Since mid May 2007, .......
所在版块:悟入棋途 发贴时间:2008-01-27 10:30

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
I read about some postings of 2007 义顺南第1届李美花杯象棋团体赛 (6 to 8 Apr 2007) here in Apr 2007.

I started my postings here from mid May 2008 ..... and all the times, I hope to do one round of postings regarding all the xiangqi activities in Singapore.

The coming xiangqi activities during 2008 华族文化节 Chinese Cultural Festival should be considered as my last few pieces of works if I plan to move on to other areas after one year (13 May 2008).

Yesterday, when 甘榜格南邓章淦会长 called me regarding registration of one 甘榜格南 team for 第1届碧山杯全国选区象棋团体赛 (1 & 2 Mar 2008), I suggested to him to bring some forms for 甘榜格南象棋快棋赛 (个人 8 Mar, 双人 9 Mar) on 1 & 2 Mar 2008 if 甘榜格南 plans to get few more players for 甘榜格南象棋快棋赛.

As mentioned, I will help in the publicity of xiangqi activties here in 悟入棋途 at the moment if I feel there is a need. I may even help in other areas too if my service is needed. One example is I have passed the following few postings to SIXGA :

(1) 新加坡象棋、十年风雨路.

(2) 2002年6月27日至今国内较主要/大型的团体赛, ......

(3) Why 10 years ? not 15 years ?

(4) from this record, so many teams not in PA HQ's Mind Sport due to .....

As mentioned a few times, if we do not do somethings regarding the records of 新加坡象棋 in the past 十年 or 十五年 now, we may not able to do it at all as more and more "白贵忠先生" and "毛瑞发先生" will be leaving us in the coming years and we may lost the records of some years totally ......


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2008 华族文化节 Chinese Cultural Festival Xiangqi Events 棋人生   (0 bytes , 540reads )
Since mid May 2007, ....... 棋人生   (1704 bytes , 306reads )
did a lot of publicity for 2007全国个人赛 but not able to do it for 2008 ...... 棋人生   (42 bytes , 167reads )
不知量力 棋大炮   (334 bytes , 351reads )
新加坡全国未来23个月象棋活动预告 .... 棋人生   (46 bytes , 161reads )
欢迎 送桃一粒 一刀n断   (0 bytes , 174reads )
Sorry, I type in English much faster ........ to visit two places on Saturdays . 棋人生   (462 bytes , 193reads )
华语翻译 卷心菜   (713 bytes , 239reads )
谢谢! 棋人生   (0 bytes , 139reads )
typo error ..I started my postings here from mid May 2007 ..... 棋人生   (0 bytes , 186reads )
第3届碧山杯全国象棋个人赛曁第1届碧山杯全国选区象棋团体赛 (1 & 2 Mar 2008) 棋人生   (0 bytes , 177reads )
学习了下新加坡政治地理,发现我属于女皇镇CC,属于tanjong pagar集选区。 卷心菜   (230 bytes , 316reads )
I am also under Tanjong Pagar CC ZJS   (24 bytes , 159reads )
If other than you and 卷心菜, there are two more players .... 棋人生   (260 bytes , 201reads )
发现竟然鲜有棋人住女皇镇,一声叹息. 卷心菜   (17 bytes , 145reads )
林资雄甲级 棋仙   (36 bytes , 190reads )
Could be too many conditions this time round, .... this is why ..... 棋人生   (329 bytes , 248reads )
You have to form under 女皇镇division of tanjong pagar集选区 ..... 棋人生   (146 bytes , 245reads )
请问谁有赖颖正先生或者其他女皇镇代表的电话号码? 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 185reads )
i will msn u 张辽   (0 bytes , 170reads )
Rules, Schedule, Prizes, Entry Forms ...... 棋人生   (46 bytes , 166reads )
News Item released on 10 Jan, 悟入棋途网友 please alert me if read about it ... 棋人生   (25 bytes , 209reads )
象总茶阳杯学生象棋个人赛 ( 1 to 16 Mar 2008) 棋人生   (0 bytes , 175reads )
There are 3 secondary schools helping in this event .. 棋人生   (256 bytes , 199reads )
甘榜格南象棋快棋赛 (个人 8 Mar, 双人 9 Mar) 棋人生   (0 bytes , 178reads )
义顺南第2届李美花杯象棋团体赛 (21 to 23 Mar 2008) 棋人生   (0 bytes , 190reads )
2008义顺南第2届李美花杯象棋团体赛 (23 Mar 2008, confirmed) 棋人生   (219 bytes , 163reads )
The 8 invited teams likely to be from 2007义顺南第1届李美花杯象棋团体赛 棋人生   (0 bytes , 167reads )
My last few postings were on hear-says, better to wait for official news, ... 棋人生   (499 bytes , 249reads )
possible to have total of 14 teams at least ...... 棋人生   (219 bytes , 232reads )
As there are 4 Bishan 少年棋手 in SIXGA training class ...... 棋人生   (231 bytes , 341reads )
heard that SIXGA will be sending young-player team(s) too ..... 棋人生   (0 bytes , 169reads )
heard that player from 来群杯/五羊杯 is 徐天红, not likely is 吴贵临 ..... 棋人生   (2994 bytes , 221reads )
We could see some of them here in Singapore during ...... 棋人生   (74 bytes , 231reads )
sorry, typo error " from 来群杯/五羊杯 is 徐天红, NOW likely is 吴贵临 .." 棋人生   (0 bytes , 202reads )
heard that 许银川 and 李来群 were considered too ..... 棋人生   (0 bytes , 192reads )
whether 柳大华 will represent 飞鹰 this year instead...... 棋人生   (46 bytes , 185reads )
柳特忙于团体赛,应该会继续缺席新加坡赛事. 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 170reads )
湖北象棋队今起“闭门练功” 汪洋已归队 棋人生   (982 bytes , 223reads )
武汉的棋风很盛啊 棋仙   (63 bytes , 190reads )