该帖荣获当日十大第10,奖励楼主1分以及1华新币,时间:2019-09-24 22:00:08。
[Hithere (9-24 0:13, Long long ago)]
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不能 [本文发送自华新iOS APP] [家有仨宝 (9-24 0:14, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]2楼
可以。。。你父母过来一个和你联名。。。。你要申请lvtp给他们,再就是政府的grad 没有。。。 [本文发送自华新iOS APP] [zarayu (9-24 0:41, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]3楼
离35很远吗? 不远就熬几年吧. 不然就上公寓吧.[yydy (9-24 8:48, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]4楼
对,和LTVP父母联名买,只是有几个限制,最好是提早和HDB appeal ,要求保留父母在国内的房产,再来动手买组屋。 [本文发送自华新iOS APP] [DengWei (9-24 9:33, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]5楼
能能。 先去给父/母 办LTVP 然后按流程走就可以了 。
这样owner就是楼主一人。 父/母都是occupier
现在貌似HDB resale 行情不好。。 楼主可以多看看杀杀价。。
如果没时间 可以找中介省事。 如果有时间 完全可以自己找。。 [Peterhy (9-24 9:34, Long long ago)]
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官网里写了各种可买 resale HDB 的Scheme
Public Scheme
Buy an HDB resale flat with your family. For example, with your wife and children, parents and siblings, or children (if you are widowed or divorced).
Fiancé/Fiancée Scheme
Buy an HDB resale flat with your fiancé or fiancée.
Single Singapore Citizen Scheme
Buy an HDB resale flat as a single. You must be at least 35 years old if you are unmarried or divorced, and at least 21 years old if you are widowed or an orphan.
Joint Singles Scheme
2 to 4 singles can jointly buy an HDB resale flat. If you are unmarried or divorced, you must be at least 35 years old. If you are widowed or an orphan, you must be at least 21 years old.
Non-Citizen Spouse Scheme
If your spouse is a not an SC or SPR, you can buy an HDB resale flat under the Non-Citizen Spouse Scheme.
Non-Citizen Family Scheme
If you are a single SC and your family members (e.g. parents) are not SCs or SPRs, you can buy an HDB resale flat under the Non-Citizen Family Scheme.
Orphans Scheme
If you and your sibling(s) are orphans and single (i.e. unmarried, divorced, or widowed), you can jointly buy an HDB resale flat.
Conversion Scheme
Subject to approval, the Conversion Scheme allows you and your family to buy adjoining flats that are 3-room or smaller and convert them into 1 unit.
[功夫熊猫 (9-24 10:49, Long long ago)]
[ 传统版 |
sForum ][登录后回复]7楼
(引用 DengWei:对,和LTVP父母联名买,只是有几个限制,最好是提早和HDB appeal ,要求保留父母在国内的房产,再来动手买组屋。)appeal过的概率大吗请问 [本文发送自华新iOS APP] [Darren_元 (9-24 20:53, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]8楼
(引用 Darren_元:appeal过的概率大吗请问)如果父母有一套房,概率是90%以上 [本文发送自华新iOS APP] [DengWei (9-24 21:18, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]9楼