what is the relationship between you and 齐天大圣 ???
所在版块:悟入棋途 发贴时间:2007-07-13 08:00

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大家好!我姓棋! 棋天大胜   (93 bytes , 585reads )
To 棋天大胜 and 齐天大圣 网友, .... we really can have 72 different names 棋人生   (446 bytes , 229reads )
Total of 96 names if you also include 齐天大胜, more than 孙猴子72变 !!! 棋人生   (0 bytes , 167reads )
This is the problem, 棋天大胜 and 齐天大圣 are two different 网友, .... 棋人生   (0 bytes , 164reads )
what is the relationship between you and 齐天大圣 ??? 棋人生   (0 bytes , 170reads )
呵呵,好,500年前大闹天宫的就是你吧。 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 180reads )
大闹天宫的是齐天大圣,棋天大圣搞不好是大闹棋馆的。 :P 几度   (0 bytes , 187reads )
呵呵....齐天大圣是俺的 ? 棋天大胜   (89 bytes , 191reads )
俺只会是搞搞笑!!! 棋天大胜   (1372 bytes , 222reads )
Hello....棋天大圣 !! 网络蚂蚁   (53 bytes , 170reads )
孙猴子72变 , 千万别用72个网 名了 ,明天叫“卷心饼干”就晕了 ! 棋仙   (52 bytes , 175reads )