Still having 9 Names from the Prediction previously
所在版块:悟入棋途 发贴时间:2007-05-31 07:21

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 

In the first 17 names after Round 5, except 蔡俊杰,

张心欢 and the other 9 names are still in ......


Tonight, may be only the top 10 after Round 6 (31 May, 7 PM) will be having chance to promote to Grade 2 (first 4 players) after Round 7 (2 Jun, 7 PM).

Rounds 8 (3 Jun, 7 PM) & 9 (4 Jun, 8 PM) have no impact on promotion.


40 Players for Group B, 7 from last year

From 2006 :

蔡俊杰 陈世昌 张心欢 张顺喜 文传冠 谢永森 林奕寰

how many of the above in the top 8 of 2007 ?

Quite a number of strong players join this year :

(not in any order prediction)

Fan Weng Hong
Chan Mau Yin
Chua Jun Jie
Teo Yew Bing
Chow Kim Sun
Yow Wee Hoe
Zhang Sheng Xiang
Cao Zihang
Ang Soon Li
Koh Yong Kun

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2007年新加坡全国个人赛参考消息 几度   (2508 bytes , 2564reads )
胡海宇对许升 几度   (1084 bytes , 554reads )
几度 >>Can step 18 change from R9.2 to R6.4 !!! 网络蚂蚁   (107 bytes , 416reads )
几度 can you your game played in round 5 ? 网络蚂蚁   (0 bytes , 474reads )
Black p7+1. If Red R9=2, h8-7 exchange. 几度   (0 bytes , 419reads )
But C4+5 , Black H8-7 , C4.1, H7+6,C1.9 change 3 pcs 网络蚂蚁   (0 bytes , 440reads )
Sorry a bit blur. It should be R6=4, h8-7. 几度   (0 bytes , 396reads )
胡海宇对许升>> If say Black H8-7 ... 网络蚂蚁   (247 bytes , 622reads )
R4=6, h8-7, R4+1, p3+1, P7+1, r1=3, P7=6, r3+6, C8-2, r8+6, comlicated. 几度   (90 bytes , 473reads )
Consider C4+5, r8=6, R9=4, h8-7, R4-1, r6+1, R4+3, c9=6? 几度   (0 bytes , 363reads )
简评 几度   (3597 bytes , 485reads )
两次漏勺失子啊,是不是最近工作压力太大?还是前面用时过多? 香陵居士   (0 bytes , 432reads )
都不是 几度   (210 bytes , 453reads )
我执先与刘郁兴的对局 明花暗柳   (632 bytes , 608reads )
下得不错。 几度   (42 bytes , 406reads )
晕,你怎么改成大象开局了? 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 410reads )
Full Results of Round 4 .... 棋人生   (86 bytes , 454reads )
So, it is very complicated now, right ? 棋人生   (1314 bytes , 523reads )
第三轮精彩对局:柳国斌先胜黄毅鸿 卷心菜   (714 bytes , 439reads )
柳国斌有机会升甲,后面再加油啊 棋仙   (62 bytes , 441reads )
文礼还有我这个可能是个永远的无极棋手!!! piggy888   (4 bytes , 444reads )
继续加油,指日可待! 胡耀宇   (105 bytes , 464reads )
Piggy, 无级没关系。 火云邪神   (43 bytes , 412reads )
无级没关系 >> Unless you Aim for national player 网络蚂蚁   (83 bytes , 443reads )
Piggy赢了陈冠文之后就是无级第一高手了哦 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 408reads )
4th round partial result 网络蚂蚁   (117 bytes , 435reads )
谁有第三轮卢国龙对郑祥福的全局记录?可以帖出来吗? 几度   (48 bytes , 392reads )
我来贴一下前半盘的动态棋局 卷心菜   (331 bytes , 410reads )
卢国龙对郑祥福的half 局 !! 网络蚂蚁   (235 bytes , 475reads )
着法不对。 几度   (54 bytes , 445reads )
第一次P3+1错,是马8进7. 棋仙   (271 bytes , 466reads )
Hi Hi ....sorry , typo error 网络蚂蚁   (267 bytes , 474reads )
