所在版块:悟入棋途 发贴时间:2009-07-09 19:04

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 



有空可以到波那维斯达CC下下棋!这边通常星期天下午2-10点开放(公众假期或整队外出比赛除外)。环境不错,课室也有冷气。地址是36 Holland Drive #02-05 (S) 270036。附近是Buona Vista MRT(走5分钟),也有巴士32,74,91,95,145,191,200等。

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2009年新加坡全国象棋个人锦标赛第一阶段赛况和对局汇总! 卷心菜   (49 bytes , 3239reads )
up 棋一生   (0 bytes , 190reads )
目的经已说明! 棋一生   (0 bytes , 246reads )
大家辛苦了! 特级大师洪安豪   (0 bytes , 315reads )
再厉害的特级大师还是宇宙冠军都是从向我学习开始的 杀着大全   (36 bytes , 301reads )
欢迎。。。特大。。。请你吃桃=P 一刀n断   (0 bytes , 398reads )
谢谢你的桃!还有没有人要送桃给特大? 特级大师洪安豪   (0 bytes , 275reads )
ZJS offers u a peach; He also offers a formal chess challenge. ZJS   (65 bytes , 338reads )
Anyone interested can spar with me, i'm accepting anyone's request. 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 258reads )
吕大侠,昨晚在clubxiangqi与我对弈的是你吗? peanut   (0 bytes , 299reads )
yes its me...=) 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 330reads )
My HP no: 93383090 call me, maybe next sat(18/07/09) 5pm at SIXGA?(btw who r u?) 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 539reads )
汗 你们彼此不认识的吗?见面之后会发现一定认识的吧哈哈~~ 一刀n断   (0 bytes , 255reads )
I am a ungraded player; Yes, I will like to challenge you (egg against rock) but ZJS   (117 bytes , 343reads )
Great! hope to hear from you soon. My email : loosweetian@gmail.com 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 849reads )
再这样下去吕大侠就要把IC号码贴出来了。 几度   (0 bytes , 221reads )
Sure no problem. Would like to spar with you too 特级大师洪安豪   (0 bytes , 597reads )
但是你看我要是没有至少1000个观众是下不好棋的。。。 特级大师洪安豪   (0 bytes , 264reads )
I think you are a fake, the Ang Hao I know is not so boastful and assumptuous. ZJS   (2 bytes , 765reads )
Yeah, all are fake, but I am real....... 歌神   (0 bytes , 342reads )
欢迎歌神。。。(您是张学友?)。。。也请你吃桃=P 一刀n断   (48 bytes , 260reads )
好说好说, 歌神   (76 bytes , 310reads )
好说好说, 歌神   (76 bytes , 228reads )
你古你系E神阿~ Eteng   (0 bytes , 411reads )
Eugene Eteng   (53 bytes , 318reads )
Convo with eugene Eteng   (175 bytes , 358reads )
大家好!加油ZJS,打赢了洪安豪就有资格挑战我 宇宙冠军黄荣岳   (0 bytes , 350reads )
欢迎宇宙冠军。。。(您是火星来客?)。。。也请你吃桃=P 一刀n断   (0 bytes , 224reads )
没人能打赢我!我是最强的! 特级大师洪安豪   (0 bytes , 275reads )
你别嚣张,那时被你炮双兵杀我马士象全完全是你的侥幸罢了。 宇宙冠军黄荣岳   (56 bytes , 413reads )
无论如何我的攻杀棋是第一!就连特级大师万春林都逃不出我的魔掌!醒醒吧小子。。。 特级大师洪安豪   (0 bytes , 292reads )
