As mentioned by 齐启棋 in his post recently .......
所在版块:悟入棋途 发贴时间:2008-07-23 17:06

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As mentioned by 齐启棋 in his post recently as below.

I try to arrange my duties in Bishan Xiangqi Club, SIXGA and 悟入棋途 within this month.

In Bishan Xiangqi Club, we had our 4th EXCO 1st meeting on 12 July 2008 to discuss the future direction for the next few years.

In SIXGA, I have completed last month the two tasks (proof reading of 亚洲象棋联合会 象棋比赛规例 4th Edition and got a room [with the help from formal Bishan Xiangqi Club co-ordinator, Mr Lim] for 黄少龙(中国象棋大师) in Sep/Oct 2008), regarding the world minds sport task, I did not take up due to my own tour plan in Oct 2008 (scheduled last year with a group of friends) and also not able to help in 第15届亚洲象棋锦标赛(新加坡) due to the change of dates from end Nov to end Oct.

In 悟入棋途, with the above posting by 齐启棋 on Active Ageing Festival, we also wish to end the compilation of Singapore future xiangqi activities which we plan to do it initially for only one year since mid May 2007.

With this, I will stop the use of net name 棋人生 and my only personal net name is 齐启棋 now, the other two net names 碧山 and 碧山东 are more for official matters if required.

【齐】心合力 【启】动 象【棋】

well done, thanks for showing us the concept ....... - 齐启棋 1906 字节 2008-07-10 08:22 (47 点击)

personally, I feel that 棋人生专栏 is not needed as his main duties now, as mentioned during Bishan Xiangqi Club 6th Anniversary Celebration, is as trainer instead of Acting Chairman for the EXCO members of Bishan Xiangqi Club. He will be doing backroom works and not standing in front of the club, he is hoping to complete all the arrangements in Bishan Xiangqi Club, SIXGA and 悟入棋途 within this month.

 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
Oct 2008 is a busy month for international events and next 5 months local events 碧山   (175 bytes , 1241reads )
2008年甘榜格南象棋个人赛 and 雅柏广场团体赛 ....... 碧山   (1306 bytes , 368reads )
heard that 2008 雅柏广场团体赛 with 10 teams as below ....... 碧山   (108 bytes , 210reads )
2008 甘榜格南象棋个人赛 (known as 罗明士杯个人赛 before 2006) ..... 碧山   (167 bytes , 241reads )
heard that at least 45 players for the coming event on 24 & 31 Aug 2008 .... 碧山   (0 bytes , 260reads )
9 of the 48 players are from Bishan, hope our members could ...... 碧山   (154 bytes , 210reads )
很可惜,甲级大师不能参加。去看的棋迷会少很多吧。 火影   (0 bytes , 221reads )
2006 到2008 最难忘的对局 今天比较空闲就发了呵呵:P xiaobeidou   (3961 bytes , 381reads )
主办者举办这类比赛的理由:我所听到的是“现在的无级棋手越来越怕输”!!! 棋一生   (381 bytes , 306reads )
我也比较喜欢公开赛的形式 张辽   (0 bytes , 238reads )
我记得以前没限制的比赛更多人参加。 火影   (28 bytes , 198reads )
not true for 全国赛 in the last 10 years ....... 碧山   (330 bytes , 318reads )
Does all people know about 全国赛? Is publicity is enough. 火影   (817 bytes , 303reads )
it is not fair to SIXGA and the organisers ........ 碧山   (716 bytes , 260reads )
I am not sure how many people saw the news from newspaper. 火影   (603 bytes , 286reads )
Please call 6259-0984 the next time ...... 碧山   (354 bytes , 263reads )
以我自己为例子。我是来新加坡5年后才得知全国个人赛。 卷心菜   (242 bytes , 250reads )
May be we should consider a long term solution ...... 齐启棋   (1163 bytes , 314reads )
想赢怕输,人之常情,不宜苛责。 几度   (575 bytes , 314reads )
有这种水准参加的比赛才好玩!不让高手下可以推广但难推高。 火影   (0 bytes , 193reads )
different events are having different purposes and objectives ... 碧山   (253 bytes , 262reads )
对局有误 xiaobeidou   (35 bytes , 366reads )
这贴必须红心鼓励 哈哈 一刀n断   (0 bytes , 245reads )
甲级, 大师 can participate in 2008年雅柏广场团体赛 ...... 碧山   (47 bytes , 245reads )
叹。没办法,下次看到运灏时问他怎么不让高手参加? 火影   (0 bytes , 193reads )
2008年甘榜格南象棋个人赛,想报名的无等级朋友请联系陈运灏,邓章淦。 卷心菜   (97 bytes , 280reads )
heard that priority is given to 甘榜格南 members and residents this year, ..... 碧山   (551 bytes , 342reads )
queries.... xiaobeidou   (1065 bytes , 318reads )
Bishan's experience ...... 碧山   (1181 bytes , 323reads )
should we pay the volunteers ? ........ 碧山   (572 bytes , 268reads )
i think u misinterpret what i'm trying to say? xiaobeidou   (475 bytes , 312reads )
This is the No. 6th type of 象棋人才 in 黄少龙's article ..... 碧山   (255 bytes , 324reads )
碧山基层活动开展得不错 几度   (192 bytes , 300reads )
其实所有人都是这么认为的,但苦于没有人举办。 卷心菜   (179 bytes , 269reads )
yes i agree ultimately xiaobeidou   (1324 bytes , 307reads )
Maybe not that much about politics 几度   (1653 bytes , 290reads )
well.. xiaobeidou   (256 bytes , 313reads )
Erm 几度   (1092 bytes , 323reads )
Donations?:P xiaobeidou   (1097 bytes , 304reads )
Well, talk about the sponsorship... 几度   (666 bytes , 354reads )
Don't be so sad 几度   (632 bytes , 365reads )
some corrections... xiaobeidou   (2577 bytes , 336reads )
Previous Discussion on donations ......... 碧山   (712 bytes , 329reads )
i'm not sad. xiaobeidou   (625 bytes , 327reads )
可以找赞助商。写一份建议书(proposal)给他们。 火影   (178 bytes , 665reads )
罗明士是不是下台了?所以罗明士杯团体赛就没有了? 杀着大全   (0 bytes , 277reads )
请问谁知道这两位组织报名的大人的电话?可以站内消息发给我么? 杀着大全   (0 bytes , 224reads )
没有。。。 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 201reads )
Active Aging Festival -- Aug to Nov 2008 齐启棋   (300 bytes , 344reads )
As mentioned by 齐启棋 in his post recently ....... 棋人生   (1795 bytes , 466reads )
typo error : Ageing 齐启棋   (0 bytes , 232reads )