所在版块:心情闲聊 发贴时间:2012-05-16 09:47  评分:

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Passenger in Ferrari is a China student
Young woman said to have been at party with classmates before crash; link to driver is unclear

Published on May 16, 2012

By Bryna Sim, Lim Yan Liang & Amelia Tan Hui Fang

THE young female companion of the Ferrari driver involved in the fatal accident on Saturday has been identified as Ms Wu Wei Wei, a student from Wuhan, China.

The woman is one of the two survivors in the accident and, just hours before it, she was said to have been at a graduation party with her classmates.

Though Ms Wu was in the passenger seat of the Ferrari driven by Mr Ma Chi, it is unclear how the two knew each other and how they ended up together that night.

Mr Ma, 31, also a Chinese national, crashed his supercar into a ComfortDelGro taxi, driven by Mr Cheng Teck Hock, on Saturday morning near Bugis Junction. He died at the scene.

Mr Cheng, 52, and his Japanese passenger, Ms Shigemi Ito, later died in hospital.

Ms Wu, who friends said is either 20 or 21 years old, is recovering in a high-dependency ward at Tan Tock Seng Hospital.

She declined to speak to The Straits Times yesterday.

Her friends who were visiting her, however, said she had just graduated from a hospitality course at the East Asia Institute of Management.

A spokesman for the private school said yesterday that it was helping Ms Wu with her insurance claims.

A female friend, who declined to be named, said: 'This is really sad. We've just graduated and Wei Wei was supposed to fly home soon.'

Her friends also told The Straits Times that they had seen her with Mr Ma before, but declined to speculate on the nature of their relationship.

They also said that she has a boyfriend.

Ms Wu, who suffered a fractured leg in the accident, underwent an operation on Monday. Her condition is stable, although she is weak and has difficulty speaking, eating and walking.

Her parents are said to be making arrangements to fly to Singapore.

Asked if they had heard about talk going around that Ms Wu was a nightclub hostess, her friends said it was not possible. She was a full-time student and did not work in any job, they insisted.

'Wei Wei's from a reputable family. Her parents are financially sound. Why would she need to work as a hostess when her family can pay for everything?' said her female friend.

The late Ms Ito, the taxi passenger who died in Saturday's incident, was also formerly a student here.

Also in her 20s, she had studied interior design at Raffles Design Institute, a private school. She graduated last year.

Ms Ito's former classmates and lecturers visited her wake in Sin Ming Avenue on Monday after they read about the accident. Some of the classmates had spread the news on Facebook as well.

Ms Rosah Lopes, a programme coordinator of interior design at the school, described Ms Ito as 'kind, full of life and a truly lovely person'.

'We are all very saddened by the news of her passing and the loss of a promising, vibrant Raffles designer,' she said.

'She was well loved by her cohort and lecturers - we shall all miss her.'

