所在版块:悟入棋途 发贴时间:2009-12-14 01:25

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新加坡2009年(第二季)全国象棋锦标赛章程和报名表(总贴) 卷心菜   (841 bytes , 2777reads )
Hope, none was offended when i share my views on the walkover get B grade issue. 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 286reads )
尊重主办当局的决定 几度   (1115 bytes , 322reads )
我认为这里有些偏见。 xiaobeidou   (497 bytes , 303reads )
我完全同意你的看法。 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 243reads )
而且要官方临时改变赛制或决定,实在太为难他们了。这点我能理解。 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 196reads )
希望大家明白,我没说轮空晋级错。根据章程八强进淘汰赛,所以是完全合理的。 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 246reads )
赛制如此,看来陈少帅只好顺从天命了。。。真是感叹。。。咳! 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 271reads )
I agree with xiaobeidou 155HgFH88   (0 bytes , 358reads )
I think there is no... kurubear   (69 bytes , 249reads )
BTW, how do Grade B promote to Grade A? (NM) kurubear   (0 bytes , 269reads )
Top 8 in the A div national competition. xiaobeidou   (253 bytes , 337reads )
& are Grade A/B status fix or have to renew somehow every x number of years?(NM) kurubear   (0 bytes , 231reads )
我有个想法。 火影   (84 bytes , 299reads )
I have a different opinion. xiaobeidou   (831 bytes , 409reads )
I agreed with Hua Ying too. By all means, top seed confirmed graded this year. ZJS   (220 bytes , 295reads )
In this case..... 歌神   (98 bytes , 405reads )
这主意不错。 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 218reads )
Depends if all should start with equal chances or are actualy seeded (NM) kurubear   (0 bytes , 245reads )
Juz curious, let's VOTE, who agree to walkover get B grade? say i agree..thx 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 361reads )
If I am the player, I have no violent objection... kurubear   (329 bytes , 271reads )
I agree (NM) kurubear   (0 bytes , 229reads )
i agree? (i'm juz replying to myself because i believe no one will agree..) 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 257reads )
为什么不让棋手们和主办单位自己解决? 桑原秀策   (37 bytes , 262reads )
对不起,我看你误会我了,我只是想知道会有多少人跟我的想法相同罢了。 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 250reads )
最后决定 肯定是 组办单位的权力,没有任何人能干涉。也不应干涉。 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 194reads )
我只是好奇罢了。如有冒犯任何人或官方单位,请多见谅。 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 215reads )
吕大侠快人快语,大家都尊重。:-) 几度   (0 bytes , 164reads )
多谢!=) 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 165reads )
I thinking his idea is that this is like a opinion poll on an issue,.. kurubear   (37 bytes , 239reads )
八强赛是按章程经过组委会集体研究决定的,是公平的。 卷心菜   (1302 bytes , 241reads )
Having a valid, non-intentional reason is good enough but... kurubear   (491 bytes , 297reads )
A balanced view, ....... 碧山   (111 bytes , 241reads )
A study of Methods used in Singapore Xiangqi Open ..... 碧山   (3551 bytes , 298reads )
if all 7 players agree to 八强三轮简易双败淘汰制 .......... 碧山   (741 bytes , 353reads )
Maybe hard for organiser to make informed decision at such short notice (NM) kurubear   (0 bytes , 365reads )
I have called SIXGA on this matter ...... 碧山   (271 bytes , 228reads )
I agreed to system. Players shd be promoted through games played which he must.. ZJS   (251 bytes , 281reads )
Thank You 碧山 for time/effort to improve the event (NM) kurubear   (0 bytes , 226reads )
For a player in the TOP8, ... kurubear   (697 bytes , 348reads )
you are going back to point no.1 .... 碧山   (154 bytes , 243reads )
Just remind... kurubear   (149 bytes , 210reads )
Agree (NM) kurubear   (0 bytes , 214reads )
呵呵,是啊,八强三轮简易双败淘汰制需要八强棋手胜2场才能晋级。 卷心菜   (549 bytes , 234reads )
In this case is 5 people max will promote? (NM) kurubear   (0 bytes , 210reads )