卢国荣下得好软,敢敢吃马再下士,应该是赢的棋. 棋仙   (53 bytes , 484reads )
Preliminary Analysis after Round 3 棋人生   (1551 bytes , 551reads )
目前发挥最好的:朱永吉,倪福良,吴宗翰,柳国斌 卷心菜   (36 bytes , 540reads )
第三轮最新战况:柳国斌胜黄毅鸿,康德龙胡海宇双双告负。 卷心菜   (31 bytes , 435reads )
莫文耀是决定弃权了 几度   (178 bytes , 415reads )
嗯,莫大师第一轮后就弃权了。 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 424reads )
是康德荣不是康德龙 几度   (0 bytes , 393reads )
胡海宇对朱永吉 几度   (426 bytes , 554reads )
胡海宇对朱永吉 Game 网络蚂蚁   (273 bytes , 447reads )
Win Bing and defend. That's the strategy already. 几度   (0 bytes , 457reads )
That not like 几度 de Qifeng 网络蚂蚁   (80 bytes , 405reads )
明显不在状态啊,冠军概率少了20% 棋仙   (0 bytes , 397reads )
可惜,本来红兵过去就赢定了啊。 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 413reads )
Full Results of Round 3, Tuesday, 12 Jun is a rest day .... 棋人生   (104 bytes , 425reads )
我执先与卢国龙的对局 明花暗柳   (678 bytes , 582reads )
杀的真热闹呵 杀着大全   (0 bytes , 246reads )
此贴堪称本版历史第一热贴 所有回帖点击都是红色 都被挖出来了 呵呵 一刀n断   (0 bytes , 227reads )
真的啊 几度   (98 bytes , 205reads )
If you have a way to check the history of the hit rates ...... 棋人生   (117 bytes , 240reads )
一点意见 几度   (314 bytes , 470reads )
可惜啊,不过我怎么记得这开局红可下呢。 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 434reads )
明花暗柳 FEEL THAT AFTER BACK C2.5 , RED IS TIGHTED !! 网络蚂蚁   (23 bytes , 499reads )
heard that 莫文耀 not continue with the competition from Round 2 .... 棋人生   (84 bytes , 461reads )
黄俊铭 Lose to 胡海宇 ( 冠军战的提前预演 result) 网络蚂蚁   (0 bytes , 405reads )
黄俊铭对胡海宇 几度   (1116 bytes , 635reads )
这局的看头在最后马炮vs车,体会特大们何时吃士相,何时占要道。 卷心菜   (139 bytes , 457reads )
简评 几度   (3909 bytes , 475reads )
胡海宇力挫特级大师,范永康再败于陈福全 棋仙   (32 bytes , 496reads )
棋仙 !!! Really know to 仙 网络蚂蚁   (37 bytes , 410reads )
你华语好差啊,这也理解错? 棋仙   (30 bytes , 428reads )
新科状元? 火云邪神   (0 bytes , 480reads )
康德龙很厉害. 卷心菜   (48 bytes , 482reads )
LAI XING LOSE TO YANG GAO ZHEN 网络蚂蚁   (0 bytes , 568reads )
工作压力?太可惜了 火云邪神   (0 bytes , 396reads )
工作压力 ( What he doing men?) 网络蚂蚁   (0 bytes , 447reads )
Last heard driving cab 火云邪神   (0 bytes , 459reads )
司机很累,工作时间长,强度大。唉,养家糊口不得已啊。 卷心菜   (54 bytes , 484reads )
新加坡政府鼓励勤劳 棋仙   (217 bytes , 503reads )
是啊,趁你我年轻应该多勤劳赶快挣钱啊. 卷心菜   (82 bytes , 380reads )
A组第一轮棋局欣赏:刘再成负黄毅鸿 卷心菜   (800 bytes , 527reads )
黄毅鸿有赖汉顺的下棋风格 棋仙   (51 bytes , 462reads )
A组比赛今日精彩绝伦,请务必错过 明花暗柳   (0 bytes , 529reads )
务必错过?这一句话把A组的棋全抹杀了……;) 香陵居士   (1 bytes , 429reads )
哈哈,务必前往观看,勿要错过精彩对局。 卷心菜   (38 bytes , 438reads )
看来marauder比较忙,我帮他贴:柳国斌vs黄俊铭 卷心菜   (446 bytes , 406reads )
全国个人赛A组第二轮对阵表 卷心菜   (773 bytes , 558reads )
2 黄俊铭 Ng Jun Ming (4) : 胡海宇 Hu Hai Yu (13) 冠军战的提前预演 卷心菜   (36 bytes , 537reads )
开玩笑 几度   (165 bytes , 474reads )
即使黄俊铭今晚输了也差不多有最高机会 几度   (170 bytes , 489reads )
Think really have to agree 网络蚂蚁   (86 bytes , 439reads )
