所在版块:悟入棋途 发贴时间:2008-02-08 00:10  评分:

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2008年鼠年将至,给各位网友拜个早年。 卷心菜   (73 bytes , 1031reads )
我的电脑突然不能打分 一刀n断   (69 bytes , 275reads )
done. 张辽   (0 bytes , 246reads )
各位过年好! 香陵居士   (46 bytes , 683reads )
恭喜发财!红桃拿来! 将五进九   (68 bytes , 382reads )
拜年了 拜年了 杀着大全   (0 bytes , 303reads )
拜年了,拜年了 张辽   (16 bytes , 464reads )
祝贺大家恭"棋"发财 火云邪神   (0 bytes , 334reads )
今天(2月4日)是二十四节气中的第一个节气“立春”。 棋人生   (1086 bytes , 321reads )
2008 is 盲年. 什么是「盲年」? 棋人生   (6137 bytes , 433reads )
现行“十九年七闰” ........please check against your birthdays every 19 years. 棋人生   (177 bytes , 346reads )
yes, when I is 38 year old, my lunar birthday & birthday fall on the same day. 张辽   (0 bytes , 346reads )
I had same for 19th and 38th, one day difference for coming 57th, will be having 棋人生   (60 bytes , 290reads )
【齐】心合力 【启】动 象【棋】 ..... 齐启棋   (198 bytes , 307reads )
one day difference for my 19th 张辽   (0 bytes , 273reads )
sorry, 76th and 95th. 棋人生   (0 bytes , 294reads )
typo error, is 4 Feb 2008. 棋人生   (0 bytes , 328reads )
Yes, I wish all 网友 ...... at the same time, 拜个早年。 棋人生   (90 bytes , 439reads )
卷心菜是有感而发啊。 几度   (0 bytes , 329reads )
我也拜早年了 棋友拜年贴 发红桃了=P 一刀n断   (36 bytes , 344reads )