Analysis of the Development regarding Singapore Xiangqi Open
所在版块:悟入棋途 发贴时间:2010-06-07 13:01

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Analysis of the Development regarding Singapore Xiangqi Open

Are we talking about a demotion system before a promotion (to encourage more graded players to join Group A each year) system ?

The actual problem facing by SIXGA each year is how to select Top 4 or Top 20% of Group A players to be considered for International events as Singapore players.

To justify for the funding, SIXGA wishes to have at least 20 (?) players for Group A each year.

Hoping to have enough Group A players, this is one of the reasons for SIXGA to try out having Group B twice a year for three years from 2009 to 2011 initially with a review later.

Currently, SIXGA is working hard to encourage more graded players to participate in Group A each year and not ready to consider a demotion system as Hong Kong at the moment.

I am open to a demotion system as Hong Kong especially all graded players must participate at least once in every 2 years unless having approved reasons or conditions.

SIXGA Grades A and B systems are the same as educational “A” and “O” levels, we are unable to take back educational levels at the moment.

The above is just my analysis of the development regarding Singapore Xiangqi Open during these few years and nothing to do with SIXGA’s direction.

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2010年新加坡全国象棋个人锦标赛(2010年5月21日至6月6日)总贴 卷心菜   (302 bytes , 2943reads )
up 棋一生   (0 bytes , 199reads )
火影自战简说-最关键的第九轮 火影   (1530 bytes , 597reads )
大力支持!如临其境! 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 317reads )
绝杀 or 决杀? Anyway, good game! bls   (0 bytes , 304reads )
支持! piggy888   (0 bytes , 412reads )
有没有A组淘汰赛的比赛纪录? 青莲   (0 bytes , 325reads )
我发一局吧。 火影   (2435 bytes , 491reads )
好!好!好! 卷心菜   (8 bytes , 288reads )
听说薪加坡象总会在华新发布的,要给他们时间整理。 kurubear   (0 bytes , 315reads )
八卦一下 几度   (1055 bytes , 512reads )
哈哈,中国的山可没去。但是我天天都在武吉知马山附近念经啊。 只不过是对学生念经 piggy888   (0 bytes , 388reads )
Piggy如能在赛前拜名山烧高香,则最后一轮必能取胜从而拿到甲级 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 350reads )
也可以在这里多做自战解说 ,对自己和其它棋友有大贡献。 SG-Reporter   (0 bytes , 391reads )
几时颁奖给优胜者? SG-Reporter   (0 bytes , 309reads )
估计颁奖典礼将于象总新理事就职晚宴一起进行,估计在七八月,具体等象总的消息。 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 333reads )
由于不明原因,新加坡象总只应许象总人士接触以下资料 SG-Reporter   (121 bytes , 377reads )
有最新的对阵表么?谢谢! 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 309reads )
[A组] 对阵表 ----- 有谁可以提供(拍下的)前5轮的对阵表? SG-Reporter   (0 bytes , 387reads )
[B组] 对阵表 ----- 有谁可以提供前4轮的对阵表? SG-Reporter   (0 bytes , 367reads )