几度有先见之明啊, 棋仙   (0 bytes , 416reads )
黄俊铭今晚输了? !! 网络蚂蚁   (130 bytes , 475reads )
不是说最后两轮4强淘汰赛么? 卷心菜   (27 bytes , 466reads )
这是增加的机会 几度   (50 bytes , 416reads )
Heard that 28 players for Group A ...... 棋人生   (142 bytes , 415reads )
Results of 6 more boards for Round 1 ..... 棋人生   (135 bytes , 542reads )
果然胡海宇赢了,意料之中。 卷心菜   (26 bytes , 394reads )
双方都下了大量的随手棋 几度   (697 bytes , 554reads )
几度   (2158 bytes , 429reads )
黑棋下得很差,难进前20 棋仙   (0 bytes , 498reads )
不见得 几度   (269 bytes , 426reads )
2007 Group A -- Pairing for Round 1 and partial results ..... 棋人生   (45 bytes , 434reads )
郑祥福也参赛了,有好戏看了。 卷心菜   (61 bytes , 411reads )
这两个很难进10强,菜小弟有点强人所难 胡耀宇   (46 bytes , 497reads )
Tentatively, 9 rounds for up to 26 names, ...... likely last posting for Group A 棋人生   (784 bytes , 599reads )
胡海宇 (depending on odd or even number) 网络蚂蚁   (43 bytes , 409reads )
我的预测(胡海宇冠军)至少还有机会实现 胡耀宇   (31 bytes , 464reads )
1/18的机会 几度   (0 bytes , 398reads )
Haha , must sleep early To have good condition incase meet you guy in game tmw. 网络蚂蚁   (10 bytes , 568reads )
好久没见朱国忠了。 几度   (46 bytes , 426reads )
朱国忠跟黄志龙很像 胡耀宇   (27 bytes , 450reads )
My prediction base on the "A" List ( Put into Grade) 网络蚂蚁   (380 bytes , 543reads )
Regrouping of Mr 网络蚂蚁's Prediction 棋人生   (689 bytes , 488reads )
Anyhow say!hihi 网络蚂蚁   (553 bytes , 471reads )
New List of Top 10 after Round 4 ..... 棋人生   (512 bytes , 439reads )
May be good to pay attention to the current top 10 after Round 4 ..... 棋人生   (75 bytes , 425reads )
Thank to 棋人生 for thr regroup 网络蚂蚁   (89 bytes , 447reads )
After predicting 冠军 to be 黄俊铭 卷心菜   (195 bytes , 508reads )
洪泉发大哥 2nd , very funny prediction !! 网络蚂蚁   (21 bytes , 502reads )
菜大哥 just want to pull his leg and give him a free treat ..... 棋人生   (194 bytes , 517reads )
In 2007 Group A List, these 8 promoted in 2005 to 2007 .... 棋人生   (249 bytes , 494reads )
Existing Grades of 21 players, forgive me if I have the wrong information .... 棋人生   (182 bytes , 482reads )
Maximum 1 or 2 Grade 2 to Grade 1 if using the list of 26 names ??!! 棋人生   (0 bytes , 382reads )
If this are the Final players ....and this system 网络蚂蚁   (146 bytes , 448reads )
王英再 in the game, ......registration close tonight at 9 pm. 棋人生   (68 bytes , 431reads )
应该是朱国忠。北斗乙级 火云邪神   (0 bytes , 392reads )
2007 Group A -- List of more than 20 names 棋人生   (303 bytes , 423reads )
For those names before 2006 ....... 棋人生   (203 bytes , 462reads )
Lists of 2003 to 2006 棋人生   (2081 bytes , 638reads )
黄俊铭应该参赛啊,否则没理由深夜弈天练棋的 卷心菜   (57 bytes , 514reads )
我也常深夜下棋,也没参加,消遣而已 胡耀宇   (22 bytes , 461reads )
我也常深夜下棋,也没参加,消遣而已 胡耀宇   (22 bytes , 388reads )
1赔? 棋人生   (0 bytes , 382reads )
不是一赔一顿好料么? 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 393reads )