哪有侥幸?就连王英再王老前辈都夸我残棋功力深厚!!我是未来最闪耀的星星。。 特级大师洪安豪   (0 bytes , 323reads )
那是说年龄。你们3个都是。不要是不是都拖我下水。 几度   (0 bytes , 252reads )
未来的事先别说。现在我还是全国亚军,你少跟我嚣张。就连几度都夸我的马炮棋挺不错 宇宙冠军黄荣岳   (0 bytes , 370reads )
滥竽充数,桃之夭夭。 几度   (0 bytes , 332reads )
我没有明白 Eteng   (118 bytes , 292reads )
太无聊就去读些古文 几度   (14 bytes , 274reads )
obasan.. at work nothing to do right xiaobeidou   (0 bytes , 304reads )
Yep, JERK Eteng   (69 bytes , 595reads )
wah lau u don't anyhow call me jerk ... later people thing i cheated women... xiaobeidou   (109 bytes , 382reads )
LOL. OK Eteng   (118 bytes , 309reads )
faint.... act on what dinner?? this naughty woman whole day make fun of me xiaobeidou   (167 bytes , 380reads )
Yep that fellor is amusing Eteng   (129 bytes , 344reads )
haha哈 ... xiaobeidou   (54 bytes , 299reads )
Good for you Eteng   (75 bytes , 249reads )
her name is.. xiaobeidou   (89 bytes , 356reads )
fellow Eteng   (0 bytes , 244reads )
张辽   (0 bytes , 242reads )
B组第9到第72名详细名次表 卷心菜   (283 bytes , 780reads )
这次蔡俊杰先生未能晋级,实在遗憾 minghui   (249 bytes , 336reads )
最后一轮棋,前2台棋手多一点蔡先生的体育精神就好了。 桑原秀策   (0 bytes , 274reads )
Every yr always lack 1 or few placing to promotion..I got nothing to say already 圣手狂龙   (96 bytes , 472reads )
Just another 6 mth to a year ! no worried . 理解象棋   (0 bytes , 390reads )
I hope I will not stand on his path.... CJJ, GoGoJiaYou! ZJS   (14 bytes , 310reads )
蔡俊杰的确运气不佳 几度   (90 bytes , 428reads )
还有这么一说。。。着实有趣 一刀n断   (33 bytes , 297reads )
hahas.yah.ur long awaited comeback.. magician88   (54 bytes , 298reads )
minghui首次参赛,顺利收获4分,能量尚未完全爆发,祝年底B组赛出更好成绩。 卷心菜   (107 bytes , 276reads )
谢谢鼓励! minghui   (64 bytes , 269reads )
卷心菜即时发布比赛消息辛苦了! 还有棋一生和zyne录入比赛对局! 一刀n断   (49 bytes , 286reads )
太牛了 ,几位发图和 发对局的 永不疲倦的诸位帅哥真是太帅了 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 248reads )
有个疑问 一刀n断   (56 bytes , 317reads )
这个是SwissPerfect软件的显示结果 卷心菜   (200 bytes , 329reads )
不战胜算1分,但不算1胜。 青莲   (0 bytes , 293reads )
欢迎新人 请你吃桃=) 一刀n断   (0 bytes , 200reads )
也表扬一下王印 一刀n断   (183 bytes , 322reads )
事实上王印本次取得了4胜。 卷心菜   (37 bytes , 268reads )
Congrats to the top 8 players. HanTing   (50 bytes , 398reads )
ZJS offers to play with HanTing. ZJS   (108 bytes , 283reads )
Han Ting politely accepts ZJS kind offer. HanTing   (143 bytes , 362reads )
巫汉梃说他要雄霸弈林。这是他的第一步 特级大师洪安豪   (0 bytes , 298reads )
而且在一天内战胜两个新加坡最顶尖的高手应该只有巫汉梃了! 特级大师洪安豪   (175 bytes , 277reads )
