体内植入钢板的狗狗,或许楼主也会感兴趣:) 祝早日康复哈
所在版块:心情闲聊 发贴时间:2012-12-06 14:08

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Babu, The Final Leg (No Pun Intended!)



After battling with a serious leg injury from a hit-and-run accident, and nearly dying of distemper, Babu Boy, as you may remember, finally got his sweet homecoming back in June, when we returned him to the factory and his main caregiver, Sharma.

Handsome Babu Boy

Babu had seemed in reasonably good health when he was brought home, though the steel plate inserted from his two surgeries were not removed as the vet was worried that his bones might not have fused well and his leg wasn't strong enough to hold.

Sore and pus on Babu's leg since his previous surgery

Since then, volunteers and friends have continued to visit and provide food to Babu and the two other dogs he lives with, the Babu girls.

Mid October, a friend visited Babu, and noticed pus coming out from the wound, so we quickly made arrangements to take him to the vet. Due to his distemper history, we could not bring him into the clinic, so volunteers Nick and Iris sat with him outside the clinic for a two-hour wait.

Poor Babu sat there with his teeth chattering, something he has to live with for the rest of his life. The vet had told us that Babu's teeth would chatter even in his sleep, because of problems with his reflexes. Imagine how frustrating it must be to have your teeth chatter uncontrollably every few seconds.

Drs checking on Babu outside the clinic

The doctor gave Babu a check up, and prescribed him a month's worth of antibiotics for the inflammation and to clear his infection. He is to go back in a month for a follow-up. If his wound heals nicely, he would immediately undergo surgery to remove the steel plate. If the wound is still infected and weepy, then he would be put on another month of antibiotics, and the process would be repeated until the leg is good enough to be operated on to remove the steel plate.

If the plate is not removed, Babu will have infections and pus seeping from his wound for the rest of his life.

Poor Babu has been very brave throughout what he has had to go through - the accident that left him unable to move freely, the surgeries, the distemper that drained him of his health - and we hope this is the last round of surgery he needs to go through. We want more than anything for him to live out his days free of pain, illness, and time spent in surgeries and clinics.


Babu has just undergone a surgery to remove the steel plate from his leg. He is awake and doing well. He will be under close observation and warded for the next few days before he is discharged. His surgery is estimated to cost $2000. Please buy our HOPE 2013 calendars, which features Babu and help fund his hopefully final hurdle to good health!