To eat first ...... 棋人生   (207 bytes , 419reads )
Results of Group B 棋人生   (46 bytes , 519reads )
第三第四名分数没5,6名高,应该让他们再下比赛,好像英冠足球这样 胡耀宇   (0 bytes , 385reads )
One of the three alternatives as mentioned, but not selected. 棋人生   (0 bytes , 488reads )
Ckecking of Group B Results ....... and thank you. 棋人生   (435 bytes , 579reads )
感谢棋人生过去10天的报导。 卷心菜   (38 bytes , 427reads )
棋人生继续辛苦啦,最好能把A组每轮比赛对手战绩报告 胡耀宇   (50 bytes , 452reads )
我听说范黑棋使用炮2进1之着。 卷心菜   (158 bytes , 486reads )
对。 几度   (137 bytes , 433reads )
这种布局不是很容易死? 胡耀宇   (77 bytes , 424reads )
预测A组冠军,猜对的奖励一个大红桃。 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 453reads )
郑祥福 将五进九   (0 bytes , 389reads )
本人认为前甲组8名是。。。 piggy888   (64 bytes , 447reads )
piggy888 , should re-predict one more time after 3rd round result ? 网络蚂蚁   (12 bytes , 463reads )
A组前8名, 胡耀宇   (56 bytes , 507reads )
我猜许信先生拿不到前8。 卷心菜   (18 bytes , 459reads )
范永康 火云邪神   (17 bytes , 466reads )
cchess player from hongkong 胡耀宇   (79 bytes , 458reads )
沈俊强 ,刘梅平 网络蚂蚁   (286 bytes , 514reads )
有机会前六。 几度   (0 bytes , 392reads )
Not easy for Fan , Agree with 胡耀宇 mentioned 网络蚂蚁   (26 bytes , 462reads )
古天乐升乙级没? 胡耀宇   (0 bytes , 410reads )
古天乐没升乙级,也没在新加坡。他可能在努力争取当影帝。 几度   (0 bytes , 453reads )
Haha , you really good ,Now i catch the ball !!! 网络蚂蚁   (143 bytes , 457reads )
I don't think he can make it A division 网络蚂蚁   (99 bytes , 489reads )
范还没达那水准吧,B组都打那么辛苦 胡耀宇   (82 bytes , 449reads )
以前的B组冠军 ( DID THEY EVER JOIN A DIV ?) 网络蚂蚁   (50 bytes , 435reads )
我知道他们有下A组啊 胡耀宇   (0 bytes , 364reads )
2007 List of 17 names ....... 棋人生   (294 bytes , 397reads )
谢长君要挨刀了 火云邪神   (0 bytes , 503reads )
贵在参与啊! 胡耀宇   (75 bytes , 405reads )
THAT NO MEANING ..HAHA 网络蚂蚁   (78 bytes , 424reads )
Number of Years not playing, go back to Group B ...... 棋人生   (205 bytes , 431reads )
My views 几度   (901 bytes , 453reads )
Provided your views to SIXGA's President yesterday noon time, so, ..... 棋人生   (31 bytes , 493reads )
SIXGA will be looking into this issue during the review on 2007 competition 棋人生   (231 bytes , 458reads )
HK is doing this all the way, SG should adopt this system asap 卷心菜   (172 bytes , 461reads )
HK implements it in two phases ...... 棋人生   (214 bytes , 438reads )
From marauder   (543 bytes , 592reads )
So, at least three changes in HK system, thanks. 棋人生   (0 bytes , 403reads )
Support the suggestion marauder   (229 bytes , 461reads )
HK has a system to downgrade even if you play in Group A 棋人生   (0 bytes , 481reads )
Number of Years not playing, go back to Group B ( ??!!) work well 网络蚂蚁   (411 bytes , 435reads )
黄俊明 张辽   (0 bytes , 437reads )
A组 has 17 players registered as of last night, heard that ..... 棋人生   (34 bytes , 455reads )