请问Sengkang快棋赛是什么时候的比赛? 一刀n断   (0 bytes , 333reads )
快棋偶尔靠些运气,慢棋我根本没机会。 HanTing   (42 bytes , 352reads )
Han Ting, fast chess is my cup-of tea. We can play fast and slow ZJS   (182 bytes , 348reads )
hi ZJS, minghao also said he like your cup of tea .... piggy888   (40 bytes , 368reads )
and of coz, who loses need to treat the other some kopi $.... piggy888   (0 bytes , 299reads )
No $ involved please! Win or Lose, I can still afford to treat coffee and tea. ZJS   (151 bytes , 336reads )
楼下的歌神,i wanna challenge u on both singing and chess 杀着大全   (26 bytes , 375reads )
Anyone wants to challenge me ? Both singing and chess are welcomed..... 歌神   (0 bytes , 319reads )
也表扬一下。 火影   (156 bytes , 291reads )
HanTing坚持到底,令人钦佩;大优未胜,令人惋惜。 卷心菜   (421 bytes , 356reads )
从“青山不改,绿水长流,年底B组公开赛再战!”这句看来卷心菜铁了心要打今年团体赛 一刀n断   (157 bytes , 340reads )
事实上文礼组织方已经完美的解决了这一难题。 卷心菜   (32 bytes , 299reads )
Thank you 才钧 and 火影 for your kind words. HanTing   (170 bytes , 425reads )
第七轮信息汇总 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 291reads )
A组第七轮对阵表:第一台:吴宗翰对康德荣(7月10日晚上8点) 卷心菜   (119 bytes , 465reads )
本人预测! >>HOT<< 萨让黑哟   (205 bytes , 431reads )
欢迎新人 请你吃桃=) 一刀n断   (10 bytes , 185reads )
真巧。前3台跟去年差不多一样 Referee   (0 bytes , 356reads )
B组第七轮对阵表:第一台侯志雄对赖俊杰(7月5日下午2点) 卷心菜   (68 bytes , 518reads )
CJ, 几度让我和你说 Eteng   (6 bytes , 321reads )
咳咳,话也不会说。 几度   (50 bytes , 220reads )
I think the B-group top players saga speaks for itself... Einstein   (436 bytes , 412reads )
Regarding kelong chess... 155HgFH88   (1050 bytes , 351reads )
You sounded like you are one the players in the first 3 tables... Einstein   (169 bytes , 305reads )
So Kelong..... Einstein   (260 bytes , 432reads )
where got the games i lose i also second lol waterchess   (126 bytes , 340reads )
LJJ, better be more humble. ZJS   (160 bytes , 307reads )
ZJS thank for your advice next time i will try to be more humble de haha waterchess   (0 bytes , 520reads )
我也加点意见 几度   (1257 bytes , 346reads )
哎 其实不必在这里争 比赛尽量多算少说吧 一刀n断   (251 bytes , 296reads )
Waterchess, after you promote Class B then ya ya can? I bet $1K you cant promote peanut   (105 bytes , 324reads )
好奇ing 如果waterchess升级了 您这$1k给谁呢? 一刀n断   (8 bytes , 243reads )
我打包票,郑先生必KO waterchess. 等着瞧吧。 peanut   (101 bytes , 349reads )
象棋是圆的 怎么打包票呢? 一刀n断   (281 bytes , 320reads )
是今晚比赛吧? 几度   (810 bytes , 279reads )
等久久就有喽 火云邪神   (263 bytes , 412reads )
