¡¡[±¾ÎÄ·¢ËÍ×Ô»ªÐÂiOS APP]
[Be4Sunrise (8-28 15:06, Long long ago)]
[ ´«Í³°æ |
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[x4 (8-28 15:22, Long long ago)]
[ ´«Í³°æ |
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[bigmice (8-28 17:20, Long long ago)]
[ ´«Í³°æ |
sForum ][µÇ¼ºó»Ø¸´]4Â¥
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[ ´«Í³°æ |
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[x4 (8-30 14:16, Long long ago)]
[ ´«Í³°æ |
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[happyguo (8-30 14:37, Long long ago)]
[ ´«Í³°æ |
sForum ][µÇ¼ºó»Ø¸´]15Â¥
Accident means an unforeseen and involuntary event
¶øÓÐЩÒâÍâºÏͬÀï»áÔÙ¼ÓÉÏһЩÏÞÖƱÈÈç³£¼ûµÄmust be forcedÒ²¾ÍÊDZ©Á¦µ¼Öµģ¬»òÕßcaused body injuryÒ²¾ÍÊDZØÐëÒªÓÐÉíÌåÉ˺¦
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We will pay the Insured Amount for the Accidental Death Benefit if the Insured dies due to an injury within 365 days from the date of the accident.¡¡
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Shortening of leg by at least 5 cm
Third Degree Burns
Area damage as a percentage of total body
* (i) ¡¡Head ¨C equals to or greater than 2% but less than 5%
* (ii) ¡¡Head ¨C equals to or greater than 5% but less than 8%
* (iii) ¡¡Head ¨C equals to or greater than 8%
* (iv) ¡¡Body ¨C equals to or greater than 10% but less than 15%
* (v) ¡¡Body ¨C equals to or greater than 15% but less than 20%
* (vi) ¡¡Body ¨C equals to or greater than 20%
Strike, riot and civil commotion
We will cover accidental death or injury of the Insured directly due to riot, strike and/or civil commotion, as a result of an accident if the Insured had not directly or indirectly collaborated, participated or provoked such act. For the avoidance of doubt and without prejudice to any other terms and conditions of this policy, point 3 of the Exclusions section expressly applies.
We will cover accidental death or injury of the Insured directly due to an act of terrorism, as a result of an accident, provided that the Insured had not directly or indirectly collaborated, participated or provoked such act. Cover includes the use of nuclear, biological and chemical devices during the act of terrorism. For the avoidance of doubt and without prejudice to any other terms and conditions of this policy, point 3 of the Exclusions section expressly applies.
¡°Act of Terrorism¡± means an act of any person or group of persons, whether acting alone, on behalf of or in connection with any organisation or government, committed for political, religious, ideological, economic, ethnic, nationalistic, racial, or similar purposes including the intention to influence any government and/or to put the public, or any section of the public, in fear. Robberies or other criminal acts primarily committed for personal gain and acts arising primarily from prior personal relationships between perpetrator and victims will not be considered as an Act of Terrorism. Act of Terrorism also includes any act which is verified or recognised by the relevant government as an act of terrorism.
Drowning and suffocation
We will cover accidental death or injury of the Insured directly due to suffocation by smoke, poisonous fumes, gas or drowning, as a result of an accident, if the event does not arise as a result of the Insured¡¯s wilful and/or intentional act.
We will cover accidental death or injury of the Insured due to an accident if he is unavoidably exposed to natural disasters including but not limited to floods, tornadoes, hurricanes, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tsunamis and landslides if the event does not arise as a result of the Insured¡¯s wilful and/or intentional act.
We will cover the death of the Insured if the body of the Insured is not found within 12 months from the date of disappearance following the sinking, wrecking or destruction of an aircraft or other conveyance in which the Insured was travelling as a result of an accident. We may require a copy of the police report and death certificate issued by the relevant authorities in the country in which the insured event had occurred to be submitted to us. If the Insured is found to be living at any time after payment of the relevant benefits under this policy, all such payments shall be immediately refunded to us.
Hijack, murder and assault
We will cover accidental death or injury of the Insured directly due to hijack, murder and assault, as a result of an accident, provided that the Insured had not directly or indirectly collaborated, participated or provoked such act. For the avoidance of doubt and without prejudice to any other terms and conditions of this policy, point 3 of the Exclusions section expressly applies.
¡°Hijack¡± means any seizure or exercise of control by force or violence, or the threat of force or violence and with wrongful intent, of a Public Conveyance in transit, in which the Insured is travelling as a fare-paying passenger or a crew member.
Food poisoning
We will cover accidental death or injury of the Insured resulting from accidental food poisoning if the event does not arise as a result of the Insured¡¯s wilful and/or intentional act.
Private flight
We will cover accidental death or injury of the Insured caused by an accident while he is travelling as a non fare- paying passenger in any properly licensed private aircraft and/or helicopter forming part of a business trip whilst the Insured is travelling outside Singapore.
Insect/animal bites, stings or attacks
We will cover accidental death or injury of the Insured caused by a bite, sting, attack or such similar event by an insect or animal if the event does not arise as a result of the Insured¡¯s wilful and/or intentional act. This cover includes dengue fever.
