2008八连负, tell you one thing.
所在版块:悟入棋途 发贴时间:2008-07-04 09:00

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
What make you think you can form conclusion base on your common sense and I cannot form my own conclusion?
Yes I used the word 'fix', so how? I told you you didn't even know who I heard from and you keep wanting to make the whole issue like I cook up story. Use you brain can? Who else can I hear from to be so sure?
Tell you one more thing. Few years back, someone used few hundred dollar to buy a win from his opponent to get 乙级. His opponent later told the whole world about it. Yes the whole world. Most forumers here heard it. This is real fixing. This person in the end could not perform in many competitions after promoted. But this player try to play 岳不群。 So whats your own 'CONCLUSION' on this person?

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碧山东第三分区国庆象棋四角赛(7月13日) 卷心菜   (626 bytes , 1632reads )
would like to bring your attention to this event 水棋   (6 bytes , 188reads )
为鼓励更多的网络棋友有机会此次代表华新网络象棋队参与这次四角赛 一刀n断   (234 bytes , 261reads )
征集九名有兴趣代表华新网络象棋队的棋友。 卷心菜   (134 bytes , 298reads )
重复一下我的观点 几度   (2967 bytes , 271reads )
悟入棋途 is my 4th lover ......... 2008八连负   (30 bytes , 252reads )
请不要轻易听信谣言!!! 棋一生   (540 bytes , 332reads )
[提示] 该主题违反版规或内容不当已被屏蔽, 如有疑问请去《意见公告版》投诉. 杨家小将   (83 bytes , 53reads )
是否是有些棋会和棋友过于紧张了 ? 一刀n断   (476 bytes , 314reads )
是否于紧张 ? 赛后便知 !大可放手一博 ! 齐天大圣   (22 bytes , 323reads )
重要澄清:参赛的网友均以象棋网络爱好者个人名义参加友谊赛,旨在交流棋艺 卷心菜   (681 bytes , 279reads )
不代表其所在的棋队和组织的任何看法和观点,参赛的唯一目的为交流棋艺 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 264reads )
这可成了变相棋队的对垒!! 齐天大圣   (90 bytes , 383reads )
看了这么多,我来用生活中的事例,尝试理清其中的关系!希望大家耐心看。 业余棋评家   (1991 bytes , 523reads )
100%赞同你的看法!!! 棋一生   (719 bytes , 278reads )
As mentioned, this matter was referred up yesterday, ........ 2008八连负   (305 bytes , 328reads )
断章取义? bls   (0 bytes , 229reads )
wrong 跟帖? 2008八连负   (0 bytes , 186reads )
那我就等待SIXGA EXCO对我采取行动吧!!! 棋一生   (0 bytes , 259reads )
You have requested to talk to 众棋友 but this is the other way now !!! 2008八连负   (0 bytes , 214reads )
wrong 跟帖 !!! Please be more careful !!! 2008八连负   (83 bytes , 227reads )
个别理事对某件事的看法,未必一定与“会”的看法相同!!! 棋一生   (794 bytes , 330reads )
象总声明 林关浩   (516 bytes , 405reads )
the possible reason behind this 声明 .... 2008八连负   (371 bytes , 274reads )
在这里需要澄清一下,多亏棋一生和象总帮忙澄清。 卷心菜   (148 bytes , 259reads )
Regarding your problem of forming team, ....... 2008八连负   (415 bytes , 241reads )
just to share that I alerted 象总会长 on ........ 2008八连负   (449 bytes , 282reads )
Always 断章取义。What is your intention? Smear black 象总会长? bls   (0 bytes , 352reads )
好的。好的。希望有多一点对局看! bls   (0 bytes , 167reads )
两位前辈请休息一下,喝杯咖啡,然后转而讨论其他帖子的内容为上计。 卷心菜   (62 bytes , 230reads )
Thanks for declaring to ignore my posting. bls   (372 bytes , 249reads )
This post is to all 网友 and bls ...... 2008八连负   (1226 bytes , 247reads )
A True Situation ....... 2008八连负   (905 bytes , 278reads )
有没有做过,大家心知肚明吧。可以X耳X铃的吗? bls   (181 bytes , 217reads )
In this case, you are not telling the true and need to depend on future .... 2008八连负   (11 bytes , 258reads )
hahaha bls   (1046 bytes , 253reads )
bls, I see, you just try to stir up somethings here and run away ...... 2008八连负   (1399 bytes , 264reads )
Yes. All of us look down on the one why buy rank few years back. bls   (806 bytes , 245reads )
As mentioned, please read your post on closing of "fix" previously, please .... 2008八连负   (162 bytes , 223reads )
In this case, I look down on both ..... 2008八连负   (0 bytes , 158reads )
2008八连负, tell you one thing. bls   (717 bytes , 260reads )
There are so many 跟帖 under this 主帖 ....... 2008八连负   (568 bytes , 216reads )
棋一生,我只是提提我的看法罢了。 bls   (89 bytes , 225reads )
谢谢你就事论事!!! 棋一生   (0 bytes , 193reads )
one more point to bls, did you see my personal own conclusion first ...... 2008八连负   (120 bytes , 214reads )
in fact 象总会长 had breakfast with me that morning. 2008八连负   (0 bytes , 214reads )
You concluded 象总会长..... bls   (538 bytes , 239reads )
I believe that 象总会长 appreciates the alert from me, as for you .... 2008八连负   (111 bytes , 227reads )
谢谢你替我澄清!!!!! 棋一生   (0 bytes , 232reads )
新加坡多只棋队都不附属于新加坡象棋中会吗? 华新飞剑   (28 bytes , 241reads )
可以这么说吧 几度   (226 bytes , 236reads )
Support! Matrix   (0 bytes , 198reads )
Salute! bls   (0 bytes , 179reads )
顶一下林会长,及时辟谣非常重要! 张辽   (0 bytes , 211reads )
太强大了 震撼!!! 一刀n断   (0 bytes , 177reads )
太强了,会长都来光顾了 太阳黑子   (0 bytes , 174reads )