在打。 SG-Reporter   (0 bytes , 339reads )
chen jingxuan 的xuan,怎么打? SG-Reporter   (0 bytes , 307reads )
陈靖媗 几度   (0 bytes , 498reads )
谢谢,几度棋友! SG-Reporter   (0 bytes , 310reads )
赛场群英! 棋一生   (225 bytes , 390reads )
精彩对局(总贴) 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 510reads )
A组第六轮对局(1) 棋一生   (3762 bytes , 441reads )
A组第六轮对局(3) 棋一生   (4058 bytes , 379reads )
小将陈靖龙残棋功夫了得,马单缺士巧和马双兵单士! 棋一生   (0 bytes , 390reads )
Jiayou to Chen Jing Long. bls   (247 bytes , 389reads )
A组第六轮对局(2) 棋一生   (2520 bytes , 371reads )
This round Lu Guo Long anyhow play. bls   (57 bytes , 477reads )
应该不是吧。他老早就失去了先手。 xiaobeidou   (318 bytes , 378reads )
Your suggest cannot get clear cut advantage. My idea is bls   (484 bytes , 434reads )
A组第七轮对局(1) 棋一生   (2591 bytes , 372reads )
A组第七轮对局(2) 棋一生   (4376 bytes , 463reads )
Xiong Guo Wei move 52 车2退6 bls   (0 bytes , 443reads )
KO already. How could he miss that? bls   (0 bytes , 293reads )
未必吧 xiaobeidou   (105 bytes , 306reads )
How about black continue this move? bls   (228 bytes , 411reads )
由于是比赛这步棋估计算不清。说实话很难说。但给我选我可能选多子方 xiaobeidou   (243 bytes , 370reads )
炮5平2的时候红车四平六应该就可以了吧。 几度   (0 bytes , 405reads )
炮2+1? bls   (62 bytes , 343reads )
erm... I mean xiaobeidou   (182 bytes , 285reads )
恩所以我的意思是必须算的细。可能就有一两步的差距。可能上将减少了很多压力。 xiaobeidou   (0 bytes , 347reads )
最后接走红应该有炮六平五弃炮或仕六进五弃车快一步吧。 几度   (0 bytes , 335reads )
Maybe need to have one 过门 first. How about this? bls   (510 bytes , 342reads )
红总是有车九平八牵制的 几度   (415 bytes , 459reads )
不好意思,记错了黑车位置。 几度   (402 bytes , 362reads )
马3进2不走走马3进4?那黑车2平8马上就要决杀红棋了。 xiaobeidou   (130 bytes , 391reads )
Thanks for the pointers. I think no KO except for.. bls   (36 bytes , 406reads )
no problem。。2 brains is better than one。 感觉雄这盘应该输的。侯走漏了。 xiaobeidou   (137 bytes , 359reads )
A组第八轮对局(1) 棋一生   (2764 bytes , 455reads )
A组第八轮对局(3) 棋一生   (2329 bytes , 375reads )
A组第八轮对局(2) 棋一生   (2461 bytes , 387reads )
A组第八轮对局(2) 棋一生   (2400 bytes , 472reads )
又忘了打勾勾! 棋一生   (0 bytes , 284reads )
A组第九轮对局(1) 棋一生   (2807 bytes , 370reads )
A组第九轮对局(2) 棋一生   (2292 bytes , 393reads )
A组第十轮对局(1) 棋一生   (1464 bytes , 410reads )
A组第十轮对局(2) 棋一生   (1517 bytes , 358reads )
A组第五轮对局(1) 棋一生   (1712 bytes , 400reads )
A组第五轮成绩(3) 棋一生   (3990 bytes , 309reads )
A组第五轮成绩(2) 棋一生   (2377 bytes , 298reads )
A组第四轮对局(1) 棋一生   (2984 bytes , 645reads )
A组第四轮对局(3) 棋一生   (3487 bytes , 414reads )
A组第四轮对局(2) 棋一生   (2749 bytes , 486reads )
少了几盘棋 SG-Reporter   (0 bytes , 297reads )
苦衷! 棋一生   (179 bytes , 355reads )
补充! 棋一生   (69 bytes , 340reads )
祝棋一生老师名列前茅。 SG-Reporter   (18 bytes , 368reads )
请问:棋一生老师有参加这一届的比赛吗? 十窍通九窍   (13 bytes , 303reads )
