good question... Well i suppose even if you don't wack the cannon ...
所在版块:悟入棋途 发贴时间:2011-05-16 18:31

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
if you think the 2 canons are at an awkward position, you can canon 4-7 to wack the horse thts the more conservative approach. In my view i prefer the former variation.

Good question. This question is asked alot of times. It's actually based on personal judgement. Firstly red has no pieces in any good attacking positions and secondly has to suffer the loss of its defenses. Let's say even if the 7 road canon gets to wacks the bottom elephant, it is of not much threat because it's car can't move to the 8th road to gather it's pieces to attack. In the long run red is at a detrimental situation.....even if it blocks off the attacks. A winning game in my view is not hard and is just a matter of time unless of course the standard is far apart.

not only does black have extra defences, red's 2 horses are in a bad situation. next move black can canon 5 6 he can syncronise attack from it's 2 canons...

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