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[ ´«Í³°æ |
sForum ][µÇ¼ºó»Ø¸´]7Â¥
(ÒýÓà Meroy66:ɱ³æµÄ˵ÊÇdrywood termiteÕâÖÖÖ»ÄÜ¿´µ½Ä¾Ð¼ºó£¬²ÅÖªµÀÄĶùÓУ¬²ðľ¿ò£¬¼ûһֻɱһֻ£¬Äã˵µÄµÄɱ°×ÒϵÄÒ©ÊÇÄÇÖÖÄØ£¿)ÍƼöÕâ¼Ò rentokilËüÃÇÓÐÒ»ÖÖÏòÍòÓñí/ÊÖ»úÒ»ÑùµÄÒÇÆ÷£¬¿ÉÒÔ²»ÆÆ»µµØ°å/¼Ò¾ß ¼ì²âµ½°×ÒϺͻ·¾¶
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[ ´«Í³°æ |
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[Ò½Ò©·¨¹æ (8-20 22:14, Long ago)]
[ ´«Í³°æ |
sForum ][µÇ¼ºó»Ø¸´]10Â¥
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(ÒýÓà ҽҩ·¨¹æ:²Å¹ÖÁË - ÈçËüÃÇÕâô˵£¬ ÎÒ»¹ÄÜ˵ʲôÄØ£¿
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...)How Liquid Termiticide Treatment Works?The termiticide treatment creates a treated zone around the perimeter of your premises by injecting termiticide into the ground to form a barrier between the soil and building structure. The termiticide can be applied under a concrete floor or around the foundations of the building both prior to or after construction.
As termites workers tunnel through treated zones in search of food, they are exposed to the termiticide. The termiticide is not only ingested, but also adheres to their bodies. The affected termites then spread the active ingredient to other termites through physical contact, eventually reducing the population of the colony.
NEA-certified termite pest control in Singapore
Struggling with termites at home or in your workplace? Call our specialised termite pest control in Singapore now!
At Greencare, we use the latest equipment and techniques to get rid of termites quickly and easily. Otherwise known as ¡°white ants¡±, these infestations can become expensive and problematic for even the most structurally sound homes.
With our specialised termite control team, we will create a termite control plan tailored to your situation. We will help you get rid of your termite problem ¨C once and for all.
Types of termite control treatments
Termites are versatile, hardy creatures that can be much tougher to kill than you would assume. As experts in controlling termite infestations, though, we use various techniques to help get rid of termites or stop them from arriving, to begin with. Some of the tools we employ include:
1. Liquid termite pest control treatments
Termidor liquid termite treatments have become highly popular in the industry as they can be used indoors and outdoors. These help to provide a barrier to your property, stopping the termites from arriving in the future. By using such a treatment, we can provide you with an instant solution to block infestation, as well as a long-term protective solution that should prevent a future infestation from taking place.
2. Dry foam treatments
Termites are often going to get into your Singapore property by using voids that are found in your walls. They might also come in through gaps in other surfaces. We look to use dry foam as it can expand into even the most minuscule areas, adding another barrier for entry that the termites cannot overcome. Dry foam is also very low in moisture content, removing the risk of wet spots and thus gaps being created.
3. Bait and monitoring treatments
In Singapore, one of the most common options for termite pest control comes down to using a ¡°bait and monitoring¡± system. This is used to stop the mottling process of termites, meaning they cannot grow to their usual size and strength. This is used in areas where termites are much more likely to appear. By baiting them into harmless areas, our Sentricon system works to provide an easy-to-follow, well-monitored system that stops your termite pest problems in Singapore.[Ò½Ò©·¨¹æ (8-20 22:26, Long ago)]
[ ´«Í³°æ |
sForum ][µÇ¼ºó»Ø¸´]12Â¥
(ÒýÓà Meroy66:ɱ³æµÄ˵ÊÇdrywood termiteÕâÖÖÖ»ÄÜ¿´µ½Ä¾Ð¼ºó£¬²ÅÖªµÀÄĶùÓУ¬²ðľ¿ò£¬¼ûһֻɱһֻ£¬Äã˵µÄµÄɱ°×ÒϵÄÒ©ÊÇÄÇÖÖÄØ£¿)ÄÇÖÖ´ø»ØÎѵÄÊÇsubterrean £¬ÄÇÖÖ³ÔľÓÐÉùÒô£¬¿ÉÒÔÓûúÆ÷¼ì²âµ½ËùÒÔ¿ÉÒÔÈ·±£Ò»ÎѶˡ£drywoodµÄûÓÐÉùÒôËùÒÔ²»ÄÜÈ·±£¶Ï¸ùÁË£¬Ð¼ÓÆÂĿǰûÓй«Ë¾×ö¡£
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[justabit (8-21 7:22, Long ago)]
[ ´«Í³°æ |
sForum ][µÇ¼ºó»Ø¸´]13Â¥
(ÒýÓà Meroy66:ɱ³æµÄ˵ÊÇdrywood termiteÕâÖÖÖ»ÄÜ¿´µ½Ä¾Ð¼ºó£¬²ÅÖªµÀÄĶùÓУ¬²ðľ¿ò£¬¼ûһֻɱһֻ£¬Äã˵µÄµÄɱ°×ÒϵÄÒ©ÊÇÄÇÖÖÄØ£¿)Èç¹ûÈ·ÈÏÊÇdrywood termitesBEST DRYWOOD TERMITES KILLERS:
There is a huge variety of different kinds of termite killers out there, ranging from liquid termiticides to bait stations and foams.
Taurus SC
Bifen XTS
Spectracide Terminate
Termidor Foam
Bio advanced Termite Killer
ÆÂÏصط½¹«Ë¾Ò²¿ÉÒÔ×ö£ºAardwolf Pestkare/PestBusters/Avalon Service[Ò½Ò©·¨¹æ (8-21 8:26, Long ago)]
[ ´«Í³°æ |
sForum ][µÇ¼ºó»Ø¸´]14Â¥
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