今年没参加A组全国赛! 棋一生   (1306 bytes , 311reads )
棋一生老师,台湾棋友关心您! 十窍通九窍   (232 bytes , 334reads )
真感动!谢谢台湾棋友的关心! 棋一生   (46 bytes , 298reads )
双方用时,记录没写清楚,无法列出! 棋一生   (0 bytes , 289reads )
已经了解,比赛没明文规定,有的话应该是棋手本身习惯,没关系的。 SG-Reporter   (0 bytes , 292reads )
棋一生老师可否加入棋手剩下时间,以便自行计算用时和了解棋手实力差距? SG-Reporter   (1 bytes , 289reads )
好的! 棋一生   (0 bytes , 253reads )
古为今用!看黄俊铭如何巧用古谱“桔中秘”的精彩杀着,连弃双车绝杀康德荣! 棋一生   (0 bytes , 551reads )
53步时红方是马4+6不是马4+2吧? RB   (0 bytes , 430reads )
红方马四进二诱黑方马7金8吃马,然后车六进一弃车杀! 棋一生   (22 bytes , 411reads )
黑第43着不车2进1吃炮,走炮5进4打将,不是可以抽车胜吗? 呜呼哀哉   (0 bytes , 333reads )
并非如此。 几度   (191 bytes , 397reads )
you lousy la...i always do that as a kid 九阳神功   (4 bytes , 430reads )
A组第三轮对局(1) 棋一生   (3670 bytes , 579reads )
A组第三轮对局(4) 棋一生   (2420 bytes , 374reads )
A组第三轮对局(3) 棋一生   (2159 bytes , 449reads )
少了两盘棋 SG-Reporter   (0 bytes , 289reads )
A组第三轮对局(2) 棋一生   (1399 bytes , 517reads )
陈靖龙棋手。。。 SG-Reporter   (275 bytes , 452reads )
康大这盘棋是不是对手掉钟? 桑原秀策   (178 bytes , 411reads )
修正! 棋一生   (449 bytes , 396reads )
A组第二轮对局(1) 棋一生   (3376 bytes , 477reads )
A组第二轮对局(2) 棋一生   (4251 bytes , 607reads )
No eye see. Ni Fu Liang vs Chen Jing Long. bls   (63 bytes , 420reads )
Both sides I mean. bls   (54 bytes , 336reads )
少了一盘棋 SG-Reporter   (0 bytes , 363reads )
第一轮对局(1) 棋一生   (3933 bytes , 567reads )
A组第1轮对局(2) 棋一生   (3927 bytes , 526reads )
明天SG-Reporter会帮忙报道。 kurubear   (0 bytes , 302reads )
抵达新加坡了,正准备到象总,报道和了解 kuru Warriors 的战况。 SG-Reporter   (0 bytes , 377reads )
朱永吉先和张友彬 piggy888   (751 bytes , 682reads )
自战解说 piggy888   (2304 bytes , 552reads )
支持! kurubear   (0 bytes , 283reads )
Piggy敢为天下先,第一个贴出此次全国赛的对局,绝对红桃! 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 379reads )
Piggy是不是allen啊?:-) bin:)   (0 bytes , 344reads )
Piggy是友彬,Allen估计还没学会如何发帖,需要bin:)帮忙。。。 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 296reads )
不好意思认错人了,呵呵。我也不会发帖。 bin:)   (0 bytes , 287reads )
各轮成绩表(总贴) 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 436reads )
A组前八最终排名!黄俊铭 林耀森 熊国玮 倪福良 梁永兴 姚捷方 林超贤 卢国龙 卷心菜   (695 bytes , 622reads )
呵呵,我是千年老五。 火影   (54 bytes , 404reads )
Comrade of 5 SIR, victorious... ZJS   (0 bytes , 418reads )
谢谢! 火影   (184 bytes , 331reads )
火影的实力无容置疑,团体赛上作为主力多次夺冠,个人赛必有进前三的那天。 卷心菜   (10 bytes , 403reads )
老夫记得梁老弟90年代就拿过前三名,是位‘老’国手。 桑原秀策   (0 bytes , 405reads )
是么,如此就要祝火影加油拿第一升大师了!!! 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 308reads )
哈哈好的。大家努力,追赶黄俊铭,吴宗翰!我也很想杀杀特大。 火影   (393 bytes , 406reads )
恭喜黄俊铭大师获得2010年新加坡全国赛A组个人冠军!!! 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 415reads )
4.5/9 points ranked 14th-16th out of 26 players. bls   (181 bytes , 473reads )
I propose. bls   (210 bytes , 403reads )
