转发:[ustcaagny] [job] McKinsey Greater China Office
所在版块:创业求职 发贴时间:2008-09-10 13:10  评分:

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Greater China Office – Jade

The Greater China office offers a unique opportunity for our
consultants to learn from and work with North American clients and
teams as part of their McKinsey experience. Jade is a select group of
talented associates who begin their career in the New York office for
approximately one year, at which point they transfer long-term to the
Greater China office. While in New York, Jade associates will be
trained and staffed out of the New York office, gaining exposure and
insight to client and industry experiences which can be transferred
and built upon in the Greater China office.

Who we are looking for
We are looking for experienced professional candidates who have a
graduate/advanced degree with a range of 2 - 4 years of work
experience. We look for well-rounded individuals who possess
capabilities in four areas:

Problem Solving: McKinsey consultants help clients solve tough
problems in their businesses and implement the solutions. This not
only requires outstanding intellectual abilities and rigor, but also a
good, practical sense of what works and does not work in complex
organizations. .

Achieving: Our consultants constantly strive to deliver distinctive
client service. To achieve this while handling multiple stakeholders
and often tight deadlines requires outstanding energy, determination,
and judgment.

Personal Impact: McKinsey consultants work with a wide range of
individuals in their day-to-day jobs. Developing and implementing
sound recommendations requires the involvement and support of these
individuals. Skills in interacting with people in sometimes tough
situations are critical to driving distinctive client impact.

Leadership: Leading people and fostering effective teamwork are key
to success both within McKinsey and with our clients. McKinsey
consultants need outstanding leadership skills in order to drive
positive change in complex organizations.

Additional requirements and information
Fluency in Cantonese and/or Mandarin Chinese and English is required
as well as a clear passion and commitment to live and work long term
in Greater China.

How to apply
Please submit an associate application on-line at
http://www.mckinsey .com/careers. Please choose Greater China
office/Jade as your first office choice. We are accepting
applications on a rolling basis. For applications received through
the end of September 2008, we will host October interviews. For
applications received between October and January 2009, we will host
interviews in February.

Questions, more information?
Email Mimi Loo at jade_recruiting@ mckinsey. com.

Be bold, be bold, everywhere be bold!
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转发:[ustcaagny] [job] McKinsey Greater China Office Dinosaur   (2643 bytes , 2069reads )
如果是新加坡的公司 Secure   (34 bytes , 352reads )
Just turned down a similar position in bj office 正经淫   (0 bytes , 444reads )
ustc的?ny是什么意思呀? QQmsn   (67 bytes , 400reads )
中科大纽约校友会吧 Dinosaur   (7 bytes , 301reads )
我是问你是ustc的?哈哈,省略主语不好。。。 QQmsn   (0 bytes , 256reads )
哦,这个麦当劳的弟弟麦肯锡就是fresh gra给5千大洋的公司。 卷心菜   (112 bytes , 696reads )
女生最好不要去,太容易被burn out 了 parrot   (48 bytes , 557reads )
Par兄有否考虑过househusband? 卷心菜   (40 bytes , 335reads )
no way, 我做housewife倒是考虑过 parrot   (99 bytes , 426reads )
两三个小公司还有空逛huasing?... aspernet   (22 bytes , 405reads )
公司不在多不在精,在于有合适的团队和理想的模式 :) parrot   (0 bytes , 229reads )
A某花5年时间呕心沥血悟出一个道理 aspernet   (137 bytes , 535reads )
为啥? codeplay   (0 bytes , 225reads )
可能说出来很多人不同意 aspernet   (96 bytes , 357reads )
My high school classmate is working at 麦肯锡 Beijing walktree   (101 bytes , 683reads )
走树兄,super talented应该搞个MBA啊,fresh gra就是200K USD 卷心菜   (63 bytes , 518reads )
都已经这么牛了,还需要MBA干吗? parrot   (0 bytes , 337reads )
写太快了,是MBA读完fresh出来。 卷心菜   (68 bytes , 404reads )
这还用讲,当然是为了更牛! aspernet   (53 bytes , 340reads )
Maybe he just dont want to be low profile, no need to announce the actual pay walktree   (142 bytes , 470reads )
就是这个数,而且是税前的 ning82   (243 bytes , 628reads )
哈哈,俺喜欢宁兄的快人快语。(Z) aspernet   (0 bytes , 284reads )
sorry , should be want to be low profile walktree   (0 bytes , 274reads )
麦肯锡是卖肯德基的简称,不要跟麦当劳混起来阿,死对头啊! ning82   (322 bytes , 525reads )
是啊,关键是帅哥招不到。。。 卷心菜   (46 bytes , 378reads )
天呐。。。这是种族歧视啊。。。 parrot   (115 bytes , 350reads )
据说麦记大中华区一天工作20个小时 :p parrot   (0 bytes , 308reads )
每天20个小时! 香陵居士   (96 bytes , 283reads )
哇, 如果偶一个天工作20小时,也应该日入千金了。。。 aspernet   (37 bytes , 364reads )
顶! parrot   (0 bytes , 235reads )
光顶没用阿 Dinosaur   (54 bytes , 319reads )
这贴转的,必许多原创的废话都有价值啊! ning82   (48 bytes , 326reads )
jiu shi jiu shi Dinosaur   (91 bytes , 245reads )
太好了,ning mm来做斑竹吧 parrot   (33 bytes , 263reads )
我不干 ning82   (38 bytes , 288reads )
终于有人明白做版主多辛苦了,哎。 parrot   (140 bytes , 255reads )
哈哈,俺喜欢宁兄的快人快语。 卷心菜   (22 bytes , 273reads )
华新规矩,转贴基本不给分的 parrot   (0 bytes , 223reads )
确实可以改一改.... 阿雅   (16 bytes , 195reads )
不过我支持原创,并不支持转贴 :p parrot   (14 bytes , 205reads )
我在想啊 Dinosaur   (65 bytes , 219reads )
嘿嘿, 有些信息 是个人connection 得到的 Dinosaur   (172 bytes , 263reads )
那就要看本版的打分宗旨到底是帖子的信息质量为准,还是斑竹的喜好为准了 ning82   (0 bytes , 236reads )
问题就在于信息质量谁来评定呢,还是斑竹阿 :p parrot   (0 bytes , 196reads )
对啊,所以版主觉得好,就可以打个分嘛,转载的人也是费了力来支持版面的 阿雅   (80 bytes , 203reads )
华新的大大们如果能够统一一下就好 parrot   (157 bytes , 260reads )
卷某不才做主,转帖给分一律由版主自己判断决定给草花或不给分。 卷心菜   (101 bytes , 262reads )
理解~ 确实需要统一。内容部可将此问题规范一下。 阿雅   (0 bytes , 208reads )
友版孙斑竹的那个起薪介绍贴不就是转的也给了花的嘛 ning82   (0 bytes , 228reads )
这个规定好像不是很合理 Dinosaur   (28 bytes , 236reads )