所在版块:体坛风云 发贴时间:2006-06-16 21:24  评分:

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 

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小组赛第二轮CD两组比赛竞猜: whybati   (0 bytes , 2657reads )
葡萄牙----伊朗 whybati   (0 bytes , 343reads )
伊朗(8.8) whybati   (0 bytes , 153reads )
goal! 海风   (0 bytes , 122reads )
我也是对高赔率情有独中. 果爷   (0 bytes , 109reads )
iran shaokunlun   (0 bytes , 142reads )
支持波斯 抽烟看球   (0 bytes , 132reads )
似乎葡萄牙打不来力量型的 小和尚花花   (0 bytes , 134reads )
友情支持 韦护   (8 bytes , 134reads )
yes 少侠   (0 bytes , 100reads )
冲这个赔率去了! 侠气与醉狂   (0 bytes , 135reads )
这么高的赔率,不买有点亏。 focus   (0 bytes , 140reads )
ding. 乐天逍遥   (0 bytes , 131reads )
亚洲球队,集体爆发! shwan   (0 bytes , 143reads )
这个赔率总觉得有些开高了,这么看不起亚洲球队啊。 whybati   (0 bytes , 138reads )
平局(4.0) whybati   (0 bytes , 124reads )
draw! rockmelon   (0 bytes , 128reads )
实在觉得伊朗不行,但又想支持亚洲球队 outofblue   (0 bytes , 172reads )
Draw! Wray   (0 bytes , 152reads )
draw box   (0 bytes , 125reads )
买个平局玩玩! 心如杰   (0 bytes , 124reads )
draw 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 151reads )
平了吧 天涯在何方   (0 bytes , 133reads )
葡萄牙(1.33) whybati   (0 bytes , 191reads )
应该不是问题 香陵居士   (0 bytes , 138reads )
Deco复出的话,葡萄牙应该有点戏啊!   (0 bytes , 136reads )
bet this _god_   (0 bytes , 129reads )
葡萄牙 cancer   (0 bytes , 106reads )
葡萄 kilr   (0 bytes , 96reads )
牙! 洋葱头   (0 bytes , 92reads )
pu tou 官管   (0 bytes , 144reads )
ya 顽石   (0 bytes , 93reads )
葡萄牙 不系舟   (0 bytes , 91reads )
葡萄牙 icky   (0 bytes , 169reads )
starry   (0 bytes , 202reads )
押葡萄牙 Anglican变种   (2 bytes , 119reads )
张辽   (0 bytes , 117reads )
葡萄牙 单挑人生   (0 bytes , 109reads )
yes ba@_@ggio   (0 bytes , 96reads )
V 树袋猪   (0 bytes , 122reads )
V winniepooh   (0 bytes , 127reads )
Portugal simon   (0 bytes , 154reads )
这个 香蕉   (0 bytes , 135reads )
这还用赌么。。。 alas   (0 bytes , 116reads )
guess 妖刀   (0 bytes , 96reads )
~~~~ 黛玉   (0 bytes , 93reads )
gen 小蹦   (0 bytes , 119reads )
gen Economist   (0 bytes , 113reads )
yes Cowboy   (0 bytes , 146reads )
没做调查。。。。anyway... watercooler   (0 bytes , 123reads )
Portugal summerwolf   (0 bytes , 140reads )
提前出线 九九   (0 bytes , 118reads )
PU TAO! ring   (0 bytes , 184reads )
Ying le~~ SIGG+   (0 bytes , 136reads )
portugal 萧萧   (0 bytes , 124reads )
葡萄牙 昌昊   (0 bytes , 142reads )
Not a prob! 庸人   (1 bytes , 151reads )
葡萄牙! ysy   (0 bytes , 137reads )
win cfc07   (0 bytes , 129reads )
portugal guo_er   (0 bytes , 146reads )
grape tooth 鱼片粥   (0 bytes , 123reads )
oh yeah 灌装椰子泪泪   (0 bytes , 111reads )
葡萄 菀子   (0 bytes , 125reads )
强弱分明! 神州六号   (0 bytes , 131reads )
putoya clouds   (0 bytes , 164reads )
