所在版块:悟入棋途 发贴时间:2013-02-25 14:56

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Trying to criticise me? You don't know who i am, really? Who are you to tell me what to do? If you have the ability to teach me what to do, then you should be able to sponsor any event yourself. If not, please keep quiet.

 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
这世上要帮别人很容易,正当想要求别人帮助,是难如登天啊! 九阳神功   (21 bytes , 1134reads )
有一个朋友说这首歌的歌词很适合我...哈哈哈 九阳神功   (42 bytes , 164reads )
这样吧,如果能做到我的要求,就成 了。 九阳神功   (55 bytes , 160reads )
原来九阳兄台是图隆杯的赞助人! 卷心菜   (474 bytes , 154reads )
最后希望好人有好报,真心做个对社会有贡献的人 九阳神功   (221 bytes , 182reads )
Just to share my personal view below ..... 新加坡碧山   (1484 bytes , 163reads )
My facebook photo 九阳神功   (58 bytes , 201reads )
If i have not hosted 图隆杯, i would not have known human nature so thoroughly.. 九阳神功   (17 bytes , 194reads )
个人感觉 guoguo12345   (694 bytes , 145reads )
雪中送炭,很难 小唐唐   (110 bytes , 151reads )
I am millionaire, its not because of money 九阳神功   (103 bytes , 200reads )
if not because of money 小唐唐   (112 bytes , 207reads )
There's nothing to resolve. But my experience is indeed a cruel reality in 九阳神功   (204 bytes , 180reads )
别太灰心,还是有好人的 小唐唐   (73 bytes , 200reads )
Below is an extract from a sms message to them and also my main reason to quit 九阳神功   (186 bytes , 254reads )
这世上要帮别人很容易,正当想要求别人帮助,是难如登天啊! 九阳神功   (184 bytes , 181reads )
跟哥说说,哥帮你 卷心菜   (20 bytes , 142reads )
没什么关系,新加坡这么多富豪,找别人更好 九阳神功   (7 bytes , 194reads )
在中国可以拨打12580,一按我帮您,不知新加坡有没有? 奇异嘟嘟   (29 bytes , 191reads )
这跟棋有毛关系? 冰是睡着的水   (6 bytes , 144reads )
棋手感悟。。 AGA   (2 bytes , 212reads )
确实! AGA   (47 bytes , 159reads )
一点小忙也帮不了,还想做什么大事? 九阳神功   (19 bytes , 172reads )