吾预测黄俊铭(Ng Jun Ming) 卷心菜   (83 bytes , 444reads )
NOT POSSIBLE FOR JUN MING THIS YEAR ! 网络蚂蚁   (21 bytes , 430reads )
我预测胡海宇,不知道他报名没? 胡耀宇   (59 bytes , 421reads )
都没有 几度   (200 bytes , 384reads )
杨伟光100%不会参加 胡耀宇   (66 bytes , 461reads )
Pairing for Round 9, the last round, Monday, 4 Jun at 8 pm 棋人生   (249 bytes , 552reads )
Are we allowed to view the Matches when playing ? 网络蚂蚁   (73 bytes , 483reads )
From what I observed, sixga is monitoring the situation daily although ....... 棋人生   (169 bytes , 483reads )
Some possible solutions to the problem of noisy chess fans marauder   (961 bytes , 462reads )
As mentioned in my first or second posting in this website ....... 棋人生   (723 bytes , 506reads )
What 棋人生 said is 100% correct. We need actions. 卷心菜   (370 bytes , 430reads )
I think 张辽   (379 bytes , 537reads )
to allow 旁观 is super important 卷心菜   (380 bytes , 393reads )
I ALSO AGREE ! NOT SURE WHY SIGA THINK THE OTHER WAYS 网络蚂蚁   (134 bytes , 519reads )
范永康的一些资料-by Marauder 卷心菜   (1229 bytes , 492reads )
梁永兴和本人对范永康的一些评论 卷心菜   (335 bytes , 486reads )
May be is time to ask 范永康 to comment on singapore players skill :> 网络蚂蚁   (0 bytes , 514reads )
按照以往的惯例,输掉两盘是进不了四强的 胡耀宇   (64 bytes , 406reads )
我不幸遇上考试,不过应该是“范”吃“菜”才对。 卷心菜   (42 bytes , 529reads )
我的评论 几度   (363 bytes , 497reads )
Sorry, 1st time posting games in the forum failed. Try again.... marauder   (1168 bytes , 524reads )
2 games on the web by Fan Yong Kang marauder   (1532 bytes , 506reads )
Results of Round 7 and Pairing for Round 8 棋人生   (733 bytes , 566reads )
Auntie 又跌倒了 火云邪神   (34 bytes , 464reads )
福音!!!!还没有考驾照又想和特级大师下棋的朋友请注意 胡耀宇   (95 bytes , 511reads )
差不多大师赖汉顺,好手吴宗翰都出自她门下 胡耀宇   (46 bytes , 522reads )
吴宗翰也跟auntie学车了? 卷心菜   (24 bytes , 403reads )
对啊 胡耀宇   (67 bytes , 433reads )
嗯,可惜近期不准备在新加坡买车。 卷心菜   (29 bytes , 420reads )
驾车现在好像是一种基本技能了,早晚都得学会。 胡耀宇   (88 bytes , 420reads )
That is part one of the story ... 网络蚂蚁   (149 bytes , 471reads )
昨晚也下风跟无名棋手求和 火云邪神   (0 bytes , 429reads )
A Check on the Initial 10 Names Prediction 棋人生   (179 bytes , 560reads )
6名棋手拿5分充分证明了比赛的轮次不够。 卷心菜   (100 bytes , 470reads )
2007 System 棋人生   (893 bytes , 465reads )
It is not surprising that 5 points will be enough for promotion marauder   (1037 bytes , 602reads )
Definitely, 9+2 will be better than 7+2 and ... 棋人生   (474 bytes , 704reads )
the X + 2 system marauder   (1709 bytes , 948reads )
Any suggestion or feedback to sixga suggestion box or as ..... 棋人生   (60 bytes , 516reads )
Suggestion Box is not that useful marauder   (233 bytes , 464reads )
it may not serve any purpose ..... 棋人生   (223 bytes , 459reads )
Need some 资深棋手 to bring up 卷心菜   (135 bytes , 437reads )
No of Boards with draw results 棋人生   (319 bytes , 493reads )