Win _god_   (0 bytes , 112reads )
赚点钱 kilr   (0 bytes , 142reads )
还是葡萄 阿森纳   (0 bytes , 140reads )
还是看好 Novice   (0 bytes , 162reads )
wo lai 四人帮老大   (1 bytes , 131reads )
葡萄 邓可   (0 bytes , 118reads )
k 难得糊涂   (0 bytes , 151reads )
yes Spring   (0 bytes , 118reads )
武汉伢   (0 bytes , 117reads )
50 x 1.33 EPCU   (0 bytes , 131reads )
葡萄牙 felix   (0 bytes , 133reads )
墨西哥----安哥拉 whybati   (0 bytes , 161reads )
安哥拉(7.60) whybati   (0 bytes , 169reads )
不看好墨西哥 outofblue   (0 bytes , 153reads )
yes 少侠   (0 bytes , 109reads )
没人买,俺买 侠气与醉狂   (0 bytes , 128reads )
平局(3.85) whybati   (0 bytes , 147reads )
押平 Anglican变种   (2 bytes , 164reads )
这个 香蕉   (0 bytes , 109reads )
和局保险! 神州六号   (0 bytes , 144reads )
不认识,就买平 focus   (0 bytes , 159reads )
反正都没啥感觉…… 武汉伢   (0 bytes , 139reads )
ding 乐天逍遥   (0 bytes , 102reads )
墨西哥(1.38) whybati   (0 bytes , 197reads )
mexico! 洋葱头   (0 bytes , 100reads )
ge 官管   (0 bytes , 127reads )
差不多吧. 果爷   (0 bytes , 121reads )
墨西哥 不系舟   (0 bytes , 134reads )
en 顽石   (0 bytes , 109reads )
墨西哥 icky   (0 bytes , 142reads )
mexico shaokunlun   (0 bytes , 114reads )
mexico 抽烟看球   (0 bytes , 152reads )
starry   (0 bytes , 255reads )
张辽   (0 bytes , 132reads )
墨西哥 单挑人生   (0 bytes , 141reads )
yes ba@_@ggio   (0 bytes , 139reads )
V 树袋猪   (0 bytes , 119reads )
V winniepooh   (0 bytes , 137reads )
mexico! rockmelon   (0 bytes , 130reads )
win! 小和尚花花   (0 bytes , 136reads )
Mexico simon   (0 bytes , 128reads )
yes 我是笨笨   (0 bytes , 163reads )
should be alas   (0 bytes , 121reads )
guess 妖刀   (0 bytes , 129reads )
~~~~ 黛玉   (0 bytes , 128reads )
gen 小蹦   (0 bytes , 130reads )
here Economist   (0 bytes , 117reads )
墨西哥 韦护   (6 bytes , 123reads )
same Cowboy   (0 bytes , 124reads )
same watercooler   (0 bytes , 146reads )
Mexico summerwolf   (0 bytes , 108reads )
Mexico summerwolf   (0 bytes , 118reads )
看好 九九   (0 bytes , 130reads )
MEX Wray   (0 bytes , 124reads )
No doubt SIGG+   (0 bytes , 140reads )
mexico 萧萧   (0 bytes , 137reads )
墨西哥 昌昊   (0 bytes , 123reads )
The opponent one sux! 庸人   (1 bytes , 133reads )
墨西哥! ysy   (0 bytes , 126reads )
  (0 bytes , 108reads )
win cfc07   (0 bytes , 136reads )
墨西哥 cancer   (6 bytes , 99reads )
Mexico guo_er   (0 bytes , 162reads )
墨西哥 鱼片粥   (0 bytes , 127reads )
Mexco box   (0 bytes , 159reads )
yes 灌装椰子泪泪   (0 bytes , 123reads )
墨西哥 菀子   (0 bytes , 131reads )
Mexico!!! 心如杰   (0 bytes , 111reads )
moxige clouds   (0 bytes , 123reads )
Maxico! _god_   (0 bytes , 133reads )
go kilr   (0 bytes , 168reads )
墨西哥 阿森纳   (0 bytes , 118reads )
win 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 128reads )
