Is 押金 the solution ?
所在版块:悟入棋途 发贴时间:2008-10-30 11:03  评分:

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 


*** (7 + 2 swiss pairing system, 公开B组 started with 58 players and ended with 50 players.)

For the three other competitions in 2008, no 押金 was collected, should we look into it for future competitions ? Of course, additional administrative works are required.

The three competitions were :

2008第三届碧山杯全国象棋个人赛 -- 1 & 2 Mar 2008 ($10 registration fee without deposit)

*** 9 rounds swiss pairing system. Started with 52 players and ended with 47 players. (excluding 5 players did not turn up, registration closed one month early.)

2008甘榜格南象棋个人赛 -- 24 & 31 Aug 2008 ($10 registration fee without deposit)

*** 8 rounds swiss pairing system. Started with 44 players and ended with 42 players.(excluding 4 players did not turn up, registration closed few days before competition.)

2008第二届新加坡中国留学生体育节(象棋) -- 18 & 19 Oct 2008 (no registration fee, no deposit)

*** 5 + 3 (or 4) swiss pairing system. Started with 37 players and ended with 21 players.(excluding 10 players did not turn up, registration closed few days before competition.)

 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
第二届新加坡中国留学生体育节成绩报告 卷心菜   (227 bytes , 1517reads )
after the hard works from all parties, notice that only 21 players ....... 碧山   (257 bytes , 338reads )
Is 押金 the solution ? 碧山   (1178 bytes , 262reads )
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我也想到了。。 Eteng   (138 bytes , 290reads )
不行吧? 几度   (190 bytes , 269reads )
如此第一个弃权的比较惨,第二个就没的领了。。。 杀着大全   (36 bytes , 267reads )
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eh you very free issit xiaobeidou   (87 bytes , 359reads )
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颁奖仪式照片 卷心菜   (58 bytes , 301reads )
Photo: 冠军迟益南 亚军廖铭濠 季军王印 卷心菜   (185 bytes , 504reads )
Photo: 殿军陈敏聪 第五名岳安 第六名林家勇 卷心菜   (189 bytes , 340reads )
Photo: 第七名Tee Wen Bin 第八名陈挚 第九名Mei Ji Long 第十名刘铮远 卷心菜   (283 bytes , 367reads )
Photo:第十一名Huang Hua 第十二名Liu Hai Huang 第十三名Kwang Ming Kiat 卷心菜   (231 bytes , 346reads )
RP CUP 圆满结束....Special thanks to.... 林家勇   (692 bytes , 324reads )
And also not forgetting to thank... 林家勇   (456 bytes , 365reads )
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2008年10月19日场记 几度   (3895 bytes , 368reads )
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哎呀。。丢人了。丢人了。。 yinan   (0 bytes , 270reads )
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总排名:第二届新加坡中国留学生体育节“共和理工学院杯”中国象棋比赛总排名 卷心菜   (2751 bytes , 370reads )
照片集锦之二(2008年10月18日,初赛) 几度   (336 bytes , 344reads )
2008年10月19日(复赛) 几度   (571 bytes , 368reads )
哈哈,看我笑得多灿烂! Eteng   (106 bytes , 322reads )
A组八强赛淘汰决战详细成绩 卷心菜   (717 bytes , 302reads )
恭喜yinan八强战,半决赛,大决赛6连胜 荣登冠军宝座! 一刀n断   (0 bytes , 343reads )
迟益南越战越勇.夺冠军理所当然.哈哈. magician88   (38 bytes , 431reads )
亚军拍你一块发光的砖头吧=P 一刀n断   (0 bytes , 282reads )
太幸运了太幸运了呵呵 yinan   (0 bytes , 290reads )
迟益南太谦虚了。。Kept saying he was lucky since yesterday... 林家勇   (17 bytes , 416reads )
really lucky that i can win the first game when vs mincong... yinan   (1 bytes , 428reads )
第六名也有桃赠=) 一刀n断   (0 bytes , 284reads )
冠军赠心=) 一刀n断   (0 bytes , 233reads )
照片集锦 Photo Collection 卷心菜   (302 bytes , 356reads )
9 Photos (taken by Eteng) 卷心菜   (405 bytes , 322reads )
闲话两则 Eteng   (235 bytes , 275reads )
More photos 更多的图片(包括嘉宾黄少龙教授,段雅丽女士,棋儒以及各高手) 卷心菜   (215 bytes , 367reads )
B组第九轮(最后一轮)成绩报告 卷心菜   (74 bytes , 269reads )
B组第八轮成绩报告 卷心菜   (62 bytes , 227reads )
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B组第六轮成绩报告 卷心菜   (62 bytes , 263reads )
卷兄今明两天辛苦了 赠心=) 一刀n断   (0 bytes , 226reads )
发现Swiss Perfect98的一个大问题,对过轮空对手系统会给对手分 卷心菜   (153 bytes , 479reads )
精彩对局:第二轮 王印先胜迟益南 杀着大全   (410 bytes , 553reads )
冠亚军决赛第一局 几度   (690 bytes , 298reads )
陈敏聪先负益南 yinan   (470 bytes , 498reads )
益南自己贴出来了也好 几度   (430 bytes , 321reads )
八卦一下 王印很厉害 一刀n断   (130 bytes , 338reads )
几度,吕瑞龙,林家勇,Eteng,zyne,张辽,一刀n断,卷心菜以及RP棋会负责了赛务工作 卷心菜   (26 bytes , 378reads )
大师赖汉顺,乙级李国华,高手张友斌亲临现场观棋。 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 289reads )
精彩对局:第三轮 陈敏聪先胜林家勇 杀着大全   (342 bytes , 467reads )
第五轮成绩报告 卷心菜   (59 bytes , 277reads )
第四轮成绩报告 卷心菜   (59 bytes , 248reads )
第三轮成绩报告 卷心菜   (59 bytes , 265reads )
难忘的一个教训。。。(普)。。。。不否认输了很气。。 林家勇   (246 bytes , 422reads )
鼓励贴个人比赛对局 赠桃=) 一刀n断   (0 bytes , 289reads )
胜败乃兵家常事,你的次序记错了,没有free炮吃,第12步你先士6进5炮二平三车2平8 杀着大全   (83 bytes , 346reads )
my order is correct, there is free pao but i just got too overwhelmed by that. 林家勇   (34 bytes , 425reads )
第二轮成绩报告 卷心菜   (59 bytes , 264reads )
第一轮成绩报告 卷心菜   (59 bytes , 274reads )