Is there a picture form to visualise with? ... kurubear   (295 bytes , 346reads )
No lah, you suggested 简易8强双败4轮淘汰制 ........ 碧山   (612 bytes , 315reads )
重要更正:我今天忙晕了,是碧山兄今天首次提出八强三轮双败淘汰制 卷心菜   (1300 bytes , 226reads )
No lah, I did not propose the method but I read somewhere but ..... 碧山   (170 bytes , 266reads )
Maybe we should store the key ideas... kurubear   (109 bytes , 204reads )
I think you focus on work this weekend 1st... kurubear   (135 bytes , 222reads )
So it is still played over 3 rounds? (NM) kurubear   (0 bytes , 185reads )
Well done! EXCELLENT IDEA! Things should always be changing for the better 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 271reads )
could all think from the position of 胡伟良 ........ 碧山   (719 bytes , 252reads )
Agree, help the players focus on their important matches. (NM) kurubear   (0 bytes , 199reads )
can ask hu wei liang if he accept 9th position challenger since he's involve. 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 248reads )
It is not only 胡伟良 if 庄才钧 is removed and put in 陈靖麟 ...... 碧山   (473 bytes , 334reads )
There is no easy answer to life's question. 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 269reads )
question is do we take the easy way out or strive for the stars.. 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 246reads )
If this is a replacement issue, then the pairing is not affected... kurubear   (310 bytes , 294reads )
rules again, did u watch jack neo's movie " FOLLOW THE RULES "? 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 227reads )
Is that the movie where they throw the ERP sign into the sea? (NM) kurubear   (0 bytes , 201reads )
Yup, that's the movie where at the end,breaking the rules help save many lifes. 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 200reads )
I certainly do not agree with breaking of rules for any reasons. 155HgFH88   (449 bytes , 337reads )
write in.. haha.. just like the movie..then u wait two days for result right +_+ 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 278reads )
Sorry, didn't watch the actual movie, only tralier, how did it save lives ? (NM) kurubear   (0 bytes , 200reads )
lives not lifes, typo... 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 184reads )
sometime some people may prefer not to win by walkover.. 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 231reads )
however, if he prefer to win by walkover then sixga can still stick to the rules 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 247reads )
organiser hav final say,cause so much effort is expended to coordinate the event 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 285reads )
whatever decision, there will always be people for and against it 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 229reads )
Question is majority win or minority win? 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 169reads )
is this a democratic or autocratic society? or is it "bureaucratic" !? 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 289reads )
WALKOVER ISSUE! 吕大侠   (1750 bytes , 253reads )
BTW, this walkover is for 1 or 3 days of the event? (NM) kurubear   (0 bytes , 197reads )
its 7+2 right so must be 2 FULL DAYS OF WALKOVER FOR TWO PLAYERS IF I'M RIGHT.. 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 184reads )
I not sure also... kurubear   (278 bytes , 233reads )
With so much excitement, hopefully, more ppl will be at this week matches (NM) kurubear   (0 bytes , 258reads )
吕大侠 maybe you can... kurubear   (374 bytes , 281reads )
Actually, anyone know what is the organiser stand and final decision? (NM) kurubear   (0 bytes , 195reads )
