13 May 2007 and Now ......
所在版块:悟入棋途 发贴时间:2016-03-10 11:48

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joined Huasing 悟入棋途 on 13 May 2007, started to use SIXGA Facebook Group since last year early May.

may be it is time to move from Huasing 悟入棋途 to SIXGA Facebook Group soon.

 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
热烈庆祝悟入棋途(成立于 2003年3月10日)13周年! 新加坡碧山   (0 bytes , 712reads )
置顶的帖是两年多前悟入棋途庆祝12周年。时间过得飞快! 新加坡碧山   (53 bytes , 133reads )
华新悟入棋途论坛进入冬眠状态。。。 新加坡碧山   (177 bytes , 184reads )
Link to last year ..... 新加坡碧山   (46 bytes , 163reads )
Link to 2014 ..... 新加坡碧山   (73 bytes , 153reads )
Past one year records ...... 新加坡碧山   (18053 bytes , 202reads )
热烈庆祝! 卷心菜   (78 bytes , 204reads )
卷心菜家添丁 . . .恭喜恭喜! 新加坡碧山   (48 bytes , 199reads )
13 May 2007 and Now ...... 新加坡碧山   (182 bytes , 178reads )
after about 9 years in Huasing 悟入棋途, it is time to move on 新加坡碧山   (143 bytes , 186reads )
9 years up within a week, decided to move on .... 新加坡碧山   (50 bytes , 177reads )
9 years up ..... 新加坡碧山   (75 bytes , 166reads )