 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
【吐槽八卦】bugis两死三亡车祸 这个有人转了吗? 小妖霖霖   (518 bytes , 12978reads )
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小三照片 solo_estoy   (98 bytes , 931reads )
这种行为不道德吧,你凭什么就觉得这个女生就是在法拉利车里的 beerguy   (76 bytes , 292reads )
再者,这种照片,你看得出来是谁吗? solo_estoy   (57 bytes , 280reads )
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已经证明发光小太阳是吴薇薇的微博 solo_estoy   (283 bytes , 684reads )
agree的说,即使是猜对也要拿出有力证据 功夫熊猫   (16 bytes , 199reads )
长得不错,够嫩 围观可以了   (0 bytes , 254reads )
还有一张 solo_estoy   (49 bytes , 388reads )
确定是小三? 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 207reads )
确认了啊,facebook都找到了 solo_estoy   (111 bytes , 344reads )
不是说她是搭便车回家么?   (0 bytes , 176reads )
两人微博是情侣名只差一个字 solo_estoy   (23 bytes , 408reads )
真的?没搜到微博啊 小妖霖霖   (9 bytes , 169reads )
上午都还在的,不过内容也全删了 solo_estoy   (202 bytes , 244reads )
理论上密码只有自己知道啊,谁删的? 小妖霖霖   (0 bytes , 207reads )
吴薇薇的可以直接去病房问她 solo_estoy   (97 bytes , 326reads )
马驰的背景(z自wxc) 嫑玊嘦玉   (6532 bytes , 586reads )
这个真心是胡说 少年维特特   (0 bytes , 276reads )
已经证实了不是了吧 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 180reads )
小三的身份爆出来了 solo_estoy   (3069 bytes , 771reads )
前两天雏妓事件可是从头到尾都没有提及涉及到的雏妓的名字哦 周小渔   (159 bytes , 343reads )
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By the way你在哪里看到她的各种detail? solo_estoy   (38 bytes , 273reads )
目前只知道名字和学校,墙裂要求上照片。+1 喵喵吃饭睡觉   (0 bytes , 198reads )
法拉利车祸幸存者吴薇薇是新加坡私校学生 嗷嗷吃饭睡觉   (962 bytes , 1757reads )
有半年的密切交往...... 喵喵吃饭睡觉   (0 bytes , 250reads )
正好是妻子怀孕期间 solo_estoy   (14 bytes , 240reads )
这还情有可原…… 在妻子怀孕的时候找小三…… 喵喵吃饭睡觉   (29 bytes , 255reads )
赌王的那种情况我觉得可以幸福, 喵喵吃饭睡觉   (146 bytes , 256reads )
其实我同事说长远来讲,对妻子是好的 solo_estoy   (76 bytes , 284reads )
死得这么没有颜面,她老婆肯定很愤怒 pancakepancake   (0 bytes , 239reads )
那 坏老公偷情VS坏老公偷情死呢? 喵喵吃饭睡觉   (0 bytes , 226reads )
吴薇薇在酒廊工作。据了解,她也是东亚管理学院的学生,来自中国武汉。 游游   (157 bytes , 560reads )
他哪有时间立遗嘱。。。。。。。 嗷嗷吃饭睡觉   (167 bytes , 252reads )
如果太爱一个人的话,就算坏,也希望他好好活着吧,死了就连远远看一眼都不能了 zhulala   (34 bytes , 213reads )
这个年龄已经立好遗嘱了?我只能佩服人家不仅仅投资眼光长远了... 蔡厝港有组屋   (167 bytes , 313reads )
富人不是都会立遗嘱吗?不一定都归妻子吧? 喵喵吃饭睡觉   (192 bytes , 265reads )
应该还是坏老公偷情死比较好 solo_estoy   (36 bytes , 200reads )
生理上情有可原。从他非醉蓄意超速闯红灯可以看出他没有理智克制能力。 solo_estoy   (0 bytes , 188reads )
可是眼见要撞了,总该躲吧……不然自己也死定了,没有求生的本能反应? 喵喵吃饭睡觉   (0 bytes , 193reads )