看到象总会长的声明,各位棋友可以放心参赛了吧!!!!! 棋一生   (0 bytes , 188reads )
坚决支持象总立场! 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 220reads )
Rubbish again ! 网络蚂蚁   (491 bytes , 446reads )
网络蚂蚁真有正义感,佩服,佩服!!! 棋一生   (0 bytes , 248reads )
昨晚已和SIXGA EXCO阐明我的看法!!! 棋一生   (263 bytes , 235reads )
Yes, my view is nothing to do with 象总, it should be very clear from ...... 2008八连负   (283 bytes , 275reads )
I hate to talk on this again but I have to repeat it one more time ........ 2008八连负   (1381 bytes , 332reads )
I hope you understand that 网络蚂蚁 is talking to you, ....... 2008八连负   (56 bytes , 282reads )
Good, at least you listen to 网络蚂蚁. ........ 2008八连负   (30 bytes , 243reads )
我没禁止你参赛!!! 棋一生   (690 bytes , 441reads )
"连累其他的棋手" ??? Thanks to 网络蚂蚁 for the third party's view, ........... 2008八连负   (1316 bytes , 295reads )
but I enjoy the process and not really care about the results ..... 2008八连负   (102 bytes , 263reads )
very clear that the first group of 众棋友 you need to talk to is SIXGA EXCO... 2008八连负   (0 bytes , 184reads )
Do you understand, e.g. in cabinet meetings could have different views but .... 2008八连负   (86 bytes , 247reads )
Come on! Why compare SIXGA to the cabinet? Why make this forum so political? chess   (633 bytes , 326reads )
please try to read all related postings and not just pick on one point, ....... 2008八连负   (467 bytes , 281reads )
I've seen so many ''and I will not discuss this further'' posts by you... chess   (1300 bytes , 403reads )
This is a forum, if you do not like to have any exchange, ..... 2008八连负   (82 bytes , 313reads )
智者应寡言,口若悬河不能作为才智的证明 火云邪神   (524 bytes , 325reads )
For Bishan EXCO members, if they have different views outside, ...... 2008八连负   (232 bytes , 276reads )
for those 棋友 played with me in 2008,are they thinking of ....... 2008八连负   (71 bytes , 246reads )
I believe they certainly hope so. bls   (124 bytes , 255reads )
Sorry, may be I did not make it clear ............ 2008八连负   (324 bytes , 468reads )
I remember one player complaining bls   (120 bytes , 301reads )
I have told this player (should be), do not play any strategy draw at ... 2008八连负   (355 bytes , 274reads )
happened met this player (should be) at SIXGA, he told me that he played ..... 2008八连负   (836 bytes , 298reads )
by the way, if he needs to have hard fight with me, he is not so strong and ... 2008八连负   (136 bytes , 310reads )
ok, next time try to get better 对手分 for all (from all) lah ... => lucky. 2008八连负   (0 bytes , 213reads )
The definition of 对手分, ..... 2008八连负   (354 bytes , 243reads )
He not blaming you lah. He blame himself unlucky. You too sensitive. bls   (0 bytes , 232reads )
What did I add? I'm speaking the truth. Nothing but the truth. bls   (619 bytes , 338reads )
bls and this not in Top 4 player, ..... 2008八连负   (472 bytes , 246reads )
bls, what you heard is ok to me, what you added is wasting time ..... 2008八连负   (74 bytes , 259reads )
Aiya, you asked whether people thinking of you helping to get minor points. bls   (285 bytes , 229reads )
bls, I do not want to waste time with you ..... 2008八连负   (242 bytes , 344reads )
I see I see, means minor points can affect more then 1 positions. bls   (147 bytes , 256reads )
erm? Hard fight? bls   (0 bytes , 183reads )
In fact, only the 5th position after Round 7 can have such complaint if any ... 2008八连负   (140 bytes , 238reads )
You need to tell him that he was lucky to get a win from me lah ..... 2008八连负   (0 bytes , 289reads )
erm.. lucky? bls   (0 bytes , 193reads )
such views from a 3rd man, although in personal capacity ..... 2008八连负   (528 bytes , 344reads )
Yes, as discussed, HK is adopting a more aggressive way 卷心菜   (178 bytes , 275reads )
I give up !!! 2008八连负   (0 bytes , 231reads )
one example of water supplier ....... 2008八连负   (437 bytes , 234reads )
should not waste your grandchild time on this matter ..... 野比大雄   (377 bytes , 474reads )
欢迎新人 赠桃一粒=) 一刀n断   (0 bytes , 245reads )
积极的看是一次团体高手对垒的机会 卷心菜   (72 bytes , 239reads )
消极的看是一次角力, why choose Bishan, near to SIXGA HQ ??? 2008八连负   (368 bytes , 313reads )
平和一些看呢? 几度   (842 bytes , 252reads )
Since this matter is referred to the top, ......... 2008八连负   (1205 bytes , 349reads )
你代表参加吗?=) 一刀n断   (0 bytes , 211reads )
欠人一份人情,必须偿还,故不便出战,请见谅!!! 棋一生   (0 bytes , 211reads )
不知我可有资格么。。。 =P marauder   (0 bytes , 252reads )
若有空缺,可放我做后补。 火云邪神   (0 bytes , 179reads )
算我一个。 几度   (0 bytes , 182reads )