and think need to store the data submitted from the forn into XML and---->
所在版块:社会百科 发贴时间:2004-10-01 09:27  评分:

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and manipulate the data stored in the XML, such as sorting, searching, filtering........

for example, do a user registeration form using HTML, and store the user infomation into XML, next time when user log in or view his profile, you can retrieve those inofmation from XML, maybe using xsl to display the data

 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
哪个大虾做过html,xml,xsl的东西啊,救命! iamsharon   (65 bytes , 555reads )
what exactly you want? html + xml + xslt MrDJay   (285 bytes , 286reads )
requirements as follow,don't have any idea iamsharon   (325 bytes , 342reads )
here, coolapple   (68 bytes , 202reads )
basically, for HTML MrDJay   (872 bytes , 284reads )
and think need to store the data submitted from the forn into XML and----> 大炳   (312 bytes , 405reads )