所在版块:心情闲聊 发贴时间:2009-10-11 17:06  评分:

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 

Jim bought some chocolates and gave half of it to Ken. Ken bought some sweets and gave half of it to Jim. Jim ate 12 sweets and Ken ate 18 chocolates. The ratio of Jim's sweets to chocolates became 1:7 and the ratio of Ken's sweets to chocolates became 1:4. How many sweets did Ken buy?.
Ans: 68 sweets

Mei and Lin were in a bicycle race. Mei was travelling at a constant speed of 20km/hr and they both did not change their speed. When Lin completed half the race, Mei was 3.5km ahead. Mei completed the race at 10.45am. What time did Lin complete the race?
Ans: 11.06am

Sally baked some cookies to sell. 3/4 of them were chocolate cookies and the remaining were almond cookies. After she sold 5/6 of chocolate cookies and 210 almond cookies, she had 1/5 of the cookies left. How many cookies did she sell?
Ans: 960

Curry puff shop sells puffs at $0.80 each. Offer:Buy 3 get 4th half price. If customer has $50, how many puffs can he buy if he buys as many as he can.
Ans: 71 puff

String of 2 big balloons is 90cm
String of 5 small balloons is is 1.2m
If both strings are of the same length, there would be 105 more small balloons than the big balloons. How many balloons are there altogether?
Ans: 345

6 friends decided to rent computers from 2pm to 4.30pm. While 4 of them were playing, the other two would watch. If the cycle continues, and each of them played for equal number of minutes, how many minutes will each person get to play?
Ans: 100 minutes

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2009年新加坡小学毕业考的数学题“极难”:家长学生叫苦不迭 卷心菜   (1853 bytes , 3111reads )
不想再看了,今年我闺女正好小六,一出考场就 宝贝贝   (34 bytes , 630reads )
我看了一下blockmodel,发现很简单直接啊。。不知道家长都complain什么 hula   (97 bytes , 540reads )
我上小学用的叫做线段图,跟这个block model差不多 KissOfWolf   (0 bytes , 374reads )
:( 小学的时候拿这个办法做应用题,考卷上只写了答案,被斥之为凑答案... hash   (0 bytes , 360reads )
凑答案也是一种科学的解题方法。 ATOM   (39 bytes , 291reads )
哈哈,这就是拼拼凑凑嘛 吴永铮   (182 bytes , 345reads )
路过,顶这个ID,好久不见 Kula   (0 bytes , 291reads )
哎。。。当年的疑难版已不在。树倒猢狲散。 吴永铮   (0 bytes , 267reads )
看来你不去食版... Spring   (0 bytes , 297reads )
哇哈哈,好久不见. 橘右京是否风采依旧? Kula   (58 bytes , 326reads )
哈哈,你不说都忘了 Spring   (30 bytes , 260reads )
新加坡小学教育重视素质教育全面发展 materialist   (32 bytes , 479reads )
LOL LiBra   (0 bytes , 228reads )
新加坡的教学很有意思 ellinlin   (0 bytes , 456reads )
为什么大家都觉得难啊,我记得我小学就学过二元一次方程组啊。 StefinieSun   (72 bytes , 421reads )
关键就是新加坡小学没教2元方程组。。。。用那个block model会死人的。。>< 小豆   (0 bytes , 298reads )
新加坡小学不教。。必须用什么model画图做。 hula   (0 bytes , 333reads )
将来我要是有了小孩 门中木   (33 bytes , 410reads )
等你有了小孩 就不会这么说了 考0 也太离谱了 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 283reads )
美国的小孩,十几岁就和可能受到伟大脑袋的启发 门中木   (105 bytes , 387reads )
我的同事一直在控诉新加坡教育制度对他孩子的摧残,看样子是真的。 逛逛   (412 bytes , 617reads )
我觉得还好,新加坡的教育很有新意,可以激发学生的潜力 ellinlin   (0 bytes , 249reads )
新加坡小孩从小为及格而战,从小就讨厌学习的比例很高。 卷心菜   (110 bytes , 400reads )
没这么严重了 小豆   (217 bytes , 463reads )
不是2-3道这样的题。这样的题占60%以上。很多人会不及格。厌学。我同事女儿就是。 逛逛   (101 bytes , 428reads )
60%??那要blame今年出题的人了。。。。 小豆   (0 bytes , 378reads )
这倒是。 watercooler   (16 bytes , 290reads )
其实出题的人也是为了确保那些开补习班的有生意嘛。经济不景气啊。 瞎说实话   (0 bytes , 258reads )
每年都是这样的。大同小异。报纸上说了,这样的题在paper 2,占60分。 逛逛   (186 bytes , 380reads )
在中国,这样大多数人不及格的教学,大家会一直抗议,这边很安静。 逛逛   (359 bytes , 385reads )
对,小学教的是方块model解题法。 卷心菜   (34 bytes , 536reads )
我想起当年我在RJC做数学测验,全部答对,结果老师批下来却只有七十多分。 卷心菜   (138 bytes , 561reads )
这个方法最大的缺点是。。。花时间啊!!! 小豆   (27 bytes , 299reads )
所以小学生从今年开始允许用计算器。 卷心菜   (42 bytes , 300reads )
计算器也没办法画block啊,还是普及algebra比较实际,简单明了。。。 小豆   (0 bytes , 297reads )
这个中学会教的。国内也是小学的应用题不能用代数的。 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 302reads )
不是吧。。。我记得小学课本上的习题就有x了。 watercooler   (30 bytes , 250reads )
国内也不可以啊?>_<,现在的小孩子真惨,被折磨啊。。。 小豆   (0 bytes , 217reads )
什么样的卷子都一样吧 总得有人淘汰 功夫熊猫   (11 bytes , 290reads )
感觉前两题跟小学奥数基础题差不多 吴永铮   (82 bytes , 401reads )
还有一题几何体。一些家长都做不出。 卷心菜   (120 bytes , 796reads )
这题的确不难啊,如果找准了 夷狄   (86 bytes , 411reads )
这个在我们那个时候当做中考的小题也不过分吧。。 瞎说实话   (19 bytes , 325reads )
刚才给我新加坡同事做,一个也没做出来 小豆   (61 bytes , 369reads )
反正有参考答案卖,自己偷偷买一本就行了 Economist   (0 bytes , 399reads )
我觉得我小学好像没学几何 吴永铮   (0 bytes , 233reads )
对哦,我好像也是初中学的几何。。。 小豆   (0 bytes , 306reads )
一般吧 看出FGH是等边三角形就做出来了吧 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 294reads )
刚开始我也是用等边三角形来做,后来发现方向性错误 小豆   (74 bytes , 420reads )
不难啊。。。 watercooler   (65 bytes , 309reads )
要证明底下那个三角形是等边,我觉得过程比较繁琐 小豆   (42 bytes , 247reads )
why? 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 267reads )
我发现我错了,等边三角形可以更快得出答案>_< 小豆   (0 bytes , 254reads )
因为只需要知道顶角是多少度就可以继续算下去了 小豆   (20 bytes , 297reads )
这图有误导性。。。。 小豆   (113 bytes , 399reads )
哦,原来是那个大角哈。我看成一半的那个了。 EnyaLinn   (0 bytes , 250reads )
不是75么? EnyaLinn   (0 bytes , 265reads )