they are positive correlated. 卷心菜   (191 bytes , 449reads )
Terry Chua is a 14 yrs old young player 卷心菜   (31 bytes , 430reads )
王檄胡耀宇遭逆转 富士通杯八强战中国全军覆没 胡耀宇   (106 bytes , 435reads )
看了,怎一个惨字了得。胡耀宇那盘前面大优的棋,周鹤洋是半目输的吧。 卷心菜   (34 bytes , 456reads )
LG 32强明天开打,我又对上李麻子,争取报仇雪恨,这次不会再犯同样的错。 胡耀宇   (452 bytes , 431reads )
常昊真不幸 胡耀宇   (160 bytes , 475reads )
LG杯快讯-常昊作战崩溃大龙濒死 135手败于李世石 胡耀宇   (20 bytes , 514reads )
LG第一轮结果 胡耀宇   (874 bytes , 453reads )
Assumption for Round 7 棋人生   (354 bytes , 459reads )
总共多少轮比赛啊?好像人很少 胡耀宇   (0 bytes , 420reads )
今年应该减少升级人数啊,不一定要前4个,这么少人,道后面可能都下和棋 胡耀宇   (25 bytes , 420reads )
Haha How 胡耀宇 know that ?! 网络蚂蚁   (42 bytes , 444reads )
蚂蚁先生,我有去看现场的啊 胡耀宇   (93 bytes , 419reads )
May be, I should provide the current ranking after Round 6 with 小分 ...... 棋人生   (224 bytes , 532reads )
Whatever Assumption, tonight Top 4 should likely come out from the current top 8 棋人生   (0 bytes , 504reads )
In this case, i predict 范永康 will 背水一战 and win and 升级 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 477reads )
Pairing of Top 12 in Round 7 on 2 Jun, Saturday, 7 pm 棋人生   (855 bytes , 530reads )
如果没有默契和棋,预测陈张姚洪进入4强 将五进九   (4 bytes , 404reads )
预测陈茂然,曹子航,张友彬,姚威和都以和棋升入乙级。 卷心菜   (31 bytes , 564reads )
5 cents worth marauder   (378 bytes , 505reads )
Sad to see the current situation 网络蚂蚁   (479 bytes , 680reads )
嗯,别担心,明年网络蚂蚁你参战,总体水平就能提高了。 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 546reads )
网络蚂蚁参战 > 下热闹还可以 ! 网络蚂蚁   (262 bytes , 455reads )
现在生活压力越来越大 true 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 436reads )
第六轮快讯:姚威和(先)和陈茂然 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 468reads )
Liao Ming Hao beats Women International GM Zhang Xin Huan marauder   (450 bytes , 520reads )
廖铭濠回合胜GM张心欢(动态棋局) 卷心菜   (269 bytes , 508reads )
晕弃马陷车的当也上?以后是不是背背《自出洞来无敌手》? 香陵居士   (0 bytes , 534reads )
末着红尚可帅五进一 几度   (82 bytes , 401reads )
实战张特大走了士四进五,然后帅五平四,速败。 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 426reads )
Still having 9 Names from the Prediction previously 棋人生   (825 bytes , 410reads )
采访高手陈茂然(模拟) 卷心菜   (558 bytes , 551reads )
Timing of Remaining 4 Rounds and Ranking after Round 5 棋人生   (1732 bytes , 538reads )
范永康1陪100 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 492reads )
肖加龙1陪3 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 486reads )
张友彬1陪3 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 448reads )
姚威和1陪2 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 470reads )
洪顺利1陪2 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 481reads )
陈茂然1陪1.1 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 429reads )
谁有最新的赛程? 几度   (0 bytes , 389reads )
估计陈茂然不败拿B组冠军 胡耀宇   (0 bytes , 428reads )
