Possible reason 跑路 !!!
所在版块:悟入棋途 发贴时间:2007-07-08 23:34

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
Players like to play chess.
As playing chess need lots of time...
Less time spent to spent on working and accompany family and incoming is also problem.
Then They like to gamble to get fast money.
At the end , no money had to borrow.
When cannot return , they had to disappear..
Of course , this depend on the players characters.
Some of them make reliazation and able to make balance...but some cannot...
Cos spore no "poffessional players".

if there is , mean not popular in "Qi tan" else no way to make money

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Hi , In singapore who are Top 5 A division and Top 5 B Division ? you Think !? 网络蚂蚁   (64 bytes , 1791reads )
棋仙 == Tht game at final stage , how to win ? 网络蚂蚁   (74 bytes , 312reads )
不好赢 几度   (247 bytes , 334reads )
功力不够,粱甲级也不是吃素的! 胡耀宇   (44 bytes , 343reads )
New Top5 乙级 Ranking after Nationals 火云邪神   (74 bytes , 326reads )
赞成! 棋仙   (172 bytes , 325reads )
Another view on Top5 乙级 Ranking 网络蚂蚁   (202 bytes , 362reads )
Sorry , juz to add.. 网络蚂蚁   (340 bytes , 357reads )
害一害柳国斌,把他的名字加进来吧。 几度   (101 bytes , 297reads )
柳国斌这次A组下得不错,乙级里最好的!理应进TOP 5(乙级) 棋仙   (16 bytes , 319reads )
ya hor ...missed out him .. 网络蚂蚁   (21 bytes , 360reads )
???Ranking after Nationals 网络蚂蚁   (101 bytes , 333reads )
梁志顺 is defending champ for kampong glam 火云邪神   (13 bytes , 425reads )
Think not able this time 网络蚂蚁   (0 bytes , 292reads )
if 火云邪神 joined , 梁志顺 need to give way then 网络蚂蚁   (0 bytes , 297reads )
帮梁乙级提鞋,呵呵 火云邪神   (80 bytes , 332reads )
火老弟!! 网络蚂蚁   (160 bytes , 350reads )
胡耀宇 Vs 胜张心欢 ( Thank) 网络蚂蚁   (559 bytes , 308reads )
Reply 几度   (1479 bytes , 389reads )
guys, if u play on 弈天,dun forget to join "singapore" 帮派 卷心菜   (73 bytes , 411reads )
haha , This tropic very slow hot !!! and all you you had got memory !! 网络蚂蚁   (13 bytes , 386reads )
卷心菜 , who is 火云邪神 and 棋仙 ?!!! 网络蚂蚁   (276 bytes , 478reads )
火云邪神 网络蚂蚁   (224 bytes , 349reads )
waa... 蚂蚁要掀我低牌 火云邪神   (30 bytes , 336reads )
再不显形,蚂蚁掀他低裤! 棋仙   (74 bytes , 298reads )
不要掀牌,悟入棋途网友,不喜告诉人阴阳。网络规则 .... 棋人生   (543 bytes , 312reads )
大家不要被胡猜测所影响 棋仙   (87 bytes , 306reads )
真被说中 !! you are good then ! should by 4 digital !! 网络蚂蚁   (10 bytes , 314reads )
呵呵!! 网络蚂蚁   (128 bytes , 327reads )
you can always private message me 火云邪神   (57 bytes , 310reads )
