所在版块:悟入棋途 发贴时间:2011-10-27 01:03  评分:

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Competition Details

Date - 10th December 2011 (Sat)

Time - 9.00am – 5.00pm
(Inclusive of 1 hour lunch break)
Registration will start at 8.30am
Competition will start at 9am sharp

Venue - Multi-Purpose Sports Hall 4
Sports & Recreation Centre
National University of Singapore
2 Sports Drive 1, Singapore 117561

Registration Fees - $50 per team

Closing Date - 26th November 2011 (Sat)

Payment mode - Cash only

Application - Register at http://www.nusigc.info/index.php/nus-chess-invitational
Procedure (Email reminders will be sent out to all registered team captains
about the Captain's Briefing on 27th Nov 2011 (Sun))

Competition Format - 7 Rounds Swiss Pairing

Time Control - 25 minutes per player per round

Team -

Each school is allowed to register up to 3 teams consisting of 4 players per team without reserve. Players must be current students of the school.

Line-up - Before the start of each round, team captains are required to write
down the line-up on the forms provided. If the player in the team is
not seated according to the seating arrangement, the team will
automatically lose that round.

Important Note -

Competition will start at 9am sharp. Teams/Players who are late for 15 minutes after the round starts will automatically lose the round. Entry Fees are non refundable. Late entries and entries without payment will not be accepted.

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