所在版块:心情闲聊 发贴时间:2020-12-10 13:57  更多评分:

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it depends.
i would not at the beginning, the student could learn more if they managed to figure it out by themselves.
but i would help them if they’re trapped in the rabbit hole, i also not prefer to tell them the right answer directly, would try my best to let the student to take the intiative to walk me through, usually they would realise the issue by themselves and i only need to be a good listner and provide minimum guidance.

I am pretty sure i am the right person for the job because blablabla

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是菲律宾华人,但不会讲汉语。 名字字名   (0 bytes , 14reads )
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名字字名   (74 bytes , 22reads )
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report给你应该是你最有发言权啊 忘忧草tran   (17 bytes , 28reads )
精辟 名字字名   (49 bytes , 15reads )