蚂蚁quite fierce 胡耀宇   (51 bytes , 349reads )
another possibility for 棋仙:洪安豪 卷心菜   (32 bytes , 375reads )
不是。 火云邪神   (29 bytes , 306reads )
火云邪神 ,网络蚂蚁好像是 棋仙   (38 bytes , 340reads )
卧虎藏龙 火云邪神   (36 bytes , 341reads )
Xiao (3) 邪神... 网络蚂蚁   (48 bytes , 333reads )
哈,亏你联想到 火云邪神   (0 bytes , 289reads )
是么?沈大侠近两年没怎么出来下棋? 卷心菜   (33 bytes , 287reads )
沈正 played at Friendly match on 27 Jun at Bishan. 棋人生   (0 bytes , 302reads )
沈大侠在忙着赚大钱啊。。。。 piggy888   (0 bytes , 368reads )
沈大侠赚大钱啊,piggy888 also got share !! 网络蚂蚁   (4 bytes , 307reads )
沈大侠赚大钱啊,piggy888 also got share !! 网络蚂蚁   (4 bytes , 303reads )
ok i give up.棋仙可能跟我在早期下过,that time i dunno anyone's name. 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 372reads )
无级无名气的小泥鳅 火云邪神   (111 bytes , 350reads )
估计是世界500强 棋仙   (0 bytes , 331reads )
见笑了,老弟 火云邪神   (28 bytes , 324reads )
火云邪神应该是。。。 胡耀宇   (99 bytes , 336reads )
who is 赖颖正吧 ?? Spell wrongly right? 网络蚂蚁   (40 bytes , 377reads )
颖正是女皇镇高手啊 卷心菜   (30 bytes , 387reads )
颖正 had improved alots ??! In year 2002 to 2004 , he not that good in game 网络蚂蚁   (45 bytes , 292reads )
对!女皇镇三剑客,赢过王英再 胡耀宇   (17 bytes , 364reads )
Top 5 B Division i think 胡耀宇   (60 bytes , 559reads )
大致上相同 火云邪神   (35 bytes , 406reads )
may be this rank, others hv different opinion?? 网络蚂蚁   (101 bytes , 472reads )
差不多吧 胡耀宇   (149 bytes , 360reads )
哪里可以少了梁华平,许震川? 胡耀宇   (64 bytes , 422reads )
Never see them , did they come out often ? 网络蚂蚁   (71 bytes , 385reads )
梁华平,许震川,梁文杰 都交手过。吴伟群 比较强 火云邪神   (0 bytes , 456reads )
还有好多乙级高手(30岁以上)我估计下不过 棋仙   (79 bytes , 397reads )
还有好多乙级高手(30岁以上)我估计下不过 !! 棋仙 网络蚂蚁   (429 bytes , 446reads )
May be can ask 几度 his opinion ! He should have played with them before ! 网络蚂蚁   (111 bytes , 391reads )
陈福全下过一次,后手以大列炮应 棋仙   (24 bytes , 494reads )
他以屏风马横车对过我 火云邪神   (28 bytes , 346reads )
真的啊,可惜我先手不爱走中炮,不会进攻 棋仙   (110 bytes , 389reads )
没有下过少年组,少年时倒是真用中炮多。 棋仙   (144 bytes , 332reads )
哈哈,大笨象好啊。大象,大象,你的鼻子怎么这么长。 卷心菜   (30 bytes , 373reads )
不是瞎眼蝙蝠 火云邪神   (122 bytes , 469reads )
id you win them in offical game ? 梁华平,许震川,梁文杰 ,吴伟群 网络蚂蚁   (120 bytes , 481reads )
小弟不才,跟众位高手请教过 火云邪神   (132 bytes , 444reads )
火老弟,有没有和我下的对局? 棋仙   (23 bytes , 308reads )
应该有 火云邪神   (54 bytes , 269reads )
吴伟群不是快马飞刀 几度   (13 bytes , 335reads )
Haha , I also think so 吴伟群不是快马飞刀....fast but not stable type.... 网络蚂蚁   (34 bytes , 451reads )
