所在版块:心情闲聊 发贴时间:2015-12-17 14:24

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This causes a lot of stress in the household because Chong's habits could be "overbearing", Lim conceded. The couple's second child ran away from home as a teen in 2010 because of his mother's "tendencies". He still has not returned home, Lim said.

“When asked by his lawyer if he had anything to add, Lim broke down sobbing. "It's a set of unfortunate circumstances that has led to this trial ... what (my wife) has done is not intentional, it's not evil in her heart."

"There are underlying reasons ... you cannot look at it like (we were) doing it on purpose, it's never like that", Lim said.

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我觉得作料放太多了 口味太重 表示不喜欢 qqmeng719   (0 bytes , 33reads )
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从clementi坐189 5站直达 qqmeng719   (0 bytes , 37reads )
多谢 珍珠园子   (20 bytes , 50reads )
给女佣用Wi-Fi?确实很少见,佩服! 明年今日   (0 bytes , 51reads )
我家24小时开放啊,不明白为啥不给用 凡人   (62 bytes , 37reads )
我家没有给女佣wifi密码 jane0902   (105 bytes , 122reads )
这个还是要因人而异 纱姿   (76 bytes , 45reads )
所以年纪大些比较好,玩心没那么重 凡人   (0 bytes , 43reads )
凡人威武霸气,我out了。想问一下女佣一般几点是休息时间啊? 明年今日   (0 bytes , 52reads )
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赶脚天天像度假的样子啊 纱姿   (26 bytes , 48reads )
好像去mm家当女佣吖 Cindy0619   (12 bytes , 55reads )
为什么不能用?我家的就用,不耽误做事就玩吧。 小龙飘飘   (53 bytes , 56reads )
为何少见啊 南瓜同学   (33 bytes , 45reads )
上网会上瘾的啊。觉得是靠女佣独立带小baby的情况下怕沉迷上网疏于照顾。 明年今日   (61 bytes , 41reads )
得晓以利害 凡人   (115 bytes , 41reads )
哈哈哈你特么一提midview 南瓜同学   (83 bytes , 77reads )
那你每次吃去展示此贴给老板娘。。。 就说本座是无害的 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 59reads )
哈哈哈哈 南瓜同学   (12 bytes , 51reads )
每次有个九折就好了。。或者允许我自带酒水 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 45reads )
求问 peppermint   (32 bytes , 43reads )
bukit batok midview building, clemen[…] qqmeng719   (11 bytes , 70reads )
多谢多谢 peppermint   (12 bytes , 44reads )
都是人生父母养的 奔三的小妇人   (48 bytes , 50reads )
不知道啊。。。。即便是抠门节约,目测他们并没有统计每月水电,单凭主观感觉[…] 功夫熊猫   (50 bytes , 50reads )
简直太恐怖,不知道这雇主的心怎么长的 走走   (0 bytes , 48reads )