这帖貌似回错地方了 喵喵吃饭睡觉   (0 bytes , 182reads )
啊?马驰不是酒驾? 喵喵吃饭睡觉   (0 bytes , 270reads )
没错,今天报纸登了 solo_estoy   (12 bytes , 218reads )
可是我看视频,感觉好像撞车前 一点刹车/转弯迹象都没有? 喵喵吃饭睡觉   (60 bytes , 186reads )
是啊,大概以为能冲过去 solo_estoy   (90 bytes , 238reads )
......................... 喵喵吃饭睡觉   (0 bytes , 186reads )
太凶猛了! 嗷嗷吃饭睡觉   (0 bytes , 196reads )
因为雏妓案发时未成年,所以要保护身份; solo_estoy   (111 bytes , 251reads )
顶,问心无愧的人就不怕爆 喵喵吃饭睡觉   (0 bytes , 179reads )
问心无愧的人更怕爆啊,成为社会知名人士会被烦死的!不想生活轨迹被转变啊 solarya   (0 bytes , 231reads )
万能的华新,有谁人肉到三儿的照片? delay   (0 bytes , 259reads )
抄送人人控 @trueif 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 178reads )
很难搞啊 trueif   (0 bytes , 168reads )
trueif哥,偶可一直在等你上图啊。。。 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 186reads )
查不到。EASB的学生本来就不喜欢上人人。 trueif   (0 bytes , 240reads )
那他们上什么?狮城论坛? 小妖霖霖   (0 bytes , 165reads )
差不多。发现很多NUSer也上狮城。 trueif   (0 bytes , 213reads )
国内二线城市新闻也报道了... 蔡厝港有组屋   (142 bytes , 276reads )
车祸惊人完整录像 solo_estoy   (133 bytes , 398reads )
N多local开法拉利,奔驰,福特,丰田撞死人的时候都很惊人,血肉横飞俺也见过 solarya   (0 bytes , 208reads )
撞死人只是一回事 hairy   (764 bytes , 297reads )
那就一切等法官判决吧!法官还要等唯一幸存者供词才可判案! solarya   (174 bytes , 236reads )
大家别往国籍上面扯 meredith   (347 bytes , 280reads )
顶一个!说得中肯 solarya   (0 bytes , 206reads )
转微博 solo_estoy   (186 bytes , 270reads )
hougang将会回到工人党的怀抱.... 蔡厝港有组屋   (0 bytes , 222reads )
这事与政治无关 hairy   (165 bytes , 226reads )
问题是搞政治的人不听你的啊!和律师一样样的,都是不择手段要赢得啊 solarya   (0 bytes , 230reads )
这事情发生的是时候啊,竟然能发挥左右选情的作用 solo_estoy   (0 bytes , 264reads )
直接可以被引用作为挑战pap移民政策的武器... 蔡厝港有组屋   (29 bytes , 227reads )
说得好 solo_estoy   (4 bytes , 166reads )
不过很少能这样责任100%在肇祸方的吧 solo_estoy   (53 bytes , 347reads )
大哥啊,到底是吴薇薇吸引你还是视频吸引你啊!你太八卦了!你视频控吧? solarya   (0 bytes , 205reads )
我感觉solarya是小FQ。。。 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 203reads )
FQ=愤青? solo_estoy   (26 bytes , 175reads )
那就不知道了,是圈子里的人并没有错,如果硬拗mc闯红灯没有错 功夫熊猫   (14 bytes , 240reads )
俺硬熬闯红灯没错了吗?别误导 solarya   (0 bytes , 365reads )
哪个车祸不惊人?以前中国人被坡人撞飞N多米,脑浆迸裂,媒体记者简单陈述,死了 solarya   (0 bytes , 219reads )
我忽然感觉Zaobao某些新闻消息写的太烂了。比如…… 功夫熊猫   (5360 bytes , 1146reads )
现在再看“乐善好施 疼爱家人”这八个字真是可笑无比啊 solo_estoy   (8 bytes , 243reads )
我说可笑,是指媒体选其为头版标题,真是脑残 solo_estoy   (0 bytes , 163reads )
俺们这些他的圈子之外的人自然会骂,但他的父母孩子亲人友人不会骂 solarya   (0 bytes , 222reads )
这不是废话 solo_estoy   (110 bytes , 221reads )