陈茂然 must get 0.5 point from the next two rounds to secure a seat .... 棋人生   (270 bytes , 464reads )
陈茂然 at the top after Round 4 棋人生   (1281 bytes , 621reads )
陈茂然应该是冠军啊。 胡耀宇   (68 bytes , 563reads )
还有张心欢 火云邪神   (0 bytes , 468reads )
Auntie张多年来棋路不变,要晋级不易。 卷心菜   (48 bytes , 457reads )
张心欢先手棋还是蛮强的 胡耀宇   (36 bytes , 424reads )
怎么样都是国际特大,B组的朋友们不可轻敌 火云邪神   (0 bytes , 413reads )
廉颇老矣 张辽   (0 bytes , 449reads )
张大师这种比赛是不认真下的 胡耀宇   (50 bytes , 627reads )
廉颇老矣这典故本身有水分。张心欢的棋也比较适合下A组。 几度   (156 bytes , 596reads )
棋人生,4轮过后,老范去哪了? 卷心菜   (17 bytes , 449reads )
13 players with 2 points still having chance to top 4 棋人生   (397 bytes , 508reads )
哈哈,poor Fan,他没想到我们新加坡没级的棋手那么厉害 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 539reads )
seem like 肖加龙 and 张胜祥 are from China 棋人生   (0 bytes , 524reads )
happy to see more and more new face joining SG 棋坛。 卷心菜   (24 bytes , 462reads )
呵呵,不知道他俩比张勋咋样? 张辽   (0 bytes , 417reads )
看了他第一天下的棋,不怎么样,应该是比张勋差一级半以上 胡耀宇   (40 bytes , 485reads )
怎么看的?是现场观看还是事后看对局记录? 几度   (0 bytes , 419reads )
看现场啊。 胡耀宇   (30 bytes , 419reads )
40 Players for Group B, 7 from last year 棋人生   (330 bytes , 490reads )
蔡俊杰不是蛮厉害的么? 张辽   (16 bytes , 415reads )
厉害!反宫马高手,但水平不稳定 火云邪神   (0 bytes , 500reads )
这么多反宫马高手? 胡耀宇   (62 bytes , 497reads )
是啊,进前4靠的是拼命 卷心菜   (136 bytes , 432reads )
罗秉篆棋也老了 胡耀宇   (68 bytes , 484reads )
新加坡有职业棋手? 火云邪神   (0 bytes , 472reads )
新加坡有职业棋手 ! 网络蚂蚁   (30 bytes , 504reads )
所谓职业棋手就是没有其它职业,靠下棋收入 胡耀宇   (258 bytes , 534reads )
下B组不可太容让,下A组不可太勉强。 几度   (0 bytes , 455reads )
杀得太凶也进不了 胡耀宇   (85 bytes , 493reads )
这届攻杀棋手好像只有张心欢 火云邪神   (26 bytes , 456reads )
Ranking after Round 3 棋人生   (950 bytes , 508reads )
竞争果然非常激烈。陈茂然果然还是棋高一着啊。 卷心菜   (108 bytes , 516reads )
Ranking after first two rounds, Round 3 at 7 PM ....... 棋人生   (298 bytes , 491reads )
特别感谢棋人生的现场报道! 卷心菜   (88 bytes , 382reads )
Chan Mau Yin是不是陈茂然? 卷心菜   (223 bytes , 513reads )
Teo Yew Bing is 张友彬 棋人生   (0 bytes , 438reads )
洪顺利也是文礼队。也相当不错。 火云邪神   (0 bytes , 433reads )
他好像有个兄弟也叫洪什么利... 张辽   (0 bytes , 465reads )
100%不是洪腓利 胡耀宇   (104 bytes , 397reads )
Mr 胡耀宇 , are you also belong to Hong's family 网络蚂蚁   (43 bytes , 375reads )
洪门棋手还有洪安豪 胡耀宇   (15 bytes , 507reads )
还有Ryan Ang。网上下过,比熊国伟还凶。 火云邪神   (38 bytes , 461reads )
not top 8, .... 棋人生   (50 bytes , 429reads )
Only refer to the 3 Hong in the List of 26 names for 2007 Group A .... 棋人生   (0 bytes , 437reads )
haha. 棋人生能这么说应该可以称霸全国吧 火云邪神   (0 bytes , 389reads )
No, not up to the standard, so I stop the posting for Group A further 棋人生   (0 bytes , 476reads )
洪黛欢应该有TOP 8 OF WOMEN'S 胡耀宇   (0 bytes , 468reads )
好像是NYP的学生 火云邪神   (24 bytes , 462reads )
Fan Weng Hong 范永康香港棋手等級分2281 棋人生   (219 bytes , 503reads )
我预测范永康和陈茂然将升级成功。 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 454reads )
