Some views
所在版块:悟入棋途 发贴时间:2008-06-21 15:57  评分:

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
Hu Rong Hua got champion in whole of China at the age of 15. Many others like Xu Yin Chuan, Xie Jing, all achieved great success at a young age.

On the local front, Huang Jun Ming got B division Champion at the age of 18 (If I didn't remember wrongly) Others like Ng Yee Hong, Kwok Kah Ming were promoted also at a very young age of around 14-15 yrs of age.

This year's final saw great chess skills displayed by Lin Chao Xian and Liu Yi Hao. The two of them showcased the standards of B division and both played magnificently. Whichever of the two of them would have been a very worthy winner and eventually Liu Yi Hao trimphed after a long battle, as witnessed by many people.

To certain people, it seems like every single occurance in the chess is due to some form of kelong/manipulation, etc.

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This 16 yr old can be champion ?Go drink more milk...must be the art of some ... number001   (29 bytes , 842reads )
Hi brother number001. It is not fair to make that statement. bls   (234 bytes , 267reads )
智者思其所言,愚者言其所思 火云邪神   (385 bytes , 671reads )
华新论坛守则 一刀n断   (666 bytes , 273reads )
Sorry only my personal opinion, but I think this 16-yr-old player is good enough 几度   (62 bytes , 247reads )
I wont underestimate u 杀着大全   (147 bytes , 273reads )
你这么说对赢的一方和输的一方都不公平 同时无视了选手,组织者和赛务等很多人的努力 一刀n断   (0 bytes , 218reads )
Please do not accuse the innocent 风云剑   (550 bytes , 314reads )
Some views fairplay10   (799 bytes , 357reads )
胡荣华15岁获得全国冠军。1960年。 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 241reads )
mayb u r 2 old 2 accept new things juz like u may not know what does 脑残 mean 杀着大全   (114 bytes , 279reads )