wo lai 四人帮老大   (1 bytes , 100reads )
实力 Novice   (3 bytes , 124reads )
墨西哥 邓可   (0 bytes , 141reads )
yes Spring   (0 bytes , 113reads )
50 x 1.38 EPCU   (0 bytes , 121reads )
墨西哥 天涯在何方   (0 bytes , 148reads )
墨西哥 felix   (0 bytes , 122reads )
轻松获胜! shwan   (0 bytes , 141reads )
对安哥拉不敢恭维。。。 whybati   (0 bytes , 134reads )
荷兰----科特迪瓦 whybati   (0 bytes , 165reads )
科特迪瓦(4.75) whybati   (0 bytes , 179reads )
我支持 科特迪瓦!!! 顽石   (0 bytes , 144reads )
ok shaokunlun   (0 bytes , 135reads )
黑象阿黑象 抽烟看球   (0 bytes , 132reads )
他们都说是个黑马 alas   (0 bytes , 157reads )
yes 少侠   (0 bytes , 115reads )
win kilr   (0 bytes , 108reads )
不拿下要出局了 Novice   (2 bytes , 135reads )
看好科特迪瓦,虽然感情上支持荷兰 武汉伢   (1 bytes , 159reads )
50 x 4.75 EPCU   (0 bytes , 119reads )
支持一把大象,难道两轮就出局?象牙应该比这锋利些。 whybati   (0 bytes , 135reads )
平局(3.25) whybati   (0 bytes , 170reads )
icky   (0 bytes , 131reads )
猜平局 小和尚花花   (0 bytes , 157reads )
draw simon   (0 bytes , 135reads )
打平吧 九九   (0 bytes , 137reads )
科特迪瓦还是挺强的。   (0 bytes , 123reads )
draw 邓可   (0 bytes , 131reads )
ding 乐天逍遥   (0 bytes , 126reads )
大象~~ felix   (0 bytes , 131reads )
荷兰(1.67) whybati   (0 bytes , 174reads )
荷兰 不系舟   (0 bytes , 98reads )
starry   (0 bytes , 222reads )
押荷兰 Anglican变种   (2 bytes , 123reads )
荷兰 张辽   (0 bytes , 127reads )
荷兰 单挑人生   (0 bytes , 133reads )
yes ba@_@ggio   (0 bytes , 102reads )
再押 快快跑   (0 bytes , 141reads )
V 树袋猪   (0 bytes , 118reads )
V winniepooh   (0 bytes , 116reads )
Netherlands! rockmelon   (0 bytes , 130reads )
荷兰 outofblue   (0 bytes , 148reads )
yes 我是笨笨   (0 bytes , 114reads )
guess 妖刀   (0 bytes , 83reads )
科特迪瓦有戏,不过还得支持橙衣军!支持巴斯滕! 黛玉   (0 bytes , 132reads )
gen 小蹦   (0 bytes , 142reads )
gen Economist   (0 bytes , 118reads )
荷兰 韦护   (4 bytes , 115reads )
一定支持荷兰 Cowboy   (0 bytes , 138reads )
i like watercooler   (0 bytes , 157reads )
支持橙衣军团! 香陵居士   (0 bytes , 105reads )
Nerderland summerwolf   (0 bytes , 141reads )
Holland Wray   (0 bytes , 117reads )
holland SIGG+   (0 bytes , 127reads )
DING ring   (0 bytes , 122reads )
荷兰 昌昊   (0 bytes , 127reads )
oranges go! 庸人   (1 bytes , 118reads )
荷兰! ysy   (0 bytes , 120reads )
win cfc07   (0 bytes , 140reads )
荷兰 侠气与醉狂   (0 bytes , 97reads )
荷兰 cancer   (4 bytes , 104reads )
KNVB! guo_er   (0 bytes , 144reads )
荷兰 鱼片粥   (0 bytes , 144reads )
yes 灌装椰子泪泪   (0 bytes , 120reads )
没得比! 神州六号   (0 bytes , 133reads )
荷兰!!!! 心如杰   (0 bytes , 123reads )
helan clouds   (0 bytes , 121reads )
Holland _god_   (0 bytes , 109reads )
荷兰 阿森纳   (0 bytes , 131reads )
wo lai 四人帮老大   (1 bytes , 107reads )
win 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 127reads )
