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毕业论文写完了,小节一下用TeX的经历 hash   (605 bytes , 3816reads )
想问一下,用这个跟用Word比起来,哪个轻松些?? 工力夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 445reads )
太牛了,红桃伺候 icky   (0 bytes , 613reads )
公式中的符号 hash   (4964 bytes , 2689reads )
In math mode do you use \left( and \right), or just ( and )? Bird   (67 bytes , 742reads )
err... there are a lot of fine details here hash   (610 bytes , 629reads )
are "inner" and the adjustion desirable? Quite cumbersome to write \left Bird   (0 bytes , 680reads )
personally i avoid using \left when I know the size hash   (166 bytes , 582reads )
ic...Thanks Bird   (0 bytes , 541reads )
在最后一点上LyX做的还很差 Bird   (0 bytes , 1150reads )
It should be LyX's strength, wonder why it isn't even on todo list hash   (0 bytes , 574reads )
1.6.0 will have this feature Bird   (0 bytes , 521reads )
这个一定要顶一下!辛苦了 鱼片粥   (21 bytes , 586reads )
2. 字体 hash   (4198 bytes , 1786reads )
cm系列有otf格式的了,被我拿来做浏览器默认字体了。。 Bird   (62 bytes , 736reads )
其实是latin modern,cm的扩展 Bird   (0 bytes , 543reads )
最下面的应该只是palatino,没有用euler Bird   (0 bytes , 576reads )
latin characters are from palatino, greek letters are euler hash   (0 bytes , 535reads )
choosing a font has a lot of psychology in it Bird   (1526 bytes , 902reads )
我平时看的期刊多数是用times做正文字体的 hash   (183 bytes , 593reads )
咦?写论文不是应该有标准字体的么? 香陵居士   (0 bytes , 756reads )
la(tex) is not only for publication Bird   (0 bytes , 556reads )
911纪念碑上用刻着遇难者的名字,每个字母有十厘米高,用的字体 hash   (39 bytes , 666reads )
嘎,这个字体放大点还蛮好看的说 sarah   (30 bytes , 609reads )
大哥有没有使用svn + latexdiff 跟踪修改? cigar   (13 bytes , 852reads )
习惯了用cvs和rcs了,没有换成svn。latexdiff很好用 hash   (0 bytes , 616reads )
先说说软件的选择 hash   (3400 bytes , 1510reads )
楼主,可以分享你的Thesis 模板吗? 山水小小   (0 bytes , 883reads )
看了感觉context主要用户是 Bird   (161 bytes , 637reads )
如果用别人现成的format file,写起文章来跟LaTeX差不多 hash   (699 bytes , 752reads )
说起大四的HYP,我是用docbook xml写的 吴永铮   (319 bytes , 1226reads )
再帖两个ConTeXt做的文档 hash   (359 bytes , 842reads )
幻灯片是自己写的class? Bird   (0 bytes , 615reads )
hash   (0 bytes , 502reads )
extarticle设成landscape,section/subsection处自动分页,20号字,也可以当幻灯片 Bird   (0 bytes , 664reads )
you tried beamer? hash   (0 bytes , 572reads )
I know its good Bird   (213 bytes , 658reads )
期待楼主更新 rochester   (10 bytes , 650reads )
很漂亮! materialist   (60 bytes , 741reads )
是叫 "The Not So Short Introduction to LaTeX2e" hash   (0 bytes , 566reads )
:-) thank you for the correction materialist   (0 bytes , 618reads )