Sorry, 阮成保 6.5 points, 3rd position ...
所在版块:悟入棋途 发贴时间:2007-10-21 12:31

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Round 9, 21 Oct 2007, Sunday at 9 AM 中越巅峰对决 棋人生   (1456 bytes , 465reads )
Malaysia Website has provided a very good summary .... 棋人生   (3065 bytes , 269reads )
男子团体总排名:新加坡第六 卷心菜   (969 bytes , 222reads )
All the possible rankings for Singapore Team depending on Results of Round 9 棋人生   (735 bytes , 241reads )
Singapore has a balanced team as compared to 法国(团), 马来西亚(团), ..... 棋人生   (47 bytes , 211reads )
男子个人成绩表总排名:黄俊铭第12,卢国龙第20 卷心菜   (55 bytes , 259reads )
第十届世象赛-女子个人成绩表总排名;新加坡魏琬妮第九 卷心菜   (932 bytes , 269reads )
2007年第十届澳门世界象棋锦标赛 -- From Malaysia Website : 棋人生   (1160 bytes , 249reads )
At least 6 points for Top 12 ?! 联剑风云录--2007年世锦赛专辑之最终轮 棋人生   (1758 bytes , 235reads )
黄俊铭 in 12th Position with 5.5 points only but with highest 对手分 .... 棋人生   (0 bytes , 211reads )
Now we are waiting for the results of Singapore players ..... 棋人生   (353 bytes , 240reads )
冠军 亚军 should be expected as .... 棋人生   (52 bytes , 214reads )
At least 6 points in Top 8 ..... 棋人生   (195 bytes , 202reads )
not all 6 points in Top 8 棋人生   (343 bytes , 208reads )
Sorry, 阮成保 6.5 points, 3rd position ... 棋人生   (0 bytes , 209reads )
*********************** (Final) on 21 Oct 2007, Sunday at 9 AM ***************** 棋人生   (0 bytes , 213reads )
第十届世象赛-男子第九轮对阵表, 陆建初 vs 卢国龙, 徐浩华 vs 黄俊铭 棋人生   (0 bytes , 217reads )
徐浩华 vs 黄俊铭, 黄俊铭 won, critical win together with 卢国龙's draw for .... 棋人生   (73 bytes , 249reads )
陆建初 vs 卢国龙 -- draw 棋人生   (0 bytes , 230reads )