i agree only to a certain extend
所在版块:悟入棋途 发贴时间:2008-09-02 13:46

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
The above mentioned is all true, most of us treated it like an individual event. Especially me all 3 games i moved moves that made me a little disadvantage but open up the scenarios. It is also true that we are not obviously the best group of 4 players in singapore. But, can anyone gurantee the results of any other 4 players that would be better than us? For example i think it was in 2004, Laihansoon represented Singapore as the 2004 national champion. Who would expect him getting 5 losses and one lose? Even with the assistance of IGM XU TIAN HONG. And though he kept on losing, he stilled continued to play. Being Coach of Singapore, Xu Tian Hong should replace him and in the event of that had to neglect lin jin xin. From my view i put the blame on XUTIANHONG because of his ignorance and his stupid views. Now we've lost one good player (lin jin xin) who is discouraged from representing Singapore even though other team mates are not performing well.

On the other hand, i know many people used to debate why i represented Singapore in 2006 despite me not taking part in the national competition (Champion of selection competition) Why not just take top 4 rather had to take the champion from the selection competition. It is not fair that i represented singapore from a players view that might be true however i was fortunated to produce the results hence was less criticised. However i could also understand the management's view wanting the best interest for the country. i'm not saying that i'm the best in Singapore. Probabably my style of play is more suitable for international competitions compared to more players in Singapore.

We have another IGM liu da hua coming to Singapore this time for the asian tour.This time round, I hope he excercises good judgement not senseless subjectivity like the past IGM.


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haha, where got official referee in huasing 卷心菜   (16 bytes , 258reads )
should be one of the 网友 having fun with 水棋 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 299reads )
aww why? 水棋   (0 bytes , 405reads )
别问歪?否则又一张黄卡出局 :P 火影   (0 bytes , 230reads )
what makes u think that it will increase our chances? xiaobeidou   (1422 bytes , 307reads )
good. hope you are able to convince the organisers who are in this forum. 水棋   (0 bytes , 351reads )
回顾31/08/2008 xiaobeidou   (758 bytes , 319reads )
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棋一生!我支持你! magician88   (350 bytes , 390reads )
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thx for the support thats a very optimistic prediction and........... xiaobeidou   (642 bytes , 309reads )
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