Predicting him to become a new Jia Ji but not A champion. 几度   (0 bytes , 438reads )
I predict as below ( juz For fun) 网络蚂蚁   (167 bytes , 485reads )
本周六就要开战了,哪位有B组的参赛名单?可以竞猜一下谁将升入A组。 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 415reads )
hope to see some miracles on 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 417reads )
陈茂然升级没? 胡耀宇   (0 bytes , 442reads )
没,上次第五,惨遭淘汰。 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 402reads )
陈茂然 this time should move up 棋人生   (0 bytes , 431reads )
我会升,可惜忘记报名 胡耀宇   (0 bytes , 393reads )
胡耀宇 is chinese chess or Wei qi player ? 网络蚂蚁   (33 bytes , 453reads )
胡耀宇是中国围棋排名第三的棋手, 胡耀宇   (89 bytes , 532reads )
I heard still can register. 全国赛报名热线手机: 91063291 棋人生   (0 bytes , 418reads )
赶快打报名手机,看能不能通融一下。 几度   (0 bytes , 456reads )
要参赛B组报名到5月23日,2006年(去年)象总网有战报,希望2007年........... 棋人生   (0 bytes , 378reads )
23日截至,希望大家踊跃报名。 卷心菜   (132 bytes , 399reads )
A组报名至6月7日9pm。 棋人生   (0 bytes , 422reads )
俺通知朱永吉和沈容春了。不过看来他们忙于工作也不能参加。 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 465reads )
朱永吉忙做安利,沈大侠自己公司很忙 胡耀宇   (42 bytes , 520reads )
祝愿新赛制推出后,比赛人数能突破以往,能够再现百人大战的情形. 卷心菜   (15 bytes , 417reads )
Heard that only 30 + / - players for Group B as of 23 May, check on Sat 26 May 棋人生   (0 bytes , 438reads )
Heard that about 39 players for Group B as of 25 May, check on Sat 26 May 棋人生   (0 bytes , 633reads )
not bad, increased 9 headcount 卷心菜   (43 bytes , 431reads )
so sad, 宣传不力啊。 卷心菜   (42 bytes , 419reads )
难啊,现在新加坡的生活压力越来越大 胡耀宇   (20 bytes , 578reads )
希望至少有用象总网配合宣传 棋人生   (0 bytes , 443reads )
也希望华新网迅速提高知名度,配合宣传。 :-) 几度   (0 bytes , 419reads )
象总电话:62590984, 全国赛报名热线手机: 91063291 卷心菜   (77 bytes , 385reads )
小变化 几度   (171 bytes , 428reads )
不公平,9轮后的第3,4可能会碰到第1两次,然后失败. 卷心菜   (100 bytes , 479reads )
更新 几度   (140 bytes , 431reads )
之前那次B组第五名是陈贸然,呵呵. 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 488reads )
陈友彬两次第五 胡耀宇   (63 bytes , 485reads )
其实也有人觉得第5名不错。 几度   (36 bytes , 424reads )
这两年都谁升甲乙级了? 卷心菜   (69 bytes , 552reads )
这两年升甲乙级 棋人生   (280 bytes , 549reads )
去年只有杨高正升甲 胡耀宇   (38 bytes , 417reads )
刚好回国。。。 一刀n断   (0 bytes , 435reads )
非常详尽的新加坡个人赛消息 卷心菜   (368 bytes , 532reads )
益南问个问题 yinan   (75 bytes , 482reads )
嗯,来年再参加,年轻就是资本. 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 420reads )
是的。 几度   (146 bytes , 425reads )
卷心菜组织比赛 yinan   (81 bytes , 495reads )
我看搞个车轮赛,几度1对10,然后再搞个双打赛,四人同下 卷心菜   (44 bytes , 422reads )
1对10我现在大概不行了。 几度   (134 bytes , 413reads )
嗯,我可以摆江湖残局,红黑任选,能和的奖励最新棋艺杂志. 卷心菜   (77 bytes , 487reads )
摆江湖棋局得熟悉变化 几度   (64 bytes , 474reads )
这是变着法的送杂志啊,不求胜利,只求推广. 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 425reads )
非也非也 几度   (426 bytes , 475reads )