k 难得糊涂   (0 bytes , 110reads )
yes Spring   (0 bytes , 129reads )
虽然第一场完全丧失了全攻全收的能力,但是感情上还是要支持一下。 focus   (0 bytes , 141reads )
荷兰 天涯在何方   (0 bytes , 110reads )
支持荷兰,支持爆发 shwan   (0 bytes , 153reads )
阿根廷----塞黑 whybati   (0 bytes , 152reads )
塞黑(5.5) whybati   (0 bytes , 173reads )
丢翻AGT 正经淫   (0 bytes , 168reads )
en...... alas   (0 bytes , 149reads )
yes 少侠   (0 bytes , 121reads )
平局(3.55) whybati   (0 bytes , 160reads )
押平 Anglican变种   (2 bytes , 122reads )
try this heihei... watercooler   (0 bytes , 141reads )
Draw 阿森纳   (0 bytes , 136reads )
draw 邓可   (0 bytes , 124reads )
阿根廷(1.53) whybati   (0 bytes , 244reads )
阿根廷 单挑人生   (0 bytes , 107reads )
yes ba@_@ggio   (0 bytes , 140reads )
还有20分钟 快快跑   (0 bytes , 135reads )
V 树袋猪   (0 bytes , 118reads )
V winniepooh   (0 bytes , 106reads )
argentina! rockmelon   (0 bytes , 138reads )
支持阿根廷还需要理由吗??? 小和尚花花   (0 bytes , 133reads )
argentina! argentina! argentina! argentina! simon   (0 bytes , 142reads )
阿...... outofblue   (0 bytes , 146reads )
yes 我是笨笨   (0 bytes , 151reads )
!!阿根廷!! 黛玉   (0 bytes , 101reads )
guess 妖刀   (0 bytes , 117reads )
gen 小蹦   (0 bytes , 119reads )
gen! Economist   (0 bytes , 108reads )
阿根廷 韦护   (6 bytes , 136reads )
阿根廷 Cowboy   (0 bytes , 161reads )
agentina summerwolf   (0 bytes , 125reads )
毫无疑问 九九   (0 bytes , 106reads )
A Wray   (0 bytes , 98reads )
no doubt SIGG+   (0 bytes , 155reads )
DING ring   (0 bytes , 175reads )
Argentina 萧萧   (0 bytes , 120reads )
阿根廷 昌昊   (0 bytes , 132reads )
Nvr a problem! 庸人   (1 bytes , 129reads )
阿根廷! ysy   (0 bytes , 127reads )
win cfc07   (0 bytes , 139reads )
严重的一边倒啊!   (0 bytes , 128reads )
挺啊挺 侠气与醉狂   (0 bytes , 127reads )
阿根廷 cancer   (6 bytes , 112reads )
Agentina guo_er   (0 bytes , 163reads )
啊跟婷 鱼片粥   (0 bytes , 154reads )
go go go box   (0 bytes , 143reads )
赔率低也得买! 神州六号   (0 bytes , 115reads )
yes 灌装椰子泪泪   (0 bytes , 121reads )
阿根廷 菀子   (0 bytes , 124reads )
还用说嘛,阿根廷!!!! 心如杰   (0 bytes , 143reads )
agenting clouds   (0 bytes , 140reads )
Agetina _god_   (0 bytes , 193reads )
hao kilr   (0 bytes , 109reads )
wo lai 四人帮老大   (2 bytes , 118reads )
win 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 106reads )
小胜~ Novice   (0 bytes , 122reads )
k 难得糊涂   (0 bytes , 106reads )
yes Spring   (0 bytes , 114reads )
轻松拿下 focus   (0 bytes , 111reads )
阿根廷拒绝冷门,哈哈 武汉伢   (0 bytes , 173reads )
ding 乐天逍遥   (0 bytes , 110reads )
阿根廷 天涯在何方   (0 bytes , 168reads )
阿根廷 felix   (0 bytes , 133reads )
上半场就能搞定 shwan   (0 bytes , 128reads )
50 x 1.53 EPCU   (0 bytes , 106reads )
搞好防空,拿下没问题 whybati   (0 bytes , 132reads )