To 悟入棋途版主 & 网友, "王英再真可爱" and "没头发洪泉发" 网友 -- No. 2
所在版块:悟入棋途 发贴时间:2007-12-27 14:34

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 

I went out in the morning and just came back home.

A friend told that I do not need to give 3-day allowance, another one give me the support to follow up on the case.

As for me, I hope everyone could have an happy new year but depending on "王英再真可爱" and "没头发洪泉发" 网友.

To 悟入棋途版主,

although you have removed those relevant postings from 悟入棋途, police may still approach you for details after 29 Dec 2007. You may wish to alert huasing administrator to keep all logs for investigations if required. I believe that this is part of the duties of the administrator.

To "王英再真可爱" and "没头发洪泉发" 网友

The 3-day allowance as indicated in my first posting below on this issue still stand, you have to provide all relevant information as indicated to me, say through SIXGA office or Bishan C.C. office by 29 Dec 2007.

I will make a police report after 29 Dec 2007.


my first posting on this issue as shown below :

To 悟入棋途版主 & 网友, "王英再真可爱" and "没头发洪泉发" 网友 :

发贴时间:2007-12-27 05:53

Recently a few postings try to destroy the efforts put in by many of us in the last few months to help to build a better 悟入棋途, from generating misleading information to personal attacks.

I am considering to report these matters (as attached) to police for investigations unless these two 网友, namely "王英再真可爱" and "没头发洪泉发" give their apologies to 悟入棋途版主 & 网友, Nee Soon South C.C. (I have told them about misleading information previously) and me (regarding personal attacks) with their real identifications within three days, by 29 Dec 2007, Saturday.

There are rules to follow when you are doing postings on Internet, "王英再真可爱" and "没头发洪泉发" may not think carefully before the attached few postings. I hope that they better think carefully now and have a coming Happy New Year before it is too late.

Lastly, may I wish all (悟入棋途版主 & 网友) a Happy New Year and have a better 悟入棋途 in 2008.


latest count is 27 teams - 王英再真可爱 0 bytes 2007-12-14 02:58 (35 reads)

i hope they leave for their own good - 没头发洪泉发 0 bytes 2007-12-26 19:37 (16 reads)

You sound very upright but just another two-faced hypocrite - 没头发洪泉发 0 bytes 2007-12-27 01:22 (13 reads)

 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
To 悟入棋途版主 & 网友, "王英再真可爱" and "没头发洪泉发" 网友 -- No. 2 棋人生   (2408 bytes , 810reads )
我的一些看法 卷心菜   (1234 bytes , 253reads )
讲得好! 张辽   (0 bytes , 177reads )
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人身攻击 shd not encourage ... but .. if i assume one the case... 棋天大胜   (969 bytes , 230reads )
please note the flow of the postings, not acceptable to me .... 棋人生   (0 bytes , 208reads )
close in the other posting 棋人生   (0 bytes , 193reads )
给“王英再真可爱"和”没头发洪泉发“网友的一点儿建议 张辽   (431 bytes , 263reads )
我也给点意见吧。 几度   (2977 bytes , 170reads )
To everyone... 王英再真可爱   (454 bytes , 340reads )
和为贵,和为贵,和局多一点儿不要紧 张辽   (96 bytes , 172reads )
张辽的名字 几度   (320 bytes , 227reads )
ok to close the matter...... 棋人生   (147 bytes , 288reads )
这个周日的象总庆功午宴,"王英再真可爱"要自罚三杯, 棋仙   (83 bytes , 214reads )
棋人生先生 张辽   (94 bytes , 268reads )
张辽版主,I have decided to drop this matter ....... 棋人生   (4060 bytes , 278reads )
Will not use this nick anymore 王英再真可爱   (96 bytes , 356reads )
嗯,可以注册其他ID积极地加入到棋艺本身的讨论中来. 卷心菜   (43 bytes , 177reads )
ok 棋人生   (0 bytes , 188reads )
已经转去给admin看了 一刀n断   (200 bytes , 235reads )
Furthermore, take how long to apologise and the sincerity of ..... 棋人生   (51 bytes , 224reads )
我早上把“没头发”ban了,他怎么道歉? 一刀n断   (32 bytes , 206reads )
this is part of the sincerity, do not know the phone or address is not ..... 棋人生   (135 bytes , 235reads )
从大局上讲 我作为版主不希望看到 人身攻击贴 和 类似纷争贴 一刀n断   (780 bytes , 196reads )
是啊 张辽   (0 bytes , 159reads )
If it is a police case, let police to decide, so it is better for you to ..... 棋人生   (60 bytes , 206reads )
应该是和棋人生比较熟的人才开这玩笑,相信他知道你生气了会找你道歉, 棋仙   (29 bytes , 217reads )
admin我也不认识,我只能把意见发到“意见论坛”板块 一刀n断   (0 bytes , 161reads )
do not worry, definitely can trace .... 棋人生   (0 bytes , 189reads )
Sorry, I have to take this issue seriously .... 棋人生   (95 bytes , 172reads )