新加坡读书,what's the point?
所在版块:求学狮城 发贴时间:2010-03-20 02:37

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
for english, why not UK, USA, AUS
for academics, why not academy of sci or eng in China, USA, EU
for money, why the hell you wanna study
for PR, that could be one point
but what PR is for? i've not figured it out yet.

for the wonderful tropical living environment, 2nd point
i guess the chinese country side might be a better choice
on the basis that you are rich enough.

for girls, a number of them are available
this kind of shit thing always ends up with the matter of money.

i am wandering around this f*ing garden city.
i've come. meanwhile, i am losing the way i am going.

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新加坡读书,what's the point? karaoke   (582 bytes , 1065reads )
神经病 Sam_Fisher   (0 bytes , 400reads )
My idea: not for money; money is one of high important factor in living ellinlin   (0 bytes , 412reads )
money means a lot to us. agreed? karaoke   (0 bytes , 364reads )
without money we may feel painic. with money alone we may not happy. ellinlin   (487 bytes , 393reads )
so money sucks! kickass   (0 bytes , 403reads )