getting 高手助阵 is not a good solution unless 。。。。
所在版块:悟入棋途 发贴时间:2008-11-21 06:13

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 

高手 are joining the team from now on.

In longer term, getting 高手助阵 will result in the leaving of existing members.

Some 棋队 may learn this method (getting 高手助阵) from each others, but for 棋会 long term development, this is no good.

This could be one of the reasons for "no progress" of Singapore Xiangqi.

Better solution to consider :

棋队 or 棋会 should accept their levels of standards and using Division A and Division B method, Bishan team should have no objection to start with Division B.

So far, Bishan has no plan to organise any team event except 碧山杯全国社区象棋团体赛 (社区 will be using 5 CDCs boundaries) by using world cup method, i.e. using 个人赛 method and 团体赛 ranking is using the sum of 个人 ranking positions.

If we plan to organise any proper team event in future, we may use Division A and Division B method, furthermore, we may include the rule of 棋队 or 棋会 only can send the team members of at least with them for 6 months or 1 year to avoid the issue of getting 高手助阵, and in longer term, is better for 棋队 or 棋会 development. (some 棋会 has started the discussion of getting 高手助阵 issue.)

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