好多甲组都怕他的快刀斩乱麻 火云邪神   (0 bytes , 304reads )
haha Lucky i'm not 甲组so not 怕他的快刀斩乱麻 !!! 网络蚂蚁   (4 bytes , 348reads )
吴不是象棋围棋双料大师么? 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 365reads )
好厉害,我只跟里面三个人下过 卷心菜   (14 bytes , 372reads )
好怀念以前的全国团体联赛 胡耀宇   (132 bytes , 351reads )
对呀,全国团体联赛感觉就是不一样 火云邪神   (14 bytes , 357reads )
是啊棋仙,团体赛应该硬拼到底啊。 卷心菜   (234 bytes , 273reads )
对啊,所以下团体赛的成绩不计入个人积分 棋仙   (734 bytes , 326reads )
也说压力 几度   (318 bytes , 330reads )
个人赛压力BIG .ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU ARE RUNING IN FRONT 网络蚂蚁   (70 bytes , 389reads )
全国团体联赛 ...... 棋人生   (175 bytes , 368reads )
who you had met ? 网络蚂蚁   (0 bytes , 367reads )
棋仙,你说对文礼队无级没胜过,难不成有还未升级的高手? 火云邪神   (23 bytes , 350reads )
还有林豪伟,我好像也输过 棋仙   (65 bytes , 378reads )
棋仙的棋本来就是快马乱刀,输给谁都正常 胡耀宇   (45 bytes , 355reads )
棋仙,据我所知洪培荣,林福明都没什么出来下棋了 火云邪神   (48 bytes , 392reads )
对啊,洪培荣我输过,林福明不知道下过没? 棋仙   (51 bytes , 345reads )
俺碰过的大师/甲级/乙级/无级高手 张辽   (275 bytes , 429reads )
冯兆荣应该是1981 乙级棋士。 棋人生   (0 bytes , 340reads )
冯兆荣应该是没级吧。这位冯uncle还教了我些中局呢,哈哈。 卷心菜   (30 bytes , 324reads )
无级高手这些人都出来参加B组比赛就热闹了,我看范就没机会了 胡耀宇   (191 bytes , 444reads )
难道是martin lee?? 卷心菜   (50 bytes , 365reads )
对卷心菜1胜1和,您是????? 卷心菜   (26 bytes , 309reads )
不对,棋仙跟来兴交手过。棋仙到底是谁呢? 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 358reads )
还有输给好多棋手,名字一时记不得 棋仙   (70 bytes , 393reads )
我的新加坡好手交战史 棋仙   (482 bytes , 481reads )
这几个人里面 i met 梁华平,吴伟群,吴宗翰。甲级和大师里面 i met 卷心菜   (214 bytes , 556reads )
张心欢的棋其实是A组的棋。胡耀宇也是靠实力才能胜的啊。 几度   (168 bytes , 304reads )
胡耀宇再胜张心欢(五九炮对对屏风马) 胡耀宇   (565 bytes , 295reads )
难怪大家猜不到你是谁。你也太不活跃了。是谁介绍来华新的? 几度   (24 bytes , 298reads )
胡耀宇先胜胡海宇 胡耀宇   (549 bytes , 291reads )
不是啊。红可以接走炮三进七打象,将5进1,再车六平八叫杀。 几度   (0 bytes , 333reads )
第44回合,红马三进五后黑应该马7进6踩三子,黑不难下啊 棋仙   (64 bytes , 311reads )
鼓掌! 几度   (118 bytes , 263reads )
张心欢红先胜胡耀宇,赢回S$20 胡耀宇   (517 bytes , 308reads )
可以这样走吗? 火云邪神   (56 bytes , 270reads )
胡耀宇先胜张心欢 胡耀宇   (516 bytes , 327reads )
我的交战史 胡耀宇   (76 bytes , 325reads )
and 邱冠杰,but i played with him before he advanced to 甲级。 卷心菜   (18 bytes , 386reads )
Woo , you are so good. win so many ..players !! I not even meet most of them 网络蚂蚁   (111 bytes , 478reads )
水平不稳。不行啦。打打团体赛还可以 火云邪神   (0 bytes , 349reads )
这里还蛮热闹啊 棋仙   (104 bytes , 368reads )
网络规则 几度   (491 bytes , 419reads )
全靠胡海宇的宣传发展才能有现在热闹的讨论啊。 卷心菜   (22 bytes , 365reads )
你是? 张辽   (8 bytes , 313reads )
