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选择UOB Repricing Packages
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选择UOB Repricing Packages今天拿到UOB发来的repricing packages,请问广大的华新er选哪个配套比较合适呢?

Option A : Fixed Rate Package with 2 Years Lock-in Period - 1X free conversion (Min $100k) after 12M from conversion effective date
(For completed residential properties only with a minimum loan amount of S$100,000)
Year 1 : 1.70% Fixed
Year 2 : 1.70% Fixed
Year 3 & Thereafter : 1.70% (ML+0.85%)
*Mortgage Rate (“ML”) is the Bank’s prevailing UOB MLC Rate_PTE which is currently at 0.85% p.a.

Partial Redemption Penalty - 1 X penalty fee waiver per year for Capital partial prepayment up to 10% of conversion loan amount within the lock in period
*1.50% on prepaid amount within lock-in period from conversion date.
*Partial Repayment is subjected to 1 month written notice.
*No partial repayment is allowed when the outstanding loan tenor is below 5 years.

Full Redemption Penalty - Waiver of full loan redemption fee due to sales of property within lock in period
*1.50% on redeemed amount within lock-in period from conversion date.
*Full redemption is subjected to 3 months written notice.

Option B: Fixed Rate Package with 3 Years Lock-in Period - 1X free conversion (Min $100k) after 24M from conversion effective date
(For completed residential properties only with a minimum loan amount of S$300,000)
Year 1 : 1.78% Fixed
Year 2 : 1.78% Fixed
Year 3 : 1.78% Fixed
Year 4 & Thereafter : 1.78% (ML + 0.93%)
*Mortgage Rate (“ML”) is the Bank’s prevailing UOB MLC Rate_PTE which is currently at 0.85% p.a.

Partial Redemption Penalty: - 1 X penalty fee waiver per year for Capital partial prepayment up to 10% of conversion loan amount within the lock in period
1.50% on prepaid amount within 3 years from date of conversion.
Partial Prepayment is subject to 1 month written notice.

Full Redemption Penalty: - Waiver of full loan redemption fee within lock in period if due to sales of property
1.50% on redeemed amount within 3 years from date of conversion.
Full redemption is subject to 3 months written notice.

Option C: Fixed Rate Package with 5 Years Lock-in Period
(For completed residential properties only with a minimum loan amount of S$100,000)
Year 1 : 1.80% Fixed
Year 2 : 1.80% Fixed
Year 3 : 1.80% Fixed
Year 4 : 1.80% Fixed
Year 5 : 1.80% Fixed
Year 6 & Thereafter : 2.00% (ML + 1.15%)
*Mortgage Rate (“ML”) is the Bank’s prevailing UOB MLC Rate_PTE which is currently at 0.85% p.a.

Partial Redemption Penalty:
1.50% on prepaid amount within 3 years from date of conversion.
Partial Prepayment is subject to 1 month written notice.

Full Redemption Penalty: - Waiver of full loan redemption fee due to sales of property within the 5 years lock in period
1.50% on redeemed amount within 3 years from date of conversion.
Full redemption is subject to 3 months written notice.
 [本文发送自华新iOS APP] [新小战士 (3-22 20:12, Long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]1楼

还有一个option D是不是现在选择option D比较合适呢?

Option D : Floating Rate Package with 2 Years Lock-in Period – Free conversion if Bank’s mortgage rate increase within the lock in period
(For completed residential properties only with a minimum loan amount of S$100,000)
Year 1 : 1.60% (ML + 0.75%)
Year 2 : 1.60% (ML + 0.75%)
Year 3 & Thereafter : 1.60% (ML + 0.75%)
*Mortgage Rate (“ML”) is the Bank’s prevailing UOB MLC Rate_PTE which is currently at 0.85% p.a.

Partial Redemption Penalty
*If loan outstanding fall below $200,000 after partial prepayment within lock-in period from conversion date, a penalty of 1.50% on prepaid amount will be imposed.
*Partial Repayment is subjected to 1 month written notice.
*No partial repayment is allowed when the outstanding loan tenor is below 5 years.

Full Redemption Penalty
*1.50% on redeemed amount within lock-in period from conversion date.
*Full redemption is subjected to 3 months written notice.
 [本文发送自华新iOS APP] [新小战士 (3-22 20:15, Long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]2楼

sibor  [本文发送自华新iOS APP] [我爱读书 (3-22 20:41, Long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]3楼

保守你就选Option C 否则你选sibor[功夫熊猫 (3-22 21:12, Long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]4楼

(引用 功夫熊猫:保守你就选Option C 否则你选sibor)sibor选项在哪儿?  [本文发送自华新手机Wap版] [纱纱 (3-26 17:39, Long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]5楼

你这个1.7 2yrs fixed的挺好的了我问了都一个礼拜了 现在uob refinance给的最低1.72  [本文发送自华新iOS APP] [Penny1100 (3-30 19:28, Long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]6楼

律师费多少呀?UOB只给了我两个package, 1.78三年和1.7 两年。 不过律师费要500(据说原价800). 是不是300是正常价格?[蔚蓝星球 (3-31 19:41, Long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]7楼

(引用 蔚蓝星球:律师费多少呀?UOB只给了我两个package, 1.78三年和1.7 两年。 不过律师费要500(据说原价800). 是不是300是正常价格?)Repricing不用律师费,$500是手续费  [本文发送自华新iOS APP] [阿尔维斯 (3-31 19:42, Long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]8楼

(引用 阿尔维斯:Repricing不用律师费,$500是手续费)谢谢回复那请问500手续费是合理价格么[蔚蓝星球 (3-31 23:26, Long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]9楼

也收到了UOB的Reprice Package,大家帮我看一下没有Top,也没过lock-in
Free conversion is applicable only if you are before the date of TOP
(For BUC properties, min $200K Loan outstanding)
Yr 1: 1.70% (ML + 0.85%)
Yr 2: 1.70% (ML + 0.85%)
Thereafter: 1.70% (ML + 0.85%)
ML is UOB MLC RATE is currently at 0.85% per annum

Free conversion is applicable only if you are before the date of TOP
(For BUC properties, min $200K Loan outstanding)
3 Month SIBOR as at 18 Mar 2020 = 0.99490%
Yr 1: 3 Month SIBOR + 0.63%
Yr 2: 3 Month SIBOR + 0.63%
Thereafter: 3Month SIBOR + 0.63%

Option C:
Reprice Fee: $500
Yr 1: 3 Month SIBOR + 0.50%
Yr 2: 3 Month SIBOR + 0.50%
Thereafter: 3Month SIBOR + 0.50%

Option A,B 不用交Reprice Fee
[118425 (4-9 21:41, Long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]10楼

(引用 蔚蓝星球:谢谢回复那请问500手续费是合理价格么)不换银行是合理的。都要收一笔。[emilia (4-9 22:23, Long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]11楼

1.7% p.a貌似看到最好的了还有小伙伴知道更低的固定利率吗?  [本文发送自华新iOS APP] [トヨタPI (4-10 14:17, Long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]12楼

Maybank, 1.65% fixed period 2 years如上。[Sarah_007 (4-14 18:24, Long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]13楼

(引用 Sarah_007:Maybank, 1.65% fixed period 2 years如上。)感觉这个更好:)
 [本文发送自华新iOS APP] [トヨタPI (4-14 22:06, Long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]14楼

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