x + 1 system with up and down by y positions .......
所在版块:悟入棋途 发贴时间:2010-04-13 09:53

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 

usually, the x rounds is under swiss pairing system to get a ranking list.

From the critical last one round, need to decide on the number of positions for up and down before : --

(1) up and down by maximum 1 position with : -- (coming 2010 Group A likely method)

1 vs 2
3 vs 4
5 vs 6
7 vs 8

(2) up and down by maximum 2 positions with : --

1 vs 4
2 vs 3

5 vs 8
6 vs 7


(3) up and down by maximum 4 positions with : --

1 vs 8
2 vs 7
3 vs 6
4 vs 5


2009 3rd “芳庄旅游杯”越南象棋公开赛 used up and down by maximum 4 positions for positons 5 to 12 with (9 + 1) system : --

5 vs 12
6 vs 11
7 vs 10
8 vs 9

You may read below : --


 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
2010年全国象棋赛比赛时间表 棋一生   (1212 bytes , 1130reads )
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test SG-Reporter   (2615 bytes , 341reads )
感谢您把章程修改得更完美! 棋一生   (0 bytes , 325reads )
电脑高手们是否可以告诉我如何避免出现“&#61548”这组数字吗? 棋一生   (0 bytes , 741reads )
&#61548应该是某个特殊字符,在这里不能正常显示。 张辽   (38 bytes , 495reads )
棋赛的日期与制度略有修改! 棋一生   (126 bytes , 371reads )
修改后的全国赛时间表 棋一生   (967 bytes , 602reads )
棋赛的日期与制度略有修改! 特级大狮   (30 bytes , 355reads )
May be 9 + 1 system can be used for Group B too if it is not too late. 碧山   (0 bytes , 282reads )
2 years ago I suggested this system but you refuted me. bls   (59 bytes , 357reads )
The Time Stamps speak for the facts ......... 碧山   (584 bytes , 372reads )
请顺便讲解9+1是什么。 SG-Reporter   (0 bytes , 327reads )
x + 1 system with up and down by y positions ....... 碧山   (699 bytes , 327reads )
(3) up and down by maximum 4 positions with SG-Reporter   (18 bytes , 396reads )
No, this is only one round, could have 分先 ......... 碧山   (172 bytes , 286reads )
so results from last main round not used? kurubear   (194 bytes , 360reads )
both results of [x rounds swiss pairing system] and [+1 round] are used in ... 碧山   (1325 bytes , 304reads )
第9轮的前8名进入第10轮争取排名! 棋一生   (112 bytes , 374reads )
应该有看头,大家都期待。 SG-Reporter   (0 bytes , 314reads )
限时方面呢? 火影   (0 bytes , 302reads )
主要是让棋手可以预先安排时间参赛,比赛其它资料会陆续公布 SG-Reporter   (0 bytes , 343reads )
是不是说明A组从今年开始不在有淘汰赛了? 卷心菜   (28 bytes , 300reads )
i think Mr 碧山 play a positive part on this. kurubear   (0 bytes , 329reads )
I do not think so ........ 碧山   (1226 bytes , 403reads )
碧山棋友负责公开赛赛制的? SG-Reporter   (0 bytes , 348reads )
no, just put up suggestions as one of SIXGA members ....... 碧山   (52 bytes , 346reads )
7 + 1 system with one round 分先 could be better than 7 + 3 system without 分先 碧山   (260 bytes , 345reads )
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May be those who are going to 第4届“芳庄旅游杯”越南象棋公开赛 ..... 碧山   (265 bytes , 368reads )
是! 棋一生   (173 bytes , 363reads )
大力支持! 卷心菜   (14 bytes , 355reads )
支持! 几度   (89 bytes , 282reads )
祝大家发挥高水平,比出好成绩! 卷心菜   (138 bytes , 298reads )
trying to join this year ....... 碧山   (415 bytes , 303reads )
with the latest schedule, may not join this year ...... 碧山   (1410 bytes , 315reads )
heard that Group A [9+1] system is for 30 players, if less than 30 ...... 碧山   (674 bytes , 323reads )
整理 SG-Reporter   (4866 bytes , 351reads )