my personal opinion:黄俊铭,赖汉顺,莫文耀,康德龙,林耀森 卷心菜   (524 bytes , 435reads )
李庆先绝对有前六。 几度   (815 bytes , 414reads )
Wu Ji ( Chen Juan Wen) , YiJi ( Wu Zhong Han) ,JiaJi ( De Rong, Jun Meng) 网络蚂蚁   (132 bytes , 585reads )
SEEM LIKE NEED TO CHANE LIAO.... 网络蚂蚁   (108 bytes , 407reads )
没有级的但有甲乙级水准的棋手 胡耀宇   (35 bytes , 386reads )
义顺南有个张顺兴有级吗?他的棋也不错,很久没出来下了 棋仙   (37 bytes , 342reads )
偏门利润高 火云邪神   (26 bytes , 302reads )
回复棋仙  网络蚂蚁   (35 bytes , 290reads )
不会吧,他看起来是老实人 棋仙   (56 bytes , 269reads )
棋仙你读错了。 火云邪神   (32 bytes , 251reads )
怎么这么多跑路的? 棋仙   (263 bytes , 314reads )
Possible reason 跑路 !!! 网络蚂蚁   (513 bytes , 331reads )
回复 几度   (140 bytes , 306reads )
别忘了张友彬,蔡俊杰 火云邪神   (0 bytes , 437reads )
还有一人:神之一着,强甲水平的无极。 卷心菜   (74 bytes , 416reads )
此人在米粒尖儿国。。。走了n年了。。。 一刀n断   (0 bytes , 300reads )
No choice luck not with them!! 网络蚂蚁   (0 bytes , 335reads )
还有柯永青 棋仙   (28 bytes , 392reads )
他的横车夹马和顺炮有点落伍 火云邪神   (36 bytes , 334reads )
他的横车夹马和顺炮有点落伍? 胡耀宇   (105 bytes , 365reads )
是吗?感觉不是很熟练 火云邪神   (69 bytes , 345reads )
他在摄影界的造诣要强很多啊。 卷心菜   (10 bytes , 321reads )
谁? 火云邪神   (0 bytes , 324reads )
03年4月的时候新加坡老棋手bishan跟他网上下过 卷心菜   (265 bytes , 425reads )
见识一下NTU神之一招弈天红先胜 凌未风(天帝) 卷心菜   (180 bytes , 470reads )
火云邪神,你看网页右上角的搜索功能。input神之一招,then ENTER 卷心菜   (95 bytes , 412reads )
神之一招的对局哪来的?有趣 火云邪神   (0 bytes , 362reads )
古天乐是演员。古天诺才是棋手。 火云邪神   (0 bytes , 432reads )
李魁勉好久没出现了吧. 卷心菜   (23 bytes , 417reads )
Did you talk to him at Bishan on Wednesday ? 棋人生   (0 bytes , 303reads )
有些年青棋手突然失踪是什么回事? 胡耀宇   (128 bytes , 362reads )
以前有个叫张家伦的乙级。在哪? 火云邪神   (32 bytes , 375reads )
也有些做fulltime bookie 火云邪神   (0 bytes , 381reads )
火云邪神 also hv bright future !!! 网络蚂蚁   (7 bytes , 345reads )
啊?点解? 火云邪神   (0 bytes , 271reads )
许震川听说跟人借了很多钱后跑路 火云邪神   (0 bytes , 358reads )
借了很多钱后跑路 !! related to Bookie ?? 网络蚂蚁   (198 bytes , 457reads )
大概以为赌能致富吧。 火云邪神   (0 bytes , 408reads )
huasing能致富,做法是多去“狮城财经”版 卷心菜   (36 bytes , 320reads )
神之一招的对局哪来的?有趣 火云邪神   (0 bytes , 332reads )
对啊,我还输给过许正豪一盘,什么时候才能报仇呢? 卷心菜   (54 bytes , 398reads )
没机会报仇了,人家不玩象棋了 胡耀宇   (89 bytes , 588reads )
王志毅当年不下是因为打桥牌进国家队了。 几度   (0 bytes , 301reads )
No sure whether he is still palying 桥牌 now 网络蚂蚁   (0 bytes , 433reads )
李国华说王志毅玩电脑了 火云邪神   (0 bytes , 389reads )
cannot believe that !? 网络蚂蚁   (0 bytes , 308reads )
李魁勉棋快, 胡耀宇   (108 bytes , 447reads )
圣手狂龙突然失踪是什么回事? 网络蚂蚁   (12 bytes , 280reads )
多数是因为工作或结婚的原因 棋仙   (164 bytes , 307reads )