所在版块:创业求职 发贴时间:2011-02-14 22:54

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
Job Opening Summary:

GF Operation:

Principle and above engineers for Process and Equipment for Etch/Clean Tech/Diff/Imp/TF/CMP/Litho/Metro



TD BiCMOS Principle

TD Device Engineering (NVM) MTS and Principle

TD SPICE Modeling Manager

TD Logic MTS and Principle


Implant Manager (Process and Equipment)

Senior Process Development Engineer

Thin Film Equipment Engineer (CVD) * 1 position, Familiar with Applied HDP (8 inch), Preferably 1 month notice

Thin Film Equipment Engineer (PVD) * 1 position, Familiar with Endura (8 inch), Preferably 1 month notice

Diffusion Furnance Process Senior Engineer, 2-3 in TSMC is a must, development job scope

Product Engineer (eFlash, RF and EEPROM), prefer TSMC candidates

具体要求和职位介绍接下来会跟帖贴出来,有兴趣的筒子请发简历至usmrecruiting@gmail.com,标题注明要申请的职位。如果上诉没有您想要的职位,但是想换工作的话,也可以发送简历并注明想要的工作,一旦有满足您要求的职位空缺我会尽快的联系您!请注意目前我的业务范围只包括FAB的工作,其他行业暂时心有余而力不足,帮不到您。 =)

目前我是PART TIME的猎头,FULL TIME的孩子妈,所以只能在晚上宝宝睡了以后检查回复电邮。如不能及时回复还请见谅。

提供房产相关咨询,我的热门贴: 有关做房地产中介:http://bbs.huasing.org/sForum/bbs.php?B=146_14073397 学区房讨论大坑:http://bbs.huasing.org/sForum/ztree.php?B=172_13367610 名校清单个人总结:http://bbs.huasing.net/bbs.php?B=179_14534182
 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
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