Amendments to the rule needed in this special case..... piggy888   (528 bytes , 379reads )
A good point and we have to think of ... kurubear   (458 bytes , 226reads )
piggy888 hav a good point, how can we have a walkover in the knockout stage? 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 559reads )
how can we have a walkover B grade, shouldn't measure be taken to minimise that? 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 248reads )
kurubear hav a good point too, CONTINGENCIES PLAN ARE REQUIRED! 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 197reads )
Depends on the reason that 卷心菜 cannot play. Might not be an integrity issue xiaobeidou   (0 bytes , 261reads )
definitely, & i agree totally.. 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 206reads )
my view on integrity issue here is to attain 'B' grade status through a duel. 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 252reads )
so that 'B' grade skill level of the individual is more accurate and complete. 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 228reads )
how can there be integrity on that(skill of one)with walkover win(less accurate) 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 245reads )
Whose blood is boiling? i know piggy888 are.. 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 189reads )
by the way, wei liang's buch pts is 24.5 jing ling is 28, almost 4 pts diff !! 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 323reads )
Agree ... kurubear   (707 bytes , 166reads )
I think it's only fair to stick to the rules of the competition. 155HgFH88   (415 bytes , 401reads )
2 points... kurubear   (682 bytes , 189reads )
i agree as well. 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 247reads )
however, depends on which perspective you choose to view the situation. 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 259reads )
Rules maintain orderliness of an event, but is it always right? 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 182reads )
八强淘汰赛大预测! 胡萝卜   (32 bytes , 263reads )
Who can help type the chinese names of the 7 players? (NM) kurubear   (0 bytes , 175reads )
Done! Managed to dig up from some of the postings (NM) kurubear   (0 bytes , 195reads )
Quaterfinals 2009-12-18 (NM) kurubear   (0 bytes , 163reads )
Friends & enemies, please place your bets here, .. kurubear   (209 bytes , 242reads )
Q4 胡伟良 vs 庄才钧 kurubear   (0 bytes , 227reads )
Q4 胡伟良 vs 大地空气? 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 308reads )
Let's see if 吕大侠 's 3 predictions come true. (NM) kurubear   (0 bytes , 192reads )
i tot i predicted 4 person, huweiliang,wuhanting,chenmingfang,liaominghao 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 260reads )
You never type YOU ARE THE ONE! under his name (NM) kurubear   (0 bytes , 259reads )
庄才钧 supporters post here (NM) kurubear   (0 bytes , 250reads )
Good Luck! (NM) kurubear   (0 bytes , 189reads )
胡伟良 supporters post here (NM) kurubear   (0 bytes , 206reads )
Good Luck! (NM) kurubear   (0 bytes , 166reads )
Q3 施由炳 vs 巫汉梃 (NM) kurubear   (0 bytes , 292reads )
巫汉梃 supporters post here (NM) kurubear   (0 bytes , 195reads )
YOU ARE THE MAN! 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 206reads )
Good Luck! (NM) kurubear   (0 bytes , 134reads )
施由炳 supporters post here (NM) kurubear   (0 bytes , 158reads )
Good Luck! (NM) kurubear   (0 bytes , 156reads )
Q2 林家勇 vs 陈茗芳 (NM) kurubear   (0 bytes , 228reads )
陈茗芳 enters Semi-finals (NM) kurubear   (2 bytes , 227reads )
陈茗芳 supporters post here (NM) kurubear   (0 bytes , 191reads )
YOU ARE THE WOMAN! 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 210reads )
