火是说他们队有个小孩在队里给他暴光了 哈哈
所在版块:悟入棋途 发贴时间:2008-07-08 21:36

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什么是 Bishan EXCO? 是棋队? peanut   (0 bytes , 1038reads )
short form of 碧山象棋会执行委员会。 2008八连负   (0 bytes , 201reads )
EXCO = Elite Xiangqi Committee Organisation? peanut   (0 bytes , 220reads )
EXCO = Executive Committee 卷心菜   (8 bytes , 247reads )
Bishan Executive Committee 听起来不象是象棋队。 peanut   (50 bytes , 214reads )
If you are thinking to 下国际赛, please join Singapore Open first .... 2008八连负   (402 bytes , 269reads )
原来碧山棋力证书不受总会承认。有哪些棋队的棋力证书受总会承认? peanut   (0 bytes , 263reads )
If you really in the seeking of information ...... 2008八连负   (330 bytes , 239reads )
不对吧? 几度   (491 bytes , 306reads )
This is nothing to do with the English, what I want to explain that ..... 2008八连负   (813 bytes , 372reads )
还是不明白 几度   (441 bytes , 250reads )
please read the flow of those posts ..... 2008八连负   (1083 bytes , 404reads )
we have closed the issue in the other postings, anyway, when we say to do .... 2008八连负   (388 bytes , 351reads )
这个意思啊? 几度   (70 bytes , 235reads )
关于这个问题 几度   (663 bytes , 263reads )
You are right. bls   (564 bytes , 245reads )
the two documents are in Chinese. 2008八连负   (0 bytes , 380reads )
你真的想太多了,我真的没那个意思 peanut   (62 bytes , 283reads )
我认为“花生”喜欢评定等级,也可以加入碧山象棋队。 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 189reads )
杀着大全, I know it is a joke only, anyway ..... 2008八连负   (427 bytes , 333reads )
我还认为"Wa Wa!!"喜欢站着说话,也可以加入碧山CC并且代理会长数月。 杀着大全   (80 bytes , 225reads )
as suggested by 几度, look around, ....... 2008八连负   (169 bytes , 305reads )
既然文礼队在向你招手,那就快点加入吧!!! 棋一生   (106 bytes , 205reads )
参观文礼象棋俱乐部可以,加入该棋会要三思! 棋一生   (106 bytes , 202reads )
两位热心,不要斗嘴了。 几度   (190 bytes , 198reads )
当初三少也是破格提拔才有机会下场嘛 火云邪神   (60 bytes , 214reads )
Peanut 棋友若有兴趣观摩新加坡的棋队,不妨这个星期六来参观文礼象棋俱乐部 火云邪神   (409 bytes , 309reads )
你们都去破解残局,普通爱好者就没纪念品可拿了,呵呵 火云邪神   (0 bytes , 175reads )
哇,这么好的活动,怎么早不作宣传? 卷心菜   (34 bytes , 230reads )
哇,几度也来夹攻,赶快跑路 火云邪神   (32 bytes , 169reads )
火是说他们队有个小孩在队里给他暴光了 哈哈 一刀n断   (0 bytes , 155reads )
好象是你自己说的。 :P 几度   (32 bytes , 165reads )
本来是不知,后来有个小毛头多说两句,大家就懂了咯 火云邪神   (0 bytes , 187reads )
难不成你的队友都知道你是火云邪神 哈哈 一刀n断   (0 bytes , 194reads )
忘了放时间。7pm-9pm 火云邪神   (0 bytes , 171reads )
“花生”小弟弟,有意思加入飞鹰队吗?,它让你有机会提高你的棋艺!!! 棋一生   (0 bytes , 280reads )
花先生,你象棋是什么水平 太阳黑子   (0 bytes , 183reads )
言重了 几度   (1105 bytes , 288reads )
太阳里面也有黑子。 几度   (0 bytes , 237reads )
高手也会出昏着 太阳黑子   (0 bytes , 195reads )
You are welcome to stay ..... 2008八连负   (89 bytes , 249reads )
网友 may try to help you to seek out information but you must do ....... 2008八连负   (84 bytes , 326reads )
if you are thinking of 承认, 下国际赛, please contact 总会. 2008八连负   (0 bytes , 169reads )
2008八连负网友好乱,华文加英文。是中学生吗? peanut   (0 bytes , 274reads )
是小学生, only write for 小学生 to read. 2008八连负   (0 bytes , 188reads )
2008八连说气话了,好吧不惹你。 peanut   (0 bytes , 175reads )
this is what I call quality of posts .... 2008八连负   (0 bytes , 174reads )
marauder having wrong 跟帖 ? 2008八连负   (0 bytes , 215reads )
若有得罪,请多包涵。 marauder   (265 bytes , 337reads )
Bishan Xiangqi Club Executive Committee 卷心菜   (64 bytes , 237reads )
卷心菜,请问总会在那里?如何考棋力证书? peanut   (0 bytes , 187reads )
哈哈,今年的象总年度大考(个人赛)6月刚考完。 卷心菜   (199 bytes , 218reads )
好啊,那里网站可以下棋? peanut   (0 bytes , 201reads )
晚上几点?你账号是什么? 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 169reads )
晚上可以在弈天下棋啊 卷心菜   (43 bytes , 232reads )
在巴士总站的对面!!! 棋一生   (332 bytes , 190reads )
You need to take part in 2009 National Open. bls   (327 bytes , 288reads )
51 Bishan St13 #01-01 S'pore579799 棋一生   (0 bytes , 291reads )
谢谢你,棋一生老师。 peanut   (0 bytes , 193reads )