我推荐给象棋总会。 magician88   (28 bytes , 256reads )
这是个好主意 一刀n断   (48 bytes , 226reads )
thank you peanut waterchess   (268 bytes , 320reads )
More chance to win if you put more effort to your brain instead of your mouth Referee   (0 bytes , 390reads )
i want to win or don't want is not up to you to say lol waterchess   (0 bytes , 429reads )
你说话大不大声是一回事,但是假如人家在比赛你大声说话干扰到别人那就是你不对。 xiaobeidou   (186 bytes , 434reads )
so sorry xiao bei dou, but play chess can walk here walk there to see chess. waterchess   (0 bytes , 310reads )
对于我来说。。 xiaobeidou   (280 bytes , 329reads )
讲话大声是不对,比赛随意离席根据亚规也是不对的! 棋一生   (586 bytes , 278reads )
都说是对我来说了。 xiaobeidou   (637 bytes , 363reads )
Hey Dude Eteng   (78 bytes , 270reads )
赞同 fairplay10   (160 bytes , 365reads )
这几帖也很有娱乐效果。 几度   (0 bytes , 396reads )
人头猪脑很可怜,猪头人脑无所谓,猪头猪脑最可悲! Referee   (0 bytes , 412reads )
so mean Eteng   (0 bytes , 256reads )
Im just saying your mouth is even bigger than your body Referee   (0 bytes , 344reads )
i mouth big also not your problem right. u go care yourself la waterchess   (0 bytes , 304reads )
Too bad im not there, or else I flash them all red card! Referee   (0 bytes , 359reads )
各位努力了 几度   (76 bytes , 297reads )
第六轮信息汇总 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 317reads )
A组第六轮对阵表:第一台黄俊铭vs朱永吉 (7月5日下午2点) 卷心菜   (70 bytes , 466reads )
A组第6轮部分对局(补全) 棋一生   (2885 bytes , 572reads )
解说 xiaobeidou   (699 bytes , 495reads )
A组第6轮部分对局 zyne   (3351 bytes , 539reads )
B组第六轮对阵表(7月4日下午3点) 卷心菜   (70 bytes , 371reads )
第五轮信息汇总 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 301reads )
请象总考虑将用时放宽,这五轮来太多乌龙棋,对局质量不堪。 桑原秀策   (0 bytes , 249reads )
A组第五轮对阵表:第一台黄俊阳vs黄俊铭 (7月4日下午3点) 卷心菜   (58 bytes , 484reads )
洪天瑞和潘满意! 棋一生   (625 bytes , 397reads )
郑木兴胜洪泉发! 棋一生   (621 bytes , 313reads )
曹子航一负再负,前途岌岌可危! 棋一生   (589 bytes , 325reads )
黄毅鸿残棋又再失守,马炮卒不敌黄荣岳双马兵! 棋一生   (1183 bytes , 402reads )
看清楚点,第122步黄毅鸿马三退五叫杀即得子胜。 桑原秀策   (0 bytes , 425reads )
那是棋手个人的功力问题! 棋一生   (353 bytes , 412reads )
不要苛求 几度   (108 bytes , 241reads )
话虽这么说 几度   (104 bytes , 266reads )
黄荣岳的马炮棋其实是挺不错的。 几度   (28 bytes , 241reads )
过奖了 宇宙冠军黄荣岳   (26 bytes , 368reads )
几度   (170 bytes , 271reads )
向我学习也可以 特级大师洪安豪   (0 bytes , 275reads )
布局失子尚能守和,真不愧为“和棋圣手”! 棋一生   (1309 bytes , 366reads )
和棋圣手不易当 几度   (42 bytes , 326reads )
朱永吉妙着如珠,车炮兵精彩入局! 棋一生   (871 bytes , 410reads )
一言而蔽之 几度   (46 bytes , 310reads )