这种破人就该自己撞墙死了算了。还连累别人。 Sarapo   (202 bytes , 591reads )
天哪,这个路口我们也经常驾车全家经过的,母亲节也去啦 菠罗包   (77 bytes , 301reads )
主要是死者亲友在竭力维护死者的形象,而且都是有钱有势的人 solo_estoy   (206 bytes , 1371reads )
曾经比你说的更有钱权势地位学识的人都不能用自己的“人脉”赢得对坡人的正义。。。 solarya   (0 bytes , 219reads )
人脉是在媒体内的,不是指对新加坡大众 solo_estoy   (94 bytes , 197reads )
天府会是中国人的一部分,不管有没有钱权势学识地位,俺们一定要支持 solarya   (0 bytes , 189reads )
天府会的名声这次被玷污了。 solo_estoy   (48 bytes , 197reads )
这次天府会被分离了,下次就能是天津会,全方位全角度的持续性打击,各个击破 solarya   (0 bytes , 190reads )
法拉利女乘客有人刻意掩盖?继续调查还是留下悬念掉胃口? solarya   (0 bytes , 196reads )
新加坡年度猎头,第一龟公linked的政军商学社嫖娼男女还未全部公布,被人有意掩盖? solarya   (0 bytes , 278reads )
名字不是全登出来了? solo_estoy   (12 bytes , 199reads )
才那点篇幅,不够啊!俺也想八卦一下!了解一下detail,看看坡人的高尚素质和对家人 solarya   (90 bytes , 245reads )
马驰形象家人外人清楚,面对媒体的时候家人于亲情必然极力维护,大义灭亲你行吗? solarya   (0 bytes , 199reads )
我另外一个帖子已经说了,一般人都不行 solo_estoy   (30 bytes , 187reads )
天府会会长必然要从维护组织利益的角度来应对媒体,会员背景各异,需要凝聚力 solarya   (0 bytes , 218reads )
难道你是天府会的? solo_estoy   (46 bytes , 209reads )
你忒八卦了!俺天地会的,满意了吧 solarya   (0 bytes , 254reads )
地震高岗,一派西山千古秀。 喵喵吃饭睡觉   (0 bytes , 359reads )
反清复明! Livecn   (0 bytes , 192reads )
新加坡的媒体和记者是为新加坡政府和新加坡人服务的,在触犯新加坡人利益的时候 solarya   (0 bytes , 187reads )
不为外国人服务,不管你是外国劳工,学生,学者,教授,还是你指的有钱权势外国人 solarya   (0 bytes , 327reads )
你错了,新加坡媒体是为新加坡政府服务的 solo_estoy   (128 bytes , 213reads )
你看新加坡媒体报纸太少了,俺看了十多年了,没新加坡媒体报纸不敢爆料的事 solarya   (274 bytes , 324reads )
应该发动网友深挖一些这些人的钱都是怎么来的,正经人赚了钱也不会干出这种事来。 功天熊猫   (0 bytes , 330reads )
高级人贩子 solo_estoy   (0 bytes , 250reads )
今天脑残ST记者继续写死者如何如何很少喝酒,然后网民一片骂声 solo_estoy   (0 bytes , 298reads )
ST记者脑残?这种惯用手法更引起新加坡人的愤慨和仇视,连载报道,转移视线 solarya   (0 bytes , 233reads )
转移什么视线? solo_estoy   (0 bytes , 183reads )
还忘了新加坡的年度猎头,第一龟公案件!希望有机会让他帮俺修改简历啊 solarya   (122 bytes , 292reads )
新加坡政府官员的贪腐及道德败坏事件! solarya   (92 bytes , 300reads )
发个链接啊哥,转消息不给出处是DS行为 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 209reads )
法拉利深夜撞德士电单车 两死三伤 功夫熊猫   (4919 bytes , 906reads )
【维多利亚街车祸】惊闻车载有女人 富少妻追问:她是谁? 功夫熊猫   (3637 bytes , 1110reads )
幽会,喝酒,兴起,猴急,踩满油冲刺,悲剧 delay   (0 bytes , 344reads )
约炮,喝酒,弹尽,人醉,腿软,踩刹车无力,悲剧 马龙白兰度   (0 bytes , 617reads )
也许是急着去约炮所以开太快…… 小妖霖霖   (0 bytes , 398reads )
拉着小三去约炮?这个真重口味了…… 香陵居士   (0 bytes , 293reads )
不可以拉着炮友去酒店再炮嘛,所以急了…… 小妖霖霖   (0 bytes , 253reads )
【维多利亚街车祸】法拉利女乘客 传是夜店红牌小姐 solo_estoy   (515 bytes , 644reads )