Good Luck! (NM) kurubear   (0 bytes , 154reads )
林家勇 supporters post here (NM) kurubear   (0 bytes , 170reads )
Good Luck! (NM) kurubear   (0 bytes , 170reads )
Q1 廖铭濠 vs 赵金山 (NM) kurubear   (0 bytes , 172reads )
廖铭濠 enters Semi-finals (NM) kurubear   (2 bytes , 206reads )
赵金山 supporters post here (NM) kurubear   (0 bytes , 163reads )
Good Luck! (NM) kurubear   (0 bytes , 154reads )
廖铭濠 supporters post here (NM) kurubear   (0 bytes , 182reads )
YOU ARE THE RAIN! 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 190reads )
Good Luck! (NM) kurubear   (0 bytes , 158reads )
I predict Top2 after people pass me info from this Fri Quarterfinals :-) (NM) kurubear   (0 bytes , 230reads )
Anyone who can help me... kurubear   (1265 bytes , 253reads )
The diagram is here, apology... kurubear   (254 bytes , 208reads )
Diagram... kurubear   (252 bytes , 233reads )
Have any of them played each other and what was the results? (NM) kurubear   (0 bytes , 234reads )
我预测冠军是卷心菜。 多啦A梦   (94 bytes , 249reads )
晕。。。退票?真可惜啊。。!!!走宝。 多啦A梦   (0 bytes , 212reads )
我预测冠军 是 巫汉梃! 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 252reads )
巫汉梃深厚的中残功力,其大刀阔斧的棋风不容小觑! 风云剑   (0 bytes , 203reads )
我预测:前四名:廖铭濠,巫汉梃,胡伟良,林家勇。 胡萝卜   (97 bytes , 291reads )
胡萝卜 hit Jackpot in 3 of 4 predition, congratz. (NM) kurubear   (2 bytes , 250reads )
我预测冠军是 胡伟良 waterchess   (0 bytes , 192reads )
Who know the format used in other countries's CHIchess Open (xclude China) ? (NM kurubear   (0 bytes , 206reads )
What the minimum time needed per player for a good game with bonus 30s/move (NM) kurubear   (0 bytes , 213reads )
If you need to have more details regarding Vietnam 2009 Open in Mar 2009 ... 碧山   (124 bytes , 226reads )
Found the post, TY. They using 9 + 2 system, 80 min , bonus 30s , USD6k (NM) kurubear   (0 bytes , 229reads )
9 + 2 system for Top 4 and 9 +1 system for next 8. 碧山   (0 bytes , 230reads )
Noted (NM) kurubear   (0 bytes , 205reads )
Just to confirm the approved applicants are ... kurubear   (313 bytes , 315reads )
2009年全国个人赛B组第二季:第七轮战罢后全部排名,产生出前八进入淘汰赛 卷心菜   (175 bytes , 706reads )
详细战报:末轮大决战,榴莲兄弟冲出重围,一刀俊杰无缘八强。 卷心菜   (3780 bytes , 595reads )
卷心菜兄文才出众,棋力超群,是本地棋坛一位不可多得的人才! HanTing   (120 bytes , 338reads )
What does the rule say about ... kurubear   (82 bytes , 265reads )
Rule (8) and Rule (12.2) ........ 碧山   (387 bytes , 315reads )
卷心菜 has put in a lot of effort to release so much ...... 碧山   (343 bytes , 296reads )
The 2 posts no mention anything on walkover at TOP8... kurubear   (121 bytes , 289reads )
abnormal cases will be covered under Rule 14 for ...... 碧山   (131 bytes , 423reads )
Now things make some sense, TY. (NM) kurubear   (0 bytes , 208reads )
so there is a confirmed walkover? (NM) kurubear   (0 bytes , 230reads )
Is it fair to walkover. LingLong   (143 bytes , 298reads )
fair if u follow the rules strictly..( top 8 promoted) 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 260reads )
however, p. withdraw event not mentioned in the registration form, so can appeal 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 251reads )
My humble view is ... kurubear   (1028 bytes , 219reads )
sorry, but where can we find these rules? (NM) kurubear   (0 bytes , 221reads )
his first good news is this 2009 promotion to Grade B, the next good news .... 碧山   (195 bytes , 381reads )
(我此时的心情) 一局一伤/by 方文山 一刀n断   (314 bytes , 396reads )
I suggest you standby the victory poem to be used after Jun 2010 event (NM) kurubear   (0 bytes , 537reads )
My thoughts on 廖明濠 ... kurubear   (1102 bytes , 329reads )
I wrote on 廖明濠 not because he 100% will be winner but solely because... kurubear   (298 bytes , 345reads )
