here are my comments....
所在版块:创业求职 发贴时间:2008-09-06 00:58  评分:

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Dear Sir or Madam:

This is Daincy He Ying. I would like to apply for the position of sales engineer you advertised on THE TIME dated 30 August 2008.

I am a fresh graduate from Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts (“NAFA”), majored in Fashion Merchandising & Marketing. I am competent in designing products that suit marketing needs. [More information, such as your final year project or practical design, to illustrate the competency.]

I have had several internship experiences in the relevant industry during my course in NAFA. [more information on the internships, if any]

I would appreciate if I may be granted an interview opportunity. Please do not hesitate to contact me at [phone and email address].

Thank you and warm regards,

Daincy, He Ying

6 Sep 2008

 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
请帮忙看下我的CV, 这样写可以吗?? WhiteInk   (532 bytes , 1150reads )
here are my comments.... monk   (764 bytes , 446reads )
i prefer not to write much in the cover letter though parrot   (155 bytes , 353reads )
首先,这叫Cover letter,不叫CV 香陵居士   (618 bytes , 448reads )
need improvement Dinosaur   (48 bytes , 317reads )
我抛砖引玉一下,哎,2秘是要支持的,虽然最近1秘不见了。。。 parrot   (687 bytes , 521reads )
授之以鱼不若授之以渔 香陵居士   (50 bytes , 276reads )
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期待讲座啊~ MetalGearSnake   (0 bytes , 186reads )
嗯,这个好,这个人我要了。 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 196reads )
貌似改了下真的很不一样 aspernet   (64 bytes , 306reads )
4年。。。我都转了两次行了。。。:p parrot   (0 bytes , 208reads )
两次做完全不同的东西么?请parrot 美女分享 pinkhil   (0 bytes , 204reads )
没问题,来9月20日的career talk吧,一定分享:) parrot   (0 bytes , 165reads )
拜托阿,在这里分享好不好啊 pinkhil   (0 bytes , 156reads )
不好啊 :p parrot   (0 bytes , 165reads )
Cover letter吧。白墨兄须尽快提高英文水平。 卷心菜   (89 bytes , 344reads )
这不叫CV,这叫cover letter. parrot   (0 bytes , 203reads )