , 612reads )
GF TD 凡人   (0 bytes , 221reads )
TD BiCMOS Principle 凡人   (111 bytes , 186reads )
TD Logic MTS and Principle 凡人   (914 bytes , 236reads )
TD SPICE Modeling Manager 凡人   (1247 bytes , 558reads )
TD Device Engineering (NVM) MTS and Principle 凡人   (823 bytes , 341reads )
TD TCAD MTS 凡人   (2182 bytes , 493reads )
请问这些职位都是要求有工作经验的吗? 游离的沼泽鱼   (115 bytes , 284reads )
嗯,绝大部分都是要求有一定工作经验的 凡人   (237 bytes , 269reads )
汗,贴了无数次文字版一直有问题无法发帖,最后只能贴截图 凡人   (107 bytes , 257reads )
GF OPERATION: Principle and above engineers for Process and Equipment 凡人   (0 bytes , 256reads )
Equipment Senior Principal Engineer/ Principal Engineer-Etch/Clean Tech/Diff/Imp 凡人   (45 bytes , 244reads )
Section Manager (Etch) 凡人   (45 bytes , 182reads )