原来是正规卖肉的? 我说警察叔叔怎么不去抓.. sunnysunnyrain   (0 bytes , 241reads )
如果真是这样,正是应了风尘女子娶进门,格局不破也无神。 嫑玊嘦玉   (42 bytes , 462reads )
我晕。。。 一个传字后面可以随便写 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 222reads )
应该有一定根据 solo_estoy   (84 bytes , 215reads )
agree~代号红牌机,现在一般只有传的才是真的~~~ 功天熊猫   (0 bytes , 400reads )
真着急的话,我要说 香陵居士   (26 bytes , 254reads )
................ 嗷嗷吃饭睡觉   (36 bytes , 231reads )
可是好的酒店都在南边吧?为嘛法拉利往北开的? trueif   (0 bytes , 193reads )
单行道必经之路?? 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 252reads )
也不是啊。Victoria St双向的。估计是喝完酒送xs回家。 trueif   (0 bytes , 212reads )
法拉利女乘客身份怎么还没爆出来?严重怀疑有人封锁消息 solo_estoy   (0 bytes , 354reads )
agree~炮毕没必要再跑那么快了,或者边炮边跑无法自控? 功天熊猫   (0 bytes , 348reads )
............. 小妖霖霖   (0 bytes , 152reads )
当过电视台新闻主播,为夫弃事业来新当主妇.......... 小妖霖霖   (0 bytes , 685reads )
老婆主持过的节目 solo_estoy   (135 bytes , 288reads )
浑然不知有xs啊。。。。。。 嗷嗷吃饭睡觉   (43 bytes , 705reads )
可怜个屁 颓废青年   (30 bytes , 296reads )
人都没了,钱有个鸟用 trueif   (0 bytes , 222reads )
钱可以包养小白脸啊 吃吃嫩草 多好 喵喵吃饭睡觉   (16 bytes , 228reads )
原配是1983年的,还不满29岁 我是马甲2012   (18 bytes , 361reads )
还没满30,就已经生二娃了。如果没有出事,还是可以蛮幸福的…… trueif   (0 bytes , 210reads )
不会吧,都快临产了老公还在外面搞舞小姐,这样也算幸福? solo_estoy   (41 bytes , 225reads )
那你说说澳门赌王家里幸福不? trueif   (0 bytes , 219reads )
回delay,1夫n妻,家财万贯,难得当然觉得很幸福,呵呵。 solo_estoy   (0 bytes , 164reads )
与钱基本无关。不要引诱我跳坑啊。 trueif   (157 bytes , 205reads )
男人和女人对幸福的定义的确不同 delay   (0 bytes , 229reads )
看来你对幸福的定义和我不太一样啊 solo_estoy   (50 bytes , 341reads )
如今流行女的怀老二,男的搞小三??(对照前面离婚的帖) sunnysunnyrain   (0 bytes , 220reads )
30岁就买300万公寓,180万跑车。。。 solo_estoy   (55 bytes , 757reads )
表仇富嘛。。。建议仇zb份子 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 267reads )
能查下这车主怎样奋斗的,一车值别人几幢组屋。 功天熊猫   (0 bytes , 318reads )
你仇富了。。。 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 192reads )
目测索纳塔的A柱比较完好 trueif   (0 bytes , 282reads )
主帖link里面有很多图……你可以贴过来…… 小妖霖霖   (0 bytes , 325reads )
Hermes腰带,亮了。 solo_estoy   (0 bytes , 297reads )
武吉士凌晨恐怖车祸 闯红灯撞车 富少夹毙法拉利 小妖霖霖   (480 bytes , 888reads )
这个omy新闻下面的评论……又……sigh…… 小妖霖霖   (8269 bytes , 871reads )
bless。。。不过那个女伴。。。 trueif   (0 bytes , 292reads )
在雅虎上刚刚看到。。。 大漠孤烟   (126 bytes , 418reads )
闯红灯+张扬->死亡 马龙白兰度   (166 bytes , 432reads )
Ferrari driver and taxi passenger killed in three-vehicle crash 小妖霖霖   (2351 bytes , 687reads )