5 Ways to stop Minghao from winning...... piggy888   (545 bytes , 277reads )
I have one way to stop Liao Ming Hao. peanut   (34 bytes , 292reads )
I like your point no 6. ZJS   (203 bytes , 241reads )
The best divine help you can get is at ... kurubear   (822 bytes , 327reads )
是啊我以前也说过看好廖和林超贤 xiaobeidou   (559 bytes , 421reads )
Any ideas to improve the skill level of Grade B players instead ? ... kurubear   (398 bytes , 262reads )
What exactly are the key factors ... kurubear   (173 bytes , 219reads )
The only way to up the standard is to hold more competitions xiaobeidou   (549 bytes , 323reads )
In this case... kurubear   (78 bytes , 228reads )
KUNDU= what meaning? (NM) kurubear   (0 bytes , 190reads )
Study more, talk less. 几度   (0 bytes , 209reads )
You mean what kind of study? Group, buddy...? (NM) kurubear   (0 bytes , 237reads )
个人赛的水平 几度   (448 bytes , 278reads )
说到赛制,我觉得7+2 太少,应该9+2 或11 轮round robin. 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 241reads )
knock out system ( 7+3 or 7+2 etc. ) 大忙人   (261 bytes , 528reads )
Competition system for Division A 大忙人   (142 bytes , 302reads )
I agree tht the 11 rounds system is the best as well. xiaobeidou   (633 bytes , 302reads )
Just to add another point. xiaobeidou   (318 bytes , 350reads )
There are some good points there... kurubear   (440 bytes , 224reads )
good question 大忙人   (82 bytes , 344reads )
1 issue with better longer rounds is that more people may no make it all rd (NM) kurubear   (0 bytes , 297reads )
only additional 2 rds, is it really that difficult? where's the commitment ? 吕大侠   (148 bytes , 320reads )
Anyone know what is the format used by Singapore INTchess Open?.... kurubear   (56 bytes , 224reads )
这个问题很复杂,时代在发展,11轮已经不适应现代生活节奏。 卷心菜   (512 bytes , 364reads )
Other concerns 1... kurubear   (454 bytes , 228reads )
At the same time.... kurubear   (1064 bytes , 322reads )
我理解你的意思。 xiaobeidou   (196 bytes , 261reads )
新加坡最具潜力的棋手,应该是洪安豪,但不小心入了邪道而无法发挥最高实力! 特级大师洪安豪   (0 bytes , 233reads )
不是。最高应该是假扮特级大师洪安豪的人黄荣岳:P xiaobeidou   (0 bytes , 273reads )
我们现在说的是潜力,不是高不高。。。笨! 特级大师洪安豪   (0 bytes , 229reads )
说你是体力高!笨! xiaobeidou   (0 bytes , 182reads )
非也 几度   (70 bytes , 273reads )
陈靖媗的记忆力费比寻常! 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 248reads )
Which online CHIchess website you play at? or where in Singapore? (NM) kurubear   (0 bytes , 214reads )
Hope to have chance to learn from 特级大师洪安豪 (NM) kurubear   (0 bytes , 303reads )
小廖的战绩老夫还算满意。 桑原秀策   (0 bytes , 201reads )
I find him very ridiculous ... kurubear   (375 bytes , 234reads )
He has not used his full power yet 风云剑   (815 bytes , 407reads )
You got a wrong record 几度   (88 bytes , 361reads )
罗秉篆(luo bing zhuan) also won all his 9 games..... piggy888   (143 bytes , 384reads )
Where to find info on such history on Singapore CHIchess? (NM) kurubear   (0 bytes , 224reads )
http://www.sixga.org/competition_result_english.htm (but nt updated since 2005) piggy888   (0 bytes , 286reads )
Positively, at least we have records some where :-) (NM) kurubear   (0 bytes , 209reads )
http://v15.huasing.org/bbs.php?B=123_11220956 碧山   (0 bytes , 257reads )
是啊,廖铭濠在B组能力高居第一。 卷心菜   (117 bytes , 239reads )
1 player withdraw? (NM) kurubear   (0 bytes , 428reads )
So far, 3 to be promoted and 2 to 3 more to be decided on 18 Dec ..... 碧山   (156 bytes , 299reads )
How come the pairing is based on rankings not reshuffled from new numbering? (NM kurubear   (0 bytes , 244reads )
淘汰赛这种赛制有时会同循环赛制相结合,。。。。。。。 碧山   (2191 bytes , 371reads )
Will it be 1 vs 8, 2 vs 7 and so on? 风云剑   (0 bytes , 189reads )
What is the pros/cons of 1 vs 8, 2 vs 7 and so on? (NM) kurubear   (0 bytes , 190reads )
