华新用户资料 -- kickass
用户昵称 kickass 性别 Male
真实姓名   出生年月 2010-02-01
籍贯/出生地   所在学校  
发帖次数 25 在线时间 24.6小时
用户等级 2 - 初出茅庐 经验值 200
华新财富 200 华新币
头像 签名档
if yes
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if no
我的最热十贴 (有内容)
帖子标题 花花 发表于
so money sucks!  2010-03-22 00:53
look at the title, nightmare  2010-03-13 21:58
放下屠刀,名花有主  2010-03-13 21:43
nightmare, my ex best friend became my worst enemy  2010-03-12 12:39
you wanna share some details?  2010-03-12 03:41
cheer up,  2010-03-12 03:38
give u a hand, but i used to be a lab man, now i'm looking for another lab,  2010-03-11 23:54
you are right, fella  2010-03-11 22:22
that mate was trying to mislead the audience  2010-03-11 22:18
kickass means awesome, american slang,  2010-03-11 20:58