号外!职场讲座最新动态 - 面试环节确定了!
所在版块:创业求职 发贴时间:2008-09-16 13:13  评分:

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1。 Recruitment by SSCC http://www.sscareer.com/

Position 1: Web Developer

Job Description: Talent will be in a team to develop web 2.0 products.

1. Proficient in php + mySql programming
2. Familiar with AJax, espcially JQuery Framework
3. Familiar With in-depth web2.0 designing concept and tools such as photoshop is prefered.

Position 2: Marketing Executive - China Market

Job Description:Talent will assist the marketing director to market products to China market.

1. Have in-depth understanding of the China market. Familiar with BIG events in the China market in the past 15 years.
2. Understanding of Chinese culture which has big impact on certain marketing strategies.
3. Fluent in Mandarin is required, with Cantonese is prefered

2。 Recruitment by MOZAT http://www.mozat.com/

Position 1. Operators

Key Responsibilities:
• Assume an active role in product team,manage product testing and commissioning
• Ensure services is running smoothly through users datas and feedback monitoring.
• Meticulously think through every aspect of the user experience, putting users’ needs and expectations first, and identify opportunities for improvement.
• Work collaboratively with Marketing and Engineering to rollout product launches, updates, promotions and campaigns.
• Bachelor's degree in any discipline
• Minimum 1 year of relevant experience
• Independent and self-motivated
• Good interpersonal skills
• Able to work in a team as well as individually
• Fresh grads with good operating aptitude may apply
• Excellent in Mandarin & English communication skill

Position 2. Web developers

• 服务器端web开发
• Web应用的设计,实现,分析,发布等一线工作。
• 计算机或者工程系本科以上学位。
• 对编程有比较成熟的理解。
• 有一定web编程经验(熟悉c#和vb.net和IIS环境优先)。
• 熟悉数据库实用(熟悉MSSQL优先)。
• 出色的团队协作能力,性格开朗,勇于面对挑战。
• 流利的中英文交流能力

Position 3. Designers

• 设计网页,手机应用的流程和界面。
• 改善,提升用户体验。
• 宣传材料等其他设计工作。
• 有较强的美术功力,能迅速,独立完成美工工作。
• 对于用户流程,用户体验有深刻的理解。
• 善于和其他人沟通,善于听取他人意见。
• 流利的中英文交流能力。

3. Finance / Banking Industry

Position 1 is from Corporate Finance field

Position 2 is from Hedge Fund or Wealth Management field

All applicants are welcome, and please be prepared for a tough interview!

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号外!职场讲座最新动态 - 面试环节确定了! parrot   (2741 bytes , 1462reads )
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理解,放video只是为了回顾方便,而且参加了就可以当场问问题, DINGPeng   (89 bytes , 352reads )
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到时候肯定有人录像,但是之后的决定有请华新工作组回答! parrot   (0 bytes , 190reads )
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太好了,我会领你去现场负责人那里报到的,能不能1:30准时到? parrot   (6 bytes , 210reads )
恩, 可以 小传人   (10 bytes , 189reads )
希望能放上来.. 14202   (52 bytes , 233reads )
八卦爆料啊: 据说报名人数已经3位数了... LT28空间罩不罩的住啊 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 231reads )
早就三位数了,不过那个LT好像可以管300号人,还好吧。 parrot   (66 bytes , 260reads )
按照报名顺序排座的吗? aspernet   (16 bytes , 272reads )
按ID字母顺序,A兄自然是首座。 卷心菜   (66 bytes , 283reads )
哈哈,好玩 sensopiano   (52 bytes , 272reads )
你哪里有时间抢座位。。。乖,帮我招呼speakers! parrot   (0 bytes , 196reads )
这些position也都是模拟的吗? sensopiano   (0 bytes , 218reads )
兵家有道,虚虚实实,实实虚虚 ----- 无可奉告阿 :p parrot   (0 bytes , 200reads )
这样啊。。听上去越来越有趣了。。 sensopiano   (0 bytes , 225reads )
你越来越像托了。。。 橙子   (10 bytes , 294reads )
晕,好像是有点哦。。。不过大家知道我不是就好了。。。 sensopiano   (0 bytes , 194reads )
A, I want to send CV~~~ 水鸭子   (42 bytes , 279reads )
鸭子 MonSapius   (45 bytes , 374reads )
你是谁? 水鸭子   (20 bytes , 210reads )
u can msn me... parrot   (0 bytes , 191reads )
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我也要send send send~~ 九妹   (0 bytes , 189reads )
一个很好的问题 aspernet   (68 bytes , 301reads )
台上大家一起看,所以时间很紧张,我们应该最多做4个interview parrot   (38 bytes , 272reads )
听上去好有意思啊^^ sensopiano   (31 bytes , 257reads )
哈哈,不用啦,为人民服务不是为红桃来的 parrot   (15 bytes , 217reads )
号外 -- 新增两位嘉宾! parrot   (120 bytes , 462reads )
太好了!! felix   (30 bytes , 282reads )
别惭愧了,下面送红桃的帖子你来负责吧 :) parrot   (0 bytes , 197reads )
我没有红桃…… ainiuniu   (0 bytes , 217reads )
哈哈,我补上了 parrot   (0 bytes , 163reads )