熊国玮大漏失子,康德荣后来居上! 棋一生   (433 bytes , 314reads )
有点可惜 几度   (50 bytes , 283reads )
黄俊阳先弃后取,马双兵战和黄俊铭炮卒单缺士! 棋一生   (505 bytes , 519reads )
黄俊铭这局心态不正 几度   (30 bytes , 283reads )
是因为昨天我们俩和些朋友昨天出去庆祝生日 xiaobeidou   (61 bytes , 287reads )
生日快乐 请你吃华新上虚拟的生日蛋糕=P 一刀n断   (0 bytes , 264reads )
哈哈谢谢我还是投一次吃:P xiaobeidou   (0 bytes , 248reads )
呵呵,生日快乐。 几度   (48 bytes , 240reads )
谢谢:)又大一岁了咳老了。早点对他也好。。。 xiaobeidou   (98 bytes , 250reads )
这么巧?xiaobeidou不会也是在7月3日生日吧。 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 253reads )
是啊你也是吗? xiaobeidou   (44 bytes , 223reads )
不是他,是卷夫人。 几度   (18 bytes , 239reads )
以和为贵,许永坤局面占优罢兵言和! 棋一生   (349 bytes , 358reads )
很不明白。第十八步黑车八平七不优吗? 桑原秀策   (58 bytes , 255reads )
既然我送兵就没那个打算退马了。 xiaobeidou   (325 bytes , 286reads )
B组第五轮对阵表 卷心菜   (68 bytes , 518reads )
很欣喜看到的名字 一刀n断   (280 bytes , 406reads )
郑杰可能是华人吧。比如印尼华人等情况都会造成英文名的无奈。 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 432reads )
From 2008 records, after Round 7, total of 5 points can reach Top 9 ....... 碧山   (0 bytes , 274reads )
前面发挥欠佳,这次看来希望不大了 minghui   (94 bytes , 434reads )
弈棋嘛,图个乐字。 卷心菜   (120 bytes , 307reads )
放手一搏,就是进步了。 几度   (141 bytes , 342reads )
主要还是实力不够 minghui   (66 bytes , 309reads )
怎会无望?这个周末三连胜后你就是第一了。 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 228reads )
完全不具备三连胜的实力,争取在最后三轮保本才是现实的目标 minghui   (208 bytes , 273reads )
那些所谓运气问题追究下去不过对手实力问题 一刀n断   (167 bytes , 288reads )
首先是自己的问题 几度   (40 bytes , 248reads )
From 2008 records, 如果多拿两分可因小分高而进八強又是一番不同的景色。。。。。。 碧山   (77 bytes , 299reads )
说到运气, 我的就很差。 两年前第一轮遇到范永康。 今年又遇到最热门的马。 piggy888   (0 bytes , 294reads )
你的问题不过是算不清自己是第几热门而已 几度   (62 bytes , 206reads )
太犀利了。。。 一刀n断   (68 bytes , 271reads )
第四轮信息汇总 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 309reads )
Haha, tough fight from now onwards! Expected results ....my prediction. ZJS   (139 bytes , 441reads )
maybe there is a typo 卷心菜   (150 bytes , 435reads )
Maybe there's another typo HanTing   (170 bytes , 449reads )
haha, i have submitted leave application form to my "boss" for friday night. 卷心菜   (279 bytes , 388reads )
恭喜恭喜!我跟我'老板'十年前7月3日认识,七年前7月3日结婚,所以她很重视这天。=) 火影   (0 bytes , 271reads )
哈,怎么那么巧,我跟我“老板”认识也是十年前7月上旬 卷心菜   (207 bytes , 311reads )
B组第四轮对阵表 卷心菜   (110 bytes , 397reads )
A组第四轮对阵表(第一台特大黄俊铭先手对特大吴宗翰) 卷心菜   (55 bytes , 488reads )
刘再成施出浑身解数力求决战,无奈被郑木兴一一化解最终成和! 棋一生   (925 bytes , 289reads )
双方搏斗激烈,方建明棋高一着高奏凯歌! 棋一生   (697 bytes , 357reads )