Another Suggest:: Minimum Points System ZJS   (859 bytes , 423reads )
yeah I reckon it's feasible xiaobeidou   (270 bytes , 441reads )
我也曾经提出这个问题,答案是。。。。。 棋一生   (1020 bytes , 393reads )
个人所见,应该保留。 几度   (349 bytes , 366reads )
同意保留称号,但调整A组的参赛资格。 火影   (0 bytes , 427reads )
目前A组的情况是每年要“求人”参加,所以并不适合采取降级制度 卷心菜   (41 bytes , 364reads )
I think i understand what 卷心菜 is saying xiaobeidou   (227 bytes , 376reads )
This is quite a good suggestion and it's new to singapore. xiaobeidou   (253 bytes , 445reads )
Analysis of the Development regarding Singapore Xiangqi Open 碧山   (1272 bytes , 450reads )
Add Subtract Formula kurubear   (1330 bytes , 363reads )
This is not a new proposal ........ 碧山   (88 bytes , 310reads )
I agree that we should downgrade those lously player waterchess   (0 bytes , 336reads )
Promotion of chess should be primary 风云剑   (1606 bytes , 423reads )
Not preventing a player from taking part in competition.... bls   (332 bytes , 413reads )
B组前八最终排名!刘立人 徐道嵘 陈俊华 蔡俊杰 洪顺利 洪权利 张建荣 刘明辉 卷心菜   (247 bytes , 437reads )
恭喜Dr Liu 刘立人获得B组冠军!!! 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 358reads )
Congratulations to him, finally he decided to take part in competition :) 韦名   (0 bytes , 379reads )
A组9轮后排名(前八进入第10轮) 卷心菜   (604 bytes , 428reads )
AB组第9轮 几度   (3090 bytes , 531reads )
can 5/16 >> Red move C8+6! , BC5+4 , RD5+4!,BH5+4,RH5+3 ! Will red win faster 理解象棋   (0 bytes , 386reads )
Mistake, cannot . Cos BC5+4 change to BH5+3 , Red die 理解象棋   (0 bytes , 353reads )
But Red still can win ! how :P 理解象棋   (0 bytes , 303reads )
提议 风云剑   (196 bytes , 324reads )
黑有一车换双兵种占优。 几度   (0 bytes , 317reads )
的确 风云剑   (88 bytes , 299reads )
更正 几度   (157 bytes , 364reads )
Latest News: 蔡俊杰升乙级!陈俊华升乙级!刘立人升乙级! 卷心菜   (130 bytes , 408reads )
恭喜陈俊华晋升乙级!! linmeng   (496 bytes , 561reads )
薪加坡蔡俊杰棋手,我有下过快棋。肯定是有级棋手的棋力。 kurubear   (0 bytes , 464reads )
A组第7轮成绩和第8轮对阵表 几度   (220 bytes , 538reads )
B组进入第二阶段的八强选手和9到48名的最终排名 卷心菜   (375 bytes , 532reads )
陈俊华听了我的劝告,报名参加全国赛。 smmasing   (52 bytes , 470reads )
list of Top 8 of Group B within 3 years …… total of 10 after 4 Jun 2010 .... 碧山   (541 bytes , 395reads )
list of 10 players in Top 8 Rule of Group B within 3 years starting 2009 ……... 碧山   (149 bytes , 375reads )
text record (non-JPG format) 卷心菜   (1691 bytes , 587reads )
B组第7轮成绩(第7轮是B组第一阶段最后一轮) 卷心菜   (90 bytes , 412reads )
B组第6轮成绩 卷心菜   (90 bytes , 448reads )
A组第6轮成绩 几度   (32 bytes , 411reads )
A组第5轮成绩 棋一生   (288 bytes , 429reads )
A组1-4轮成绩 几度   (305 bytes , 516reads )
女中豪杰陈茗芳连创历史!第一个女乙级,第一个女A组,第一个在A组获胜的女将。 卷心菜   (139 bytes , 455reads )
A组第4轮简报 几度   (2320 bytes , 447reads )