是的,八强赛对阵已经在排名贴的里面贴出! 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 274reads )
Not by lucky draw of number first? (NM) kurubear   (0 bytes , 202reads )
第六轮战罢后排名(还剩最后一轮) 卷心菜   (45 bytes , 297reads )
第七轮前瞻(八强预测) 卷心菜   (1275 bytes , 325reads )
中午Peak Hour的时候去Clementi KFC 一刀n断   (239 bytes , 364reads )
Ranking Positions after Round 5 ...... 碧山   (232 bytes , 319reads )
Since men/women events is combined, what is the situation for ladies now? (NM) kurubear   (0 bytes , 447reads )
The three ladies, positions 11, 24 and 30. 碧山   (0 bytes , 398reads )
Will any of them be getting any monetary bonus? (NM) kurubear   (0 bytes , 280reads )
Maybe can give them a small bonus... kurubear   (159 bytes , 336reads )
祝贺kurubear第五轮执先妙手战胜对手,希望第六轮能再接再厉! 卷心菜   (46 bytes , 259reads )
前四轮战罢kurubear积2分成功保本,第五轮将先手迎战对手,加油加油! 卷心菜   (20 bytes , 394reads )
All JYJY and play well ! Encourage more people to play Division B next year (NM) kurubear   (0 bytes , 260reads )
Any confirmation regarding ........... 碧山   (165 bytes , 276reads )
As per mutual understanding, it should starting June/July 2009 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 306reads )
In this case, likely to see 廖明濠, 赖俊杰 and 卷心菜 move into ....... 碧山   (290 bytes , 300reads )
magician88一骑绝尘直奔乙级,waterchess冲级需过两个cai jun关 卷心菜   (780 bytes , 320reads )
前八即升乙级棋士? 桑原秀策   (0 bytes , 225reads )
Wow, caijun r u playing tonight? Eteng   (114 bytes , 400reads )
correction -- 廖铭濠.... 碧山   (62 bytes , 255reads )
希望 巫汉梃 或 陈靖麟 能夺冠 (加油!) 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 295reads )
ZJS和歌神非常强,看好这两位中坚棋手。 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 267reads )
We are both well known for being NUS Durian Brothers... ZJS   (62 bytes , 339reads )
榴莲兄弟。。。看来Cabbage由于太便宜而没人捡。 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 248reads )
My brother underestimated the value of cabbage last sunday....i won't. :-P ZJS   (30 bytes , 290reads )
He is more deadly than what he appears to be. :-) (NM) kurubear   (0 bytes , 222reads )
棋手精彩对局总贴 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 276reads )
棋桌喝茶--棋盘上面满是杯具(悲剧) 第7轮 一刀n断先和蔡俊杰 一刀n断   (1154 bytes , 585reads )
People say their chance greatly increased next year. Sort of good news (NM) kurubear   (0 bytes , 237reads )
On a related point for the future ... kurubear   (263 bytes , 464reads )
Who can help point out the missed chance? (NM) kurubear   (0 bytes , 280reads )
这局棋双方错进错处争夺的极为精彩,围观的人里三层外三层! 卷心菜   (119 bytes , 324reads )
第五轮对局: 赵金山 先负 廖铭濠 一刀n断   (434 bytes , 371reads )
Some ideas from this game.... kurubear   (2608 bytes , 321reads )
Do you play I chess? magician88   (98 bytes , 669reads )
Beginner player at both ... kurubear   (2083 bytes , 400reads )
第四轮对局:廖明濠 先胜 赖俊杰 吕大侠   (488 bytes , 392reads )
第二轮对局:廖明濠 先胜 陈世昌 吕大侠   (404 bytes , 360reads )
第二轮对局:杨亚池 先负 廖明濠 吕大侠   (434 bytes , 319reads )
第一轮对局:文传冠 先负 巫汉梃 吕大侠   (446 bytes , 450reads )
这局显示出了巫汉梃深厚的中残功力,其大刀阔斧的棋风不容小觑! 乾坤一统吴宗翰   (0 bytes , 456reads )
这局显示出了巫汉梃深厚的中残功力,其大刀阔斧的棋风不容小觑! 特级大师洪安豪   (0 bytes , 250reads )
冬冬不得了,西洋镜拆穿! peanut   (0 bytes , 256reads )
hey Huang RongYue 黄荣岳, pls stop using tejidashi hong an hao nickname, tnx HanTing   (0 bytes , 689reads )
第一轮对局:廖铭濠 先胜 阮俊辉 吕大侠   (440 bytes , 370reads )
Didnt really play well too. magician88   (161 bytes , 369reads )
你说得很对。这两步我就不多看了。:P 几度   (100 bytes , 273reads )
第一轮对局:赖俊杰(先)胜陈靖媗 卷心菜   (1138 bytes , 406reads )
各轮排阵表和成绩总贴 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 312reads )
第七轮排阵表:第一台:廖铭濠 先手对 施由炳 卷心菜   (45 bytes , 262reads )
第六轮对阵表:第一台:廖铭濠 先手对 林家勇 卷心菜   (45 bytes , 410reads )
第五轮对阵表:第一台赵金山先手对廖铭濠 卷心菜   (45 bytes , 604reads )
In theory, those in the first 16 boards are till having chances ........ 碧山   (361 bytes , 563reads )
