yo know,itz 'em stupid f**kin' rule man,not ourz and nevva 'onna be ourz.
and itz nevva got documented or somethin' that makes it legal sh*t.
So people listen up.when u are ever asked to leave tha seat cuz they took it by juz puttin' 'em bagz,it means that m*thaf*ckin' punk or hoe iz insulting yo human rite .Cuz that B**ch or punk ass muz think yo stupid as 'em .So!!Its gonna be absolutely aight fo u to use some foul language as they are sayin' yo stupid.But to avoid trouble gettin' 'em crazy or so.Itz betta to juz say loudly in 'em singlish:go f**k yourself,lah,bia*ch (or bastard).