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全国B组总结 火云邪神   (213 bytes , 890reads )
Don't like the gesture of alvin wu when juz about making move... 网络蚂蚁   (46 bytes , 477reads )
what did he do to piss you off? 火云邪神   (0 bytes , 260reads )
As mentioned in ..... 棋人生   (225 bytes , 281reads )
Sorry, I may miss your point, ..... 棋人生   (175 bytes , 300reads )
Yes, I have told SIXGA to correct him in this area but ..... 棋人生   (40 bytes , 281reads )
think will , else when represent spore will be a joke then !! 网络蚂蚁   (0 bytes , 313reads )
什么? 火云邪神   (0 bytes , 223reads )
吴宗翰已经代表新加坡队参加了亚洲杯 卷心菜   (171 bytes , 267reads )
北斗今年包囊A,B组冠军 棋仙   (134 bytes , 281reads )
加基武吉领头羊是大师赖汉顺先生吧 卷心菜   (54 bytes , 301reads )
列如? 火云邪神   (128 bytes , 249reads )
北斗培养的优秀棋手 胡耀宇   (236 bytes , 312reads )
Another way of talking ... 网络蚂蚁   (160 bytes , 290reads )
亚洲杯选拔赛 ...... 棋人生   (133 bytes , 233reads )
重出江湖的棋手 火云邪神   (52 bytes , 254reads )
张友彬和蔡俊杰都两度错过普级的机会 火云邪神   (63 bytes , 259reads )
张友彬和蔡俊杰再度饮恨,余认为运气不佳,建议去中国名山烧香。 卷心菜   (91 bytes , 293reads )
未至名山心自醉,远离俗世幻虚空 胡耀宇   (296 bytes , 275reads )
will 蔡俊杰 ,几度,wenqishou,明花暗柳 present this wednesday ? 网络蚂蚁   (17 bytes , 317reads )
几度, wenqishou last night won. 棋人生   (1 bytes , 228reads )
Majority if not all (I guess), team friendly match starts at or after 8pm, 棋人生   (27 bytes , 286reads )
missed chance to challenge them :) 网络蚂蚁   (0 bytes , 265reads )
come, we can 喝咖啡 together at night. 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 208reads )
or follow 棋人生 to Tibet in mid Sep, should be a good place for praying .... 棋人生   (0 bytes , 293reads )
外籍棋手的入侵 火云邪神   (66 bytes , 290reads )
Two winning stories for 姚威和 against 赖颖正 and 陈茂然 .... 棋人生   (258 bytes , 406reads )
这也行?结止日期企不是没意识? 火云邪神   (122 bytes , 274reads )
just to get even number lah .... 棋人生   (0 bytes , 270reads )
Any concern or issue in this area ? 棋人生   (297 bytes , 394reads )
抛砖引玉 火云邪神   (124 bytes , 257reads )
not easy, ...... 棋人生   (292 bytes , 315reads )
Is he a state player? 火云邪神   (0 bytes , 286reads )
姚威和 ? 范永康 ? 张勋 ? 棋人生   (169 bytes , 317reads )
姚威和 is he from Bei Dou ?? 网络蚂蚁   (0 bytes , 285reads )
是的,5年前罗名士杯长河书局最后一轮vs北斗,威和代表北斗打第三台 卷心菜   (70 bytes , 357reads )
姚威和的一大特点是: 胡耀宇   (34 bytes , 301reads )
Mr 胡耀宇 .. 网络蚂蚁   (67 bytes , 220reads )
洪安豪慢棋好很多 火云邪神   (91 bytes , 272reads )
洪安豪棋很慢,姚我只见他拆棋,没见他下棋! 胡耀宇   (19 bytes , 233reads )
洪小弟留长发听说是有原因的 胡耀宇   (90 bytes , 315reads )
嗯,我跟他们下过,我也一样慢。 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 238reads )
有啊,以前常跟洪小弟杀,那时他一头长发, 胡耀宇   (0 bytes , 244reads )
Did you play with 洪安豪 before ? 网络蚂蚁   (75 bytes , 239reads )
In 2001, 张勋 requested to join Group A directly but was not accepted .. 棋人生   (0 bytes , 271reads )
Same rule applied, 范永康 should be allowed to play in Group A only ..... 棋人生   (178 bytes , 344reads )
What I wish to suggest is .... 棋人生   (52 bytes , 264reads )
我听说了范永康临晨3点送各位棋手回家的故事,深为感动。 卷心菜   (18 bytes , 292reads )
是啊,每天都做免费士机 火云邪神   (16 bytes , 265reads )
嗯,回想起范先生在香港就是棋队的队长,他的队员一定很服他。 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 251reads )
生活方式不同 火云邪神   (70 bytes , 243reads )
年轻棋手越来越利害了 火云邪神   (40 bytes , 270reads )
蔡政源 is qualified as Bishan Grade 4 Player now .... 棋人生   (253 bytes , 312reads )
terry chua是么?这小孩也前途无量啊 卷心菜   (37 bytes , 249reads )
在全国赛他好像险输张友彬 火云邪神   (46 bytes , 293reads )
点解? 火云邪神   (48 bytes , 244reads )
In case you are not able to borrow from 菜大哥 or others soon .... 棋人生   (747 bytes , 263reads )
我的天,我算了一下,我连碧山六级棋士都没达到,属于碧山末流棋士 卷心菜   (175 bytes , 311reads )
卷心菜因该是无级十大吧 火云邪神   (0 bytes , 260reads )
太抬举吾了,无级能赢我的起码有100人以上 卷心菜   (95 bytes , 270reads )
太谦虚了! 胡耀宇   (47 bytes , 246reads )
97,98年 网络蚂蚁   (112 bytes , 232reads )
SORRY 棋仙   (14 bytes , 207reads )
卖猪肉的陈宝城死了/ 棋仙   (35 bytes , 210reads )
这怎么可能呢,我楼下的老头一天能杀我两三盘 卷心菜   (195 bytes , 235reads )
这句有往自己脸上贴“金”的嫌疑,哈, 一刀n断   (52 bytes , 240reads )
大巴窑中心附近,报业控股对面的组屋以前也是藏龙卧虎之地 胡耀宇   (182 bytes , 332reads )
拿个棋钟跟钟老下30分钟包干试试看。 几度   (26 bytes , 278reads )
听起来好像满刺激 火云邪神   (0 bytes , 256reads )
I know that you are joking, in fact, ....... 棋人生   (405 bytes , 352reads )
who is entitled to cert? Bishan players only? 火云邪神   (0 bytes , 273reads )
Yes, only for Bishan players participated in those competitions ... 棋人生   (0 bytes , 258reads )
Just curious why did Bishan have its own rating system? 火云邪神   (0 bytes , 322reads )
It is good to have one common system for all ages, we study .... 棋人生   (721 bytes , 289reads )
Complimentary system 火云邪神   (346 bytes , 306reads )
SIXGA and all Clubs will know about the system on 27 Jun ... 棋人生   (176 bytes , 255reads )
when we announce the first batch of players who are free to collect tonight .. 棋人生   (361 bytes , 365reads )
borrow a copy to read after 27 Jun .... 棋人生   (0 bytes , 252reads )
至今不能令我忘却的是邱子扬小弟弟。 卷心菜   (89 bytes , 286reads )
To observe him in next few years' Char Yong Cup, 14 or 16 Age Group ... 棋人生   (0 bytes , 326reads )
邱子扬 (in Primary 6?) 1st in under-12 2007 Char Yong Cup, ........ 棋人生   (55 bytes , 260reads )
应该是。。。 火云邪神   (32 bytes , 280reads )