Babu featured in our HOPE 2013 Calendar

Written by Lin Yanqin

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【疑难解惑】体内植入过钢钉的请进……【有裸照慎入】 Livecn   (1094 bytes , 8813reads )
体内植入钢板的狗狗,或许楼主也会感兴趣:) 祝早日康复哈 银耳煲红枣   (9690 bytes , 265reads )
果断取出来 superbobo   (78 bytes , 223reads )
谢谢鼓励!! Livecn   (0 bytes , 142reads )
请不要担心。 superbobo   (257 bytes , 206reads )
遇到病友了!握个手! Livecn   (40 bytes , 125reads )
没事的,我也刚做了第二次手术 凡人   (807 bytes , 209reads )
咱俩的手术真不可同日而语啊亲。。。 Livecn   (38 bytes , 206reads )
其实我想表达的意思就是:做手术这回事,一回生,二回熟 凡人   (164 bytes , 186reads )
确实如此,现在每次开车快一点儿我眼前都会浮现车祸后截肢的场景! Livecn   (27 bytes , 149reads )
140抓到会做牢的。。。 大帅哥   (10 bytes , 142reads )
180也开过。。。 Livecn   (10 bytes , 139reads )
200也可以 大帅哥   (22 bytes , 132reads )
FD6 GoldBar   (0 bytes , 159reads )
FD6是虾米? Livecn   (0 bytes , 112reads )
Final Destination 6 GoldBar   (81 bytes , 148reads )
哈哈哈 Livecn   (20 bytes , 144reads )
你还不就是享受这刺激感。。。。 暗霓   (34 bytes , 147reads )
我才不是……>.< Livecn   (0 bytes , 127reads )
虎摸楼主   (332 bytes , 243reads )
惊现专业人士! Livecn   (96 bytes , 214reads )
祝来福君早日康复啊~! alive   (103 bytes , 196reads )
偶也是一看慎入,我就没进。 watercooler   (14 bytes , 151reads )
谢谢! Livecn   (3 bytes , 176reads )
我靠, 咋整的。 king   (6 bytes , 180reads )
哇塞你多久没来华新了。。。 Livecn   (38 bytes , 162reads )
很少来八卦灌水。 主要来扯蛋。 king   (29 bytes , 127reads )
诶哟我的妈呀!痛死了!加油那 crabtree   (0 bytes , 231reads )
学长 要保重啊 Secure   (10 bytes , 179reads )
这整个楼看着都好恐怖啊……脑海中会浮现电锯惊魂什么的…… 祝福大家啊,祸[…] 小妖霖霖   (9 bytes , 131reads )
你的好严重,我家的是小的那根踢球给弄断+脚板错位的,养了一年以后把钢钉给拿出来了 希滢   (204 bytes , 171reads )
哥,偶就一句话 卷心菜   (56 bytes , 234reads )
同学有大腿骨断打钉的,确实又断了一次 范少   (132 bytes , 201reads )
各种的心颤...祝福楼主早日康复! 七荤八素   (0 bytes , 164reads )
摸摸。。偶是男的。。 hula   (127 bytes , 181reads )
大家这都是从事的什么运动啊 nestser   (81 bytes , 172reads )
哈哈,我是这样受伤的 breeze   (20 bytes , 189reads )
被洋流推到安全区外 Livecn   (33 bytes , 198reads )
事故发生在泰国? 七荤八素   (0 bytes , 151reads )
马国 trueif   (0 bytes , 188reads )
发散性思维想起一个故事,安慰你一下 西蜀霸王   (151 bytes , 219reads )
这老婆用舌头就能满足了? Livecn   (0 bytes , 143reads )
翻頁挽尊…… 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 121reads )
幫樓主祈禱下 BeatLA   (62 bytes , 199reads )
看我的杯具 心刀   (996 bytes , 385reads )
忘了问了,你这是啥事故? Livecn   (28 bytes , 126reads )
车祸 心刀   (553 bytes , 292reads )
恐怖!阿弥陀佛~ 笨笨猪猪   (75 bytes , 174reads )
楼主的肯定是在骨头外面 心刀   (542 bytes , 265reads )
Livecn的状况比你好一点 水鸭子   (1642 bytes , 489reads )
你是睡得晚还是起的早呀! 幸福就是毛毛雨   (0 bytes , 195reads )
我擦, Livecn   (28 bytes , 218reads )
唯祝早日康复。希望祸兮福之所依。 Sarapo   (0 bytes , 140reads )
你这个更惨! Livecn   (16 bytes , 155reads )
OMG,我晕血。 789456   (13 bytes , 154reads )
我取出来了 breeze   (76 bytes , 285reads )
可算遇到过有经验的了! Livecn   (26 bytes , 163reads )
我是伤了脚踝 breeze   (399 bytes , 314reads )
遵医嘱,还是尽量不穿高跟鞋为好。 不睡觉的鱼   (0 bytes , 184reads )
一年后开始穿高跟 breeze   (91 bytes , 151reads )
原来取出来挺简单啊, Livecn   (14 bytes , 188reads )
祝福楼主尽快康复 lilywhite   (45 bytes , 161reads )
以后机场安检 初来咋到   (8 bytes , 242reads )
过不了,给看伤疤应该就能过。 Livecn   (0 bytes , 138reads )
楼主打算从此会成为机场脱衣达人了吗 初来咋到   (0 bytes , 190reads )
脱裤达人啦!卡卡卡 Livecn   (0 bytes , 124reads )
未必阿?万一恐怖分子也开刀装金属在体内呢? 七荤八素   (24 bytes , 123reads )
任何不是绝症的病痛,都可以通过饮食,锻炼和睡眠来调养,当然情绪和意志更为重要。 围观可以了   (413 bytes , 207reads )
气功大师都出来了……太牛掰了。。。 Livecn   (56 bytes , 148reads )