洪泉发怪招连连,送子送车惨遭败绩! 棋一生   (319 bytes , 323reads )
老师说错了,应该是臭招连连。 peanut   (68 bytes , 241reads )
很有娱乐效果得一盘棋! 火影   (42 bytes , 272reads )
应该是第10步摸错东西了吧 本来要跳边马结果跳了边车? 一刀n断   (23 bytes , 243reads )
应该摸错很多子 火云邪神   (0 bytes , 329reads )
对垒双方彼此敬畏,频频兑子握手言和! 棋一生   (319 bytes , 282reads )
黄荣岳弃马无局,梁文杰车兵成杀! 棋一生   (463 bytes , 317reads )
康德荣飞相局得心应手,曹子航输兵输势束手就擒! 棋一生   (499 bytes , 342reads )
朱永吉越战越勇,弃马勇胜潘满意! 棋一生   (613 bytes , 348reads )
洪安豪弃炮杀相来势汹汹,洪天瑞一时心慌大漏盲车! 棋一生   (361 bytes , 345reads )
黄俊阳谱招驾轻就熟,得子得势勇擒宿将莫文耀! 棋一生   (391 bytes , 361reads )
黑方第三十步马三退五自杀,正招为炮二平九。 火影   (0 bytes , 533reads )
这个棋好复杂,形成黑弃双象过中卒激烈对攻的棋。 卷心菜   (52 bytes , 266reads )
黄俊铭弃车杀士妙手,吴宗翰初尝败绩! 棋一生   (571 bytes , 447reads )
解说 xiaobeidou   (749 bytes , 278reads )
很有水准。我认为前四轮为止最佳的一盘棋。 火影   (0 bytes , 241reads )
From 2008 records, after Round 7, total of 4.5 points can reach Top 7 ....... 碧山   (0 bytes , 281reads )
洪泉发失子失势,不敌大师康德荣! 棋一生   (637 bytes , 360reads )
曹子航艺高胆大,皇帝离宫激战成和! 棋一生   (1064 bytes , 351reads )
第三轮信息汇总(6月28日2PM) 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 324reads )
郑木兴白丢一子,潘满意胜得轻松写意! 棋一生   (331 bytes , 306reads )
B组第三轮对阵表 卷心菜   (54 bytes , 270reads )
A组第三轮对阵表 卷心菜   (55 bytes , 247reads )
洪天瑞残局妙手连连,车马卒缺象苦守成和 棋一生   (1393 bytes , 377reads )
马炮兵单缺相对马炮卒单缺象,朱永吉残棋技高一筹取胜! 棋一生   (1171 bytes , 591reads )
方建明先手布局不当,难敌许永坤多子多卒的优势! 棋一生   (511 bytes , 323reads )
洪泉发终于开糊,侧面虎绝杀刘再成! 棋一生   (1099 bytes , 335reads )
如果我的华语没有过时 应是“开和” 一刀n断   (114 bytes , 261reads )
“和了”才是正确的! 棋一生   (342 bytes , 364reads )
“和了”=“胜了”, hahaha ....... 碧山   (0 bytes , 235reads )
已经是通假字了。 几度   (18 bytes , 278reads )
难道广被大众接受的错别字都算做“通假字”? 一刀n断   (171 bytes , 279reads )
那是委婉的说法了 几度   (42 bytes , 322reads )
象棋是一种艺术 几度   (18 bytes , 351reads )
说明 几度   (636 bytes , 288reads )
再有 几度   (286 bytes , 306reads )
有了交集 于是 洛三儿   (35 bytes , 300reads )
象棋究竟是什么? 碧山   (2662 bytes , 320reads )
由衷的祝贺碧山有志者事竟成,其毅力值得钦佩。 逢人让双马   (0 bytes , 352reads )
谢谢,long time no see。 碧山   (1 bytes , 277reads )
梁文杰守棋有两手,熊国玮弃子无法入局! 棋一生   (493 bytes , 360reads )
曹子航打印度算盘,贪吃小卒频丢大子输棋! 棋一生   (469 bytes , 325reads )
康德荣不在状态,黄荣岳弃子妙手入局! 棋一生   (486 bytes , 320reads )
黄俊阳情绪紧张,大漏失子不敌吴宗翰! 棋一生   (535 bytes , 371reads )
这棋。。 xiaobeidou   (164 bytes , 259reads )
黄俊铭无车棋技高一筹,洪安豪失子败北! 棋一生   (493 bytes , 322reads )
第二轮信息汇总(6月27日3PM) 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 282reads )
洪泉发失子连连,洪天瑞轻松过关! 棋一生   (595 bytes , 351reads )