Amateur sports
We will cover accidental death or injury of the Insured while he is engaging in sports or activities as a form of recreation.
For the avoidance of doubt, sports carried out in a professional capacity or where the Insured would or could earn income or remuneration from engaging in such sport are expressly excluded.
Motor-cycling (rider and pillion)
We will cover accidental death or injury of the Insured while he is riding a motorcycle (whether as a rider or as a pillion-rider) if at the time of the accident, he was wearing a safety helmet and has a valid motorcycle license that allows him to ride such motorcycle, and was not engaging in or practising for racing, hill climbing contests, reliability trials and speed or duration testing.¡¡
7. Exclusions
There are certain conditions whereby the benefits under this plan will not be payable. These are stated as exclusions in the contract. The exclusions for this plan include, but are not limited to the following conditions. You are advised to read the policy contract for the full list of exclusions.¡¡
¡¡ ¡¡ * (a) ¡¡war (whether declared, undeclared or otherwise), invasion, civil war, revolution or any warlike operations; or
¡¡ ¡¡ * (b) ¡¡violation or attempted violation of the law or resistance to arrest; or
¡¡ ¡¡ * (c) ¡¡the Insured engaging or taking part in air, military, naval training, exercises, manoeuvres, warlike operations or
handling of explosives, demolition materials or while under orders for restoration of public order, whether in time of peace, declared, undeclared war or otherwise, except where operationally ready national service duties are carried out in Singapore or overseas (if applicable) pursuant to the Enlistment Act (Cap 93); or
¡¡ ¡¡ * (d) ¡¡the Insured engaging in air travel (except as a fare-paying passenger in any properly licensed private and/or commercial aircraft, or as a crew member in a properly licensed commercial aircraft operated by a commercial passenger airline on a regular scheduled passenger trip over its established passenger route, or as covered under the section on Private Flight of the Policy Extensions section); or
¡¡ ¡¡ * (e) ¡¡suicide or attempted suicide or intentional self injury or from deliberate exposure to exceptional danger (except in an attempt to save human life), whether sane or insane; or
¡¡ ¡¡ * (f) ¡¡childbirth, pregnancy, miscarriage, abortion, sterilisation, contraception, treatment for infertility or any complications concerning therewith notwithstanding that such event may have been accelerated or induced by injury; or
¡¡ ¡¡ * (g) ¡¡any form of dental care or treatment (unless necessitated by Injury and provided that such dental care and/or treatment shall be applied to sound natural teeth). Dentures and all related expenses are expressly excluded; or
¡¡ ¡¡ * (h) ¡¡any form of cosmetic, plastic or elective surgery unless necessitated by injury; or
¡¡ ¡¡ * (i) ¡¡treatment of alcoholism, drug abuse or any other complications arising there from, or accidents caused by or
whilst under the influence of drugs or alcohol; or
¡¡ ¡¡ * (j) ¡¡the Insured engaging in a sport in a professional capacity or where the Insured would or could earn income or
remuneration from engaging in such sport; or
¡¡ ¡¡ * (k) ¡¡the Insured engaging in racing of all kinds (other than on foot and swimming and where expressly covered under
section on Amateur Sports of the Policy Extensions section); or
¡¡ ¡¡ * (l) ¡¡treatment for congenital anomalies and physical defects; or
¡¡ ¡¡ * (m) ¡¡any kind of disease or illness (including but not limited to osteoporosis or other bone diseases) save as expressly
covered under sections on Food Poisoning and Insect/Animal Bites, Stings or Attacks of the Policy Extensions
section; or
¡¡ ¡¡ * (n) ¡¡AIDSandHIVoranycomplicationsassociatedwithanyHIV;or
¡¡ ¡¡ * (o) ¡¡anypre-existingcondition.
[x4 (8-30 14:59, Long long ago)]
[ ´«Í³°æ |
sForum ][µÇ¼ºó»Ø¸´]16Â¥
(ÒýÓà happyguo:ÒÀ¾Ý±ØÐëÒªÓеÄÏëÕæÕýרҵµÄ°ïÖú´ó¼Ò£¬»¹ÊÇ×Ô¼ºÏÈ×ÐϸÑо¿Ò»Ï°ɡ£
[x4 (8-30 15:04, Long long ago)]
[ ´«Í³°æ |
sForum ][µÇ¼ºó»Ø¸´]17Â¥
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high risk sports on lesure basisµÄ£¬GEÔç¾Í±£ÁË£¬ÖÁÉÙ½ü4-5ÄêµÄ±£µ¥Ã»¼û¹ý˵excludeÕâЩ£¡¶øÇÒ£¬Õâ¸ö±£µ¥°üÀ¨national service¶¼Óб£Å¶£¡´ó²¿·Ö¹«Ë¾°Ñnational service exclude³öÈ¥Á˵ģ¬ÎÒÏë°æÉϵÄÈ˶¼ÖªµÀ°É¡£
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[ËÜÁÏõ¹å (8-31 0:03, Long long ago)]
[ ´«Í³°æ |
sForum ][µÇ¼ºó»Ø¸´]20Â¥