小生再撸为尽 嘿布林   (132 bytes , 199reads )
lz回公司了?开始正常上班了? vickychen   (0 bytes , 154reads )
回了几次, Livecn   (36 bytes , 159reads )
关于疼痛的回忆…… Livecn   (1412 bytes , 262reads )
祝早日康复! 不睡觉的鱼   (0 bytes , 172reads )
CN,你会好起来的 凡人   (105 bytes , 212reads )
看着就恐怖。LZ对人生的感悟应该大不同了。 幸福就是毛毛雨   (8 bytes , 173reads )
万年潜水党都被惊醒了。。。楼主太厉害了 薄荷紫轩   (366 bytes , 241reads )
我都不敢仔细读:( vickychen   (0 bytes , 148reads )
别怕别怕,我这是坏运气导致的,去潜水的人很多,别人都好好的呢, Livecn   (154 bytes , 208reads )
啊啊啊,太恐怖了! 元芳   (22 bytes , 205reads )
莫非你每天是在“下面”的啊。。。 Livecn   (7 bytes , 128reads )
真邪恶! 元芳   (22 bytes , 201reads )
读着都觉得疼啊。。。 小馋牛   (437 bytes , 162reads )
脸上多了张嘴! Livecn   (14 bytes , 171reads )
你一定要做点康复运动的。 micomama   (28 bytes , 147reads )
嗯嗯,在做了。 Livecn   (10 bytes , 129reads )
我自己的体会是在水里走比较好。 micomama   (134 bytes , 146reads )
我觉得他现在就跟猫似的,再碰水就像是要他的命一样。 水鸭子   (0 bytes , 152reads )
可怜的娃.咋整地呀? micomama   (199 bytes , 133reads )
会痊愈的,别没事就躺着上网,多做点康复练习,加油哦! summershen   (0 bytes , 145reads )
一切都会好起来的,你的情况跟我ex基本一样 小馋牛   (397 bytes , 195reads )
原来断腿的人这么多啊。。。 Livecn   (36 bytes , 173reads )
嗯,或者找按摩师做个按摩神马的,不能老躺着啊:) 小馋牛   (0 bytes , 128reads )
祝早日康复 vickychen   (75 bytes , 168reads )
谢谢鼓励! Livecn   (42 bytes , 141reads )
兄弟,你就当你玩过一次电锯惊魂吧 马龙白兰度   (0 bytes , 177reads )
一切都发生的如此之快, Livecn   (1046 bytes , 828reads )
bless scyoyo   (117 bytes , 135reads )
看得汗都出来了。。。 Spring   (0 bytes , 149reads )
同情心泛滥,一定要打红桃啊。希望楼主早日痊愈~ 小妖霖霖   (0 bytes , 145reads )
我摸着我的牙看着你的照片我觉得好想哭啊。。。。 暗霓   (20 bytes , 163reads )
共勉一下,人生的低谷,过去了就好了: Livecn   (92 bytes , 185reads )
大难不死,必有后宫佳丽三千,祝福~~~ 田七   (0 bytes , 149reads )
嗯,好主意 fionna2012   (70 bytes , 206reads )
虎摸一下活cn! fionna2012   (55 bytes , 181reads )
哈哈看到你这么乐观很受鼓舞啊。。。 暗霓   (170 bytes , 154reads )
我是断在锁骨,打了7个钉, astro   (206 bytes , 186reads )
我猜你的是开摩托撞到了?。。。 Livecn   (243 bytes , 143reads )
其实是踢球。。。。。 astro   (49 bytes , 170reads )
好的,谢谢! Livecn   (0 bytes , 125reads )
同摸活cn~~~ °︷Miko﹏   (44 bytes , 175reads )
从小腿到脚面的皮肤这辈子彻底没有直觉了 Livecn   (16 bytes , 155reads )
好可怕、。。 tu1pig   (18 bytes , 176reads )
潜水被螺旋桨吸进去鸟。 Livecn   (3 bytes , 225reads )
不得不说脏话了 muxig1980   (24 bytes , 166reads )
我汗。。 tu1pig   (43 bytes , 133reads )
吃霸王餐被人打了..... °︷Miko﹏   (148 bytes , 188reads )
&#128076;可憐 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 135reads )
摸…… trueif   (0 bytes , 158reads )
这么恐怖!还好慢慢康复了~ 华中工学院   (0 bytes , 149reads )
【自问自答】找到一篇文章 Livecn   (314 bytes , 203reads )
天啊,那跟长长的是在骨髓里面么?那怎么才能拿出来? 田七   (39 bytes , 153reads )
不晓得啊,应该是怎么放进去就怎么拿出来吧。。。 Livecn   (74 bytes , 140reads )
我的理解是 astro   (94 bytes , 146reads )
除了三个螺丝,还有一根钢棍在大骨里,估计他问的是这个。 Livecn   (0 bytes , 154reads )
你肯定那个是在骨头里面 astro   (20 bytes , 156reads )
应该是基本肯定吧,忘记问医生了!@_@ Livecn   (0 bytes , 132reads )
那个东东是用来固定支撑腿骨的,肯定不会在骨头里面。只是x光照的角度象是在里面。 zhenzhenbeibei   (254 bytes , 163reads )
在网上找的照片看应该是在里面的。不知道了,医生自有办法吧。 Livecn   (0 bytes , 125reads )
看lz前面写的,还是拿出来吧 vickychen   (56 bytes , 156reads )
老夫先撸为敬! 屌丝   (71 bytes , 264reads )
同撸同撸。。。 Livecn   (0 bytes , 150reads )
沙发,摸摸楼主 小叶女贞   (0 bytes , 146reads )
谢谢,谢谢。 Livecn   (18 bytes , 123reads )
不是說摸你沒感覺麼…… 要相信人體會復原 功夫熊猫   (32 bytes , 164reads )
100天快到了呢,不过受压力还是会痛。脚筋其实也真的断了, Livecn   (38 bytes , 166reads )
已经差不多100天了。。。 trueif   (0 bytes , 141reads )
至少啊 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 160reads )