some views :)
所在版块:悟入棋途 发贴时间:2008-09-29 16:02  评分:

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
Work is boring so decide to take a tiny break haha :P

It is obvious that number 8th move ma3+2 is no good and obviously the next move pawn 7 plus one is the killer move for the whole game.The most wan2 qiang2 is move 10 black pao2+3,red che9ping8 from here there are 2 variations.

Firstly black pao2+2, red che8+2,black ma2+3, red che12,black che98,red che2+5, blackma3+5,red xiang7+5,black pao8ping9, red che 2jin3, ( if red che23,black che1+2,red pawn3+1, black che8+7,red ma3+4,black che16,red ma4+5,black pao9+4! black is in good attacking position) black ma7-8 ,red che8jin4, black xiang3+5, redche85, black pawn7+1,red ma9+7 red has slight advantage

Secondly, black pawn3+1, red pawn7+1,black ma2+4, red che8+4, black che1+2, red pawn7+1, black che14, redche87(or else black ma4+3 free car),black che 98,red pao56, black ma4-6, red shi6+5, black pao8+5,red xiang7+5,black pawn 7+1 black's position is quite good though red has a over river pawn but red's car cannot come out. black can play

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