“下到一半许永坤竟然偷笑。。中局走个不变作和。。结果许永坤仍然只守不攻。。” 特级大师洪安豪   (23 bytes , 597reads )
嘿嘿 几度   (312 bytes , 403reads )
廖铭濠口罩立功,林大师竭力求变! 卷心菜   (418 bytes , 486reads )
晕,这帖涮的人多了。 几度   (78 bytes , 372reads )
Some Information of Group A and Group B after 3 and 2 Rounds respectively ..... 碧山   (631 bytes , 506reads )
try to recall the results of Group A Round 1 ....... 碧山   (404 bytes , 529reads )
In general, 乙级 did well in Round 1 先手. 碧山   (0 bytes , 420reads )
sorry, first error .... 碧山   (30 bytes , 404reads )
各轮排阵表(总贴) 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 352reads )
Groups A and B -- Top 8 Last Round (Round 10) on 6 Jun 2010, Sunday 1 PM .... 碧山   (481 bytes , 436reads )
B组第7轮排阵表(第一台蔡俊杰vs陈俊华)(附分析预测) 卷心菜   (434 bytes , 553reads )
A组第7轮对阵表 几度   (32 bytes , 489reads )
朱永吉棋手。。。 SG-Reporter   (313 bytes , 416reads )
哈哈,Allen 加油。 bin:)   (0 bytes , 435reads )
B组第6轮对阵表 几度   (69 bytes , 388reads )
说明 几度   (50 bytes , 335reads )
听人说,陈茂然也是棋手, kurubear   (38 bytes , 418reads )
A组第6轮对阵表 几度   (32 bytes , 328reads )
B组第4轮排阵表 几度   (32 bytes , 377reads )
各位棋友帮忙一下 几度   (198 bytes , 354reads )
A组第一轮对阵表(第一台:康德荣 先手vs 侯志雄) 卷心菜   (338 bytes , 503reads )
赛前报导及A,B组优胜选手大竞猜 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 473reads )
乙级大竞猜!蔡俊杰vs张建荣;陈俊华vs刘明辉;刘立人vs洪顺利;徐道嵘vs洪权利 卷心菜   (106 bytes , 401reads )
A组 几度   (100 bytes , 468reads )
我押 !! 网络蚂蚁   (237 bytes , 422reads )
我押宝廖铭濠必进前八。 卷心菜   (38 bytes , 370reads )
看了廖铭濠的棋,应该能进前三了。 qaz   (10 bytes , 419reads )
我也下星期四才抵达新加坡。 SG-Reporter   (0 bytes , 326reads )
我也 pay more attentions to ......... 碧山   (105 bytes , 480reads )
I guess Xu Zheng Hao. bls   (78 bytes , 420reads )
Any updates? How is my Xu Zheng Hao performing so far? bls   (37 bytes , 1277reads )
A组前三甲:卢国龙、许正豪、林耀森 棋一生   (0 bytes , 394reads )
有没有种子棋手的分类? SG-Reporter   (0 bytes , 329reads )
likely 13 大师/甲级 vs 13 乙级 in Round 1 .... 碧山   (0 bytes , 315reads )
老夫预测向来准! 桑原秀策   (39 bytes , 413reads )
我也来玩玩。。 xiaobeidou   (155 bytes , 460reads )
LOL Eteng   (83 bytes , 521reads )
红马- 黄俊明,林耀森。 黑马- 梁永兴, 卢国龙。 piggy888   (20 bytes , 410reads )
乙级 ........ 碧山   (41 bytes , 445reads )
赔率 ... ... piggy888   (94 bytes , 402reads )
我来猜A组,我猜冠军黄俊铭 卷心菜   (545 bytes , 452reads )
heard that 25 players in Group A last Sunday ...... 碧山   (252 bytes , 416reads )
four good points to note from the list of 25 players ..... 碧山   (425 bytes , 426reads )
one more point from 谢思明座谈会-- 屡败屡战 to these 26 players ..... 碧山   (645 bytes , 433reads )
hope that all 26 players to complete all games ....... 碧山   (227 bytes , 347reads )
25, the 2nd highest number in the last 8 years, 28 for Year 2007. 碧山   (0 bytes , 404reads )
So do I Eteng   (0 bytes , 432reads )