所在版块:悟入棋途 发贴时间:2011-07-25 10:37

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
Frankly, I am surprised to know that "HUO YING" = "BLS" = YONG XIN. Phychologically, you are using "BLS" to make some "frank" statement just to show that you are not "agreeing" to some of the "BLS" behaviour too.

No matter how "frank" or how "true" or how "real" your statement is, we need to put it across to another person in an "effective" way. This will really depend on your intention on whether you really want to put the message across to the person or just want to vent your frustration by shooting directly to the person.

Communication is not easy in this world, some more in forum without the enhancement of "body language" We all need to be appreciated and wanting to accept the comments in nicer way. You do it very well as "HUO YING" but do it terribly bad as "BLS", what happened to you?

Even father to son nowadays, we need to know how to put the message across nicely, dun talk about the chess friend here in forum, if you are sincere to put the message across to your chess friends, please choose carefully the words and the way you express it, it really makes a big difference.

I myself used to be a person who talk bluntly and use "I am frank" as excuses in many occasions last time, I get many comments from my peers/friends/relatives after that, I am picking up slowly nowadays to improve myself.....As a friend, we do hope we can change for a better person....

I am sharing with you some of my life experience, no offence to you I hope.....:)


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那要看每次说的是什么!!! 几度   (1174 bytes , 317reads )
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的确被某些棋友蒙骗了,但不是bls! 棋一生   (1155 bytes , 289reads )
您自己判断吧。 几度   (613 bytes , 278reads )
Jidu, please do not distort my words anymore. bls   (315 bytes , 422reads )
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Well said. bls   (200 bytes , 378reads )
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Well said vege. bls   (421 bytes , 335reads )
you better talk more ok?i am your fan here..haha 九阳真经   (0 bytes , 411reads )
Hi Vege, One Knife and Jidu. bls   (1916 bytes , 510reads )
理解你的想法,只是言语太过于攻击性 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 218reads )
卷心菜过生日啊,今天脾气不错。看到很多人祝贺你了,我顺便参加一份吧。 几度   (150 bytes , 233reads )
祝 小卷 生日快乐,心想事成,早日有闲有钱,年年继续支持象棋活动。 SG-Reporter   (0 bytes , 264reads )
[问题] 怎样的情况才算 “言语太过有攻击性” ? SG-Reporter   (0 bytes , 254reads )
Hi SG-REPORTER. bls   (619 bytes , 394reads )
最好是剑法见高低,多说无义...哈哈哈bls 九阳真经   (0 bytes , 283reads )
九阳真经 棋友,有机会的,一部分计划会在网站公布。 SG-Reporter   (22 bytes , 234reads )
SG REPORTER 希望以后能有机会与你坐下喝咖啡听听你的大智慧和你未来的大计划haha 九阳真经   (0 bytes , 283reads )
当然是先。。。 SG-Reporter   (333 bytes , 272reads )
像我什么都不能做的只能上来顶顶卷大了。 功夫熊喵   (0 bytes , 188reads )
首先,你根本就不清楚对方的命题是什么,就盲目的做出反驳。。。 一刀n断   (247 bytes , 261reads )
I see your point. Base on same logic- bls   (37 bytes , 109reads )
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不可以 几度   (120 bytes , 249reads )
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现用名(曾用名) 卷心菜   (94 bytes , 261reads )
应该是叶献锋 几度   (67 bytes , 290reads )
辛苦了! SG-Reporter   (0 bytes , 211reads )
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谢谢waterchess和magician88的勘误校对 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 245reads )
第一场 几度   (159 bytes , 278reads )
棋手名单 几度   (1001 bytes , 428reads )
新加坡后年可卖“永吉猪” http://www.zaobao.com/cz/cz110721_001.shtml 热比娅   (11 bytes , 682reads )
名单7月17日更新 几度   (970 bytes , 355reads )
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来玩玩数字游戏 几度   (62 bytes , 286reads )