历史回顾,2008年6月个人赛B组(58人参赛)七轮战罢,9人积5或5.5分 卷心菜   (2250 bytes , 367reads )
本届比赛由于参赛人数为43人,我估计七轮后对手分最高的两个4.5分的也能进入前八。 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 236reads )
第四轮对阵表:第一台廖铭濠先手对赖俊杰 卷心菜   (162 bytes , 396reads )
第四轮详细战报:文礼二少头台鏖战,火星地球激情碰撞。 卷心菜   (1839 bytes , 356reads )
老夫承认小廖的甲级实力。小子,全场基本你最强,别输棋让老夫失望。 桑原秀策   (0 bytes , 236reads )
还没对到特别强的,下来的才是硬仗。 几度   (22 bytes , 236reads )
恩 听闻昨日敬文大婚 恭喜恭喜 一刀n断   (38 bytes , 282reads )
应该说。。。 HanTing   (16 bytes , 303reads )
这就是所谓的蝴蝶效应?(butterfly effect) 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 281reads )
确实有蝴蝶效应 几度   (239 bytes , 276reads )
解釋 HanTing   (423 bytes , 404reads )
没有人怪你 几度   (88 bytes , 232reads )
的確 HanTing   (0 bytes , 261reads )
呵呵那么有义气的朋友真是我的荣幸。。 xiaobeidou   (0 bytes , 236reads )
放心,还有机会不要放弃,我相信你的实力! 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 371reads )
第三轮对阵表:第一台赖俊杰先手对林奕寰 卷心菜   (45 bytes , 468reads )
第二轮对阵表:第一台翁文龙先手对赖俊杰 卷心菜   (45 bytes , 375reads )
第一轮对阵表 几度   (86 bytes , 302reads )
照片3 几度   (213 bytes , 345reads )
照片2 几度   (352 bytes , 339reads )
照片1 几度   (379 bytes , 379reads )
场记 几度   (2518 bytes , 431reads )
第一轮对阵表(放大修正版):第一台赖俊杰先手对陈靖媗 卷心菜   (45 bytes , 376reads )
官方消息:个人赛B组报名人数超过40人,比赛照常进行。女子组选手合并进入B组。 卷心菜   (60 bytes , 289reads )
第一轮时间:星期五晚上七点半(2009年12月4日) 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 249reads )
召唤报名!还有最后一周的报名时间!如果达不到40人报名的话比赛将被取消! 卷心菜   (101 bytes , 278reads )
where is 黄建达 ? Top 8 of 新加坡全国象棋锦标赛2009年(第一季) ..... 碧山   (260 bytes , 481reads )
So the 2009-12 competition is on or not on or unconfirmed? (NM) kurubear   (0 bytes , 252reads )
照常举行 几度   (53 bytes , 307reads )
没有新闻=没有被取消=照常进行 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 274reads )
the competition is on without notice. whatever information here are unofficial. 碧山   (537 bytes , 282reads )
Enough people so far ? (NM) kurubear   (0 bytes , 248reads )
可能差一点 几度   (155 bytes , 251reads )
What is the reason behind the special number 40 people? (NM) kurubear   (0 bytes , 298reads )
This is more related to the justification of Fund spent by the sponsor and ... 碧山   (495 bytes , 349reads )
kurubear will be there kurubear   (170 bytes , 296reads )
Good Luck 风云剑   (199 bytes , 338reads )
你早就有亿级的水平了 xiaobeidou   (118 bytes , 273reads )
I also hope everyone can be at 亿级的水平 one day (NM) kurubear   (0 bytes , 234reads )
看过你的自评。你的棋应该还可以的多加油吧 xiaobeidou   (0 bytes , 217reads )
Thank you, xiaobeidou. You also jiayoujiayou TOP3 in China ASAP (NM) kurubear   (0 bytes , 323reads )
我是来凑数的~~ 王印   (59 bytes , 224reads )
qiaoqiao 问一下 华新活跃的棋友有多少报名了 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 245reads )
明天我去看看 几度   (47 bytes , 274reads )
我已經確定不參加這次比賽 minghui   (76 bytes , 252reads )
呵呵,明年再战! 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 220reads )
冠军预测和升乙级棋士称号的棋手预测 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 286reads )
冠军:胡伟良! 棋一生   (0 bytes , 262reads )
带头竞猜:冠军预测:廖铭濠。升乙级预测:廖铭濠,巫汉梃,蔡俊杰,赖俊杰 卷心菜   (136 bytes , 316reads )
排名不分先后 特级大师洪安豪   (0 bytes , 473reads )
特大你的预测排名呢?我的排名是分先后的。。。 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 255reads )
2009年全国赛B组(第二季)新闻总贴(2009年12月4日到12月20日在碧山象总举行) 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 243reads )
People said cat has 9 'lives'. I am indeed very lucky tonight... ZJS   (130 bytes , 277reads )
That why chess fun, is not about how good u r but how good u r at that game (NM) kurubear   (0 bytes , 268reads )
顶起来。 几度   (0 bytes , 211reads )
有个漏洞 几度   (82 bytes , 284reads )
从2009年开始计算吧。年的定义是每年度吧。 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 297reads )
Could it an improvement to 7+3 method ........ 碧山   (178 bytes , 301reads )