what exactly you want? html + xml + xslt
所在版块:社会百科 发贴时间:2004-10-01 00:06

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you can have several gigabytes "Samples"...

what indeed you want?

have you tried to search on google for such things?

have you tried to go to www.w3c.org to read/search for html xsl xml stuff?

many resources online available, including free "samples", even free portal source codes

Ever Thine, Ever Mine, Ever Ours
 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
哪个大虾做过html,xml,xsl的东西啊,救命! iamsharon   (65 bytes , 555reads )
what exactly you want? html + xml + xslt MrDJay   (285 bytes , 286reads )
requirements as follow,don't have any idea iamsharon   (325 bytes , 342reads )
here, coolapple   (68 bytes , 202reads )
basically, for HTML MrDJay   (872 bytes , 284reads )
and think need to store the data submitted from the forn into XML and----> 大炳   (312 bytes , 407reads )