看了大家的对局,我觉得洪泉发将得第二十名。 peanut   (0 bytes , 288reads )
潘满意残棋显奇迹,车炮单象居然守和车炮兵单缺相! 棋一生   (1075 bytes , 530reads )
这个 看不出来啊,红的应该会赢啊 兵继续前进 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 259reads )
红没机会走兵,只能走帅。。 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 195reads )
???为什么和? 桑原秀策   (0 bytes , 280reads )
果然奇迹 几度   (88 bytes , 357reads )
梁文杰残局防守绵密,车炮守和车马双兵! 棋一生   (1189 bytes , 376reads )
唔,黄俊铭竟然没胜? 几度   (24 bytes , 291reads )
洪安豪炮双兵功亏一篑,方建明马光将巧和炮仕相全! 棋一生   (1093 bytes , 445reads )
残局 几度   (141 bytes , 326reads )
黄荣岳妙着得子,刘再成俯首称臣! 棋一生   (361 bytes , 320reads )
曹子航强攻缺象,残棋不敌许永坤! 棋一生   (511 bytes , 368reads )
郑木兴超时输棋,莫文耀惊险过关! 棋一生   (613 bytes , 291reads )
朱永吉贪攻忘守,熊国玮空头炮捷足先登! 棋一生   (307 bytes , 337reads )
同意 几度   (50 bytes , 260reads )
简简报 几度   (1181 bytes , 369reads )
更正 几度   (44 bytes , 289reads )
方建明对洪安豪! 棋一生   (0 bytes , 300reads )
还是记错了 几度   (40 bytes , 256reads )
方建明顶和! 棋一生   (0 bytes , 271reads )
唔,这次我糗大了 几度   (112 bytes , 235reads )
黄俊阳再显神威,康德荣败走狮城! 棋一生   (517 bytes , 442reads )
应是败走麦城 几度   (28 bytes , 213reads )
一时兴起,想卖弄一下文笔,结果弄巧反拙! 棋一生   (0 bytes , 236reads )
不要紧,尝试成功自古无嘛。 几度   (0 bytes , 415reads )
吴宗翰故伎重演,铁门闩绝杀黄毅鸿! 棋一生   (469 bytes , 386reads )
运气好 xiaobeidou   (294 bytes , 328reads )
45招左右跟我记忆的似乎有出入? 张辽   (26 bytes , 331reads )
B组第二轮对阵表 卷心菜   (112 bytes , 344reads )
A组第二轮对阵表 卷心菜   (56 bytes , 244reads )
棋一生辛苦了。 几度   (0 bytes , 231reads )
是的、棋一生辛苦了!!!昨晚忙到3点!! 林家勇   (0 bytes , 231reads )
不辛苦,孤独老人,晚上寂寞难眠,打棋消磨时光! 棋一生   (0 bytes , 243reads )
这么说吧 几度   (562 bytes , 333reads )
“人弗是佛” 这句很有意思 一刀n断   (16 bytes , 252reads )
这句话有出处 几度   (80 bytes , 233reads )
洪安豪残棋功力深厚,炮双兵胜08年亚军黄荣岳! 棋一生   (1225 bytes , 370reads )
这一局面理论上应是和局吧? 张辽   (0 bytes , 276reads )
双方彼此各有顾忌,短短几个回合握手言和! 棋一生   (265 bytes , 316reads )
潘满意不谙谱招,布局挨打败北! 棋一生   (373 bytes , 342reads )
第16手黑方馬3退5是譜着嗎? minghui   (38 bytes , 258reads )
应该是吧 几度   (332 bytes , 436reads )
欲速不达,莫文耀大优输棋! 棋一生   (769 bytes , 366reads )
年纪轻轻,功力如此了得! 棋一生   (691 bytes , 393reads )
仙人指路稳步进取,黄俊铭胜郑木兴! 棋一生   (643 bytes , 338reads )
贪相失势,吴宗翰轻取倪福良! 棋一生   (319 bytes , 401reads )
方建明宝刀未老,混战棋还是了得! 棋一生   (643 bytes , 412reads )
赛场照片 卷心菜   (112 bytes , 423reads )
赛会补充条例 卷心菜   (169 bytes , 311reads )
四(2)似乎贵了一点 几度   (0 bytes , 238reads )
B组72名棋手第一轮对阵表 卷心菜   (56 bytes , 328reads )
中段多有硬仗 几度   (19 bytes , 270reads )
A组20名棋手第一轮对阵表 卷心菜   (45 bytes , 329reads )
猜想一下 几度   (52 bytes , 251reads )