its ok,man
所在版块:型男靓女 发贴时间:2004-01-20 23:14

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
tha wuz mah bad ,boss.
As for 'em malaysians, I gotta tell ya sumthin' gotta accept therrr inherited shortcomingz,nah im sayin'.like:
lots of Chinese are vain muthafuckaz just like myself,lots of Indianz are smelly noisy bastards ,think most of yo hav da experiences.Vietnamese are noisy too,tho they are better in takin' other people stuff without permission.Japanese are selfish,Americans are bad role-models cause they drink everyday and puke all over.As fo u malayZianz,i shouldnt say anythin' as boss has warned me.Figure em out yoself,u think faster and learn faster if u know the other side of ya,instead of juz feelin insulted.

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有些学校人多的时候也是不准占座的。 香陵居士   (0 bytes , 154reads )
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看了楼下哪些。。 柘木   (567 bytes , 407reads )
大姐你什么逻辑思维。。。 江南渔夫   (533 bytes , 376reads )
有些事情,习惯不代表合理。 江南渔夫   (174 bytes , 339reads )
楼上那人明显缺乏逻辑思维能力 离散鼠穴   (62 bytes , 384reads )
跟底下ZZ的:不好意思哈,有人又觉得被国籍歧视了。。。 春意盎然老鸭煲   (10 bytes , 264reads )
its ok,man MCzz   (647 bytes , 454reads )
[提示] 该主题违反版规或内容不当已被屏蔽, 如有疑问请去《意见公告版》投诉. MCzz   (153 bytes , 88reads )
少说多做. 无它   (0 bytes , 167reads )
(>.<) MCzz   (0 bytes , 255reads )
在国内练出来的吧 Lium   (275 bytes , 428reads )
我还没碰过这样的事情。。 柘木   (340 bytes , 400reads )
如果是我我就答道:Nobody is sitting here, why can't I? 江南渔夫   (198 bytes , 335reads )
if that's me MCzz   (24 bytes , 420reads )
还是你丫狠。 海新   (38 bytes , 220reads )
that wuz abusolutely aight,man ,appreciate. MCzz   (592 bytes , 432reads )
我的意见跟你相反 江南渔夫   (451 bytes , 509reads )
用书包就占座位,占STUDYROOM, MCzz   (299 bytes , 279reads )
我碰到最可氣的是,有一次 ajsux   (253 bytes , 352reads )
严重同意 描述如下 散步的虾米   (278 bytes , 307reads )
同意啊! 今夜独自发呆   (146 bytes , 288reads )
靠这都行,下次看看有没有牙签占座的。。。 江南渔夫   (0 bytes , 164reads )
下次看到我就大摇大摆坐上去 香陵居士   (42 bytes , 257reads )
赞成!!!!!!! 香陵居士   (259 bytes , 297reads )
我們這個可不可以跟有關office建議一下,在某個Canteen先試驗性的觀察看看 ajsux   (80 bytes , 281reads )
那可不可以请你示范。。 柘木   (593 bytes , 386reads )
呵呵,看来我们讲的不是一个问题 江南渔夫   (826 bytes , 335reads )
你可以坐staff那边的说 .\_/. 黯然销魂饭   (69 bytes , 302reads )
支持一切鄙视渔夫的帖子!!! 今夜独自发呆   (15 bytes , 258reads )
起来,饥寒交迫的奴隶 江南渔夫   (143 bytes , 288reads )
严禁篡改国际歌歌词!! 鄙视鄙视!! 西蜀霸王   (0 bytes , 223reads )
怎么着,你还判我个现行反革命啊? 江南渔夫   (0 bytes , 187reads )
胡说,现在staff那里都是学生在吃饭 江南渔夫   (62 bytes , 298reads )
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胡说!我不是学生照样坐在staff那边吃... 今夜独自发呆   (0 bytes , 143reads )
估计是来新不久的同胞 若即若离   (255 bytes , 412reads )
没素质,哼!自私!无耻! ajsux   (0 bytes , 139reads )
not a big matter 离散鼠穴   (280 bytes , 434reads )
PGP的study room才可怕 ropin   (180 bytes , 262reads )