(引用 笑天:Temasik是不一样的问题吧它敢卖时就不是一样的时机了 散户怎么跟淡马锡比?)没懂你啥意思 [本文发送自华新iOS APP] [mkx (6-24 20:05, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]41楼
讨论一下星河最近新加坡股市全线下跌,只要在场内的一个也逃不掉。电信股跌的尤其惨重。我以前买过M1,StarHub和 Singtel, 所以比较关心。
对于星河, 大家最不看好它的电缆电视业务。最近他的 discovery 内容得不到续订。
新加坡最知名博客之一的 AK47 前几天讨论了 星河,他给的目标价位是1.40:
My investment in Starhub has turned out to be a bad one.However, I am not losing sleep over this.
Why? Is it because I am on anti-depressants?Hey, don't be so like that lah.
I stop taking those pills a long time ago.
I am quite ZEN about the paper loss really because my investment in Starhub is very small especially in comparison to my investment in SingTel which has been, of course, my preferred local Telco to invest in for quite a while now.
To give you a rough idea, the market value of my investment in Starhub is less than 2% the market value of my investment in SingTel.
Although I have been adding to my investment in SingTel as its share price declined in recent months, I have not added to my investment in Starhub even as its share price plunged.
Why is this so?
SingTel has a stronger balance sheet, stronger free cash flow and it pays out a fraction of its earnings as dividends to shareholders.
Starhub, on the other hand, has seen its free cash flow declining in recent years and it pays out much more than its free cash flow as dividends to shareholders.
Although Starhub has cut DPS from 20c to 16c, I think, if the management is financially prudent or unless business improves dramatically however unlikely, DPS should be cut again.
I did the numbers some time back and again more recently. I now feel that a more sustainable DPS could be 10c, assuming things do not get much worse.
So, if we choose to invest in Starhub today for income, we should ask ourselves if a DPS of 10c would make us happy?
I received quite a few messages from readers regarding Starhub recently. Examples:
Assuming that Starhub pays all of its cash flow to shareholders as dividends, I feel that it behaves very much like S-REITs.
Hanging on to that idea, if we can get a dividend yield of 7% or more from Starhub which is probably comparable to what we can get from industrial S-REITs, it is not too bad a deal.
Assuming a lower 10c DPS, even at $1.70 a share, we are looking at a dividend yield of 5.88% which doesn't quite cut it for me even with this new perspective.
Investing in Starhub for income?
Closer to $1.40 a share could be a more reasonable price to pay, I feel.
At $1.40 a share and assuming a more sustainable DPS of 10c, dividend yield would be 7.14%.
What if $1.40 does not happen?
No problem because I would rather invest in SingTel at the current price than to invest in Starhub at the current price, everything taken into consideration.
Looking at the chart, the RSI shows that Starhub is very oversold but like the MACD, the momentum oscillator does not show any sign of a trend reversal.
Although Starhub's share price plunged 5% (- 9c) today to $1.67, we could see it going lower if Mr. Market shares my sentiments.
Things could get worse before they get better.
So, why have I not been adding to my investment in Starhub?
Alamak. I anyhow talk to myself only lah.
You blur? I also blur.[mingtian1990 (6-24 20:28, Long long ago)]
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(引用 mkx:没懂你啥意思)没懂就没懂吧不可能什么都弄懂的
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[笑天 (6-24 20:30, Long long ago)]
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(引用 mingtian1990:讨论一下星河最近新加坡股市全线下跌,只要在场内的一个也逃不掉。电信股跌的尤其惨重。我以前买过M1,StarHub和 Singtel, 所以比较关心�...)电信业的下一波会是5G高投入,高预期,未必会有高回报
[本文发送自华新iOS APP]
[笑天 (6-24 20:32, Long long ago)]
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(引用 mkx:没懂你啥意思)我的理解是这样的1. 淡马锡理论上有无限的弹药,它背后是国库和印钞机。
2. 淡马锡作为大股东可以对董事会做出影响,比如要求合并,出售等
3. 淡马锡可以从公开市场买入
[mingtian1990 (6-24 20:45, Long long ago)]
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(引用 笑天:电信业的下一波会是5G高投入,高预期,未必会有高回报
1. latency 从200毫秒减到2毫秒
业内人士讲对普通用户,这两个优点不那么明显或突出。 5G最大应用是 IoT (物联网).
[mingtian1990 (6-24 20:51, Long long ago)]
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(引用 mingtian1990:对5G我略有研究相对4G主要优点有两个:
1. latency 从200毫秒减到2毫秒
[本文发送自华新iOS APP]
[笑天 (6-24 21:20, Long long ago)]
[ 传统版 |
sForum ][登录后回复]47楼
(引用 mingtian1990:讨论一下星河最近新加坡股市全线下跌,只要在场内的一个也逃不掉。电信股跌的尤其惨重。我以前买过M1,StarHub和 Singtel, 所以比较关心�...)爱分红的确实不一定是好股从成长的角度来讲,如果CEO CFO觉得手上的Cash最好的用途是大比例用来分红。而且还不是reits产品有分红刚需那种,就相当尴尬了。。。 [本文发送自华新iOS APP] [信长 (6-24 21:25, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]48楼
(引用 mingtian1990:我的理解是这样的1. 淡马锡理论上有无限的弹药,它背后是国库和印钞机。 散户的资金一旦套住,后续大部队就要考薪水了。 2. 淡马锡作为�...)我觉得您想多了,他那个脑袋能想这么多? [本文发送自华新iOS APP] [mkx (6-25 2:58, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]49楼
(引用 mingtian1990:讨论一下星河最近新加坡股市全线下跌,只要在场内的一个也逃不掉。电信股跌的尤其惨重。我以前买过M1,StarHub和 Singtel, 所以比较关心�...)我觉得星河不会给少于12c的分红这些人都是以最坏情况考虑的。而且下一个季度星河可能还是维持4分钱,第一个季度财报里是这么展望的。 [本文发送自华新iOS APP] [mkx (6-25 3:01, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]50楼
(引用 mingtian1990:我的理解是这样的1. 淡马锡理论上有无限的弹药,它背后是国库和印钞机。 散户的资金一旦套住,后续大部队就要考薪水了。 2. 淡马锡作为�...)淡马锡6月18日购入了0.02%的m1 [本文发送自华新iOS APP] [mkx (6-25 3:02, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]51楼
(引用 mingtian1990:我的理解是这样的1. 淡马锡理论上有无限的弹药,它背后是国库和印钞机。 散户的资金一旦套住,后续大部队就要考薪水了。 2. 淡马锡作为�...)淡马锡是机制是调控,是战略性的,散户有啥战略,特别是这里某些散户,懂嘛战略呢? [本文发送自华新iOS APP] [笑天 (6-25 3:16, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]52楼
散户对淡马锡入股作过多的猜测会让自己陷入困境。比如以前的特许半导体和Hyflux.[王者农药 (6-25 8:28, Long long ago)]
[ 传统版 |
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(引用 王者农药:给楼主一点概念提示淡马锡控股的持股有2种: 1。真的是为了投资而作的入股。 2。为了战略而作的入股。 对很多新加坡的股票,淡马锡是为了...)你说那两个公司能和电信比么 [本文发送自华新iOS APP] [mkx (6-25 14:11, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]54楼
(引用 mkx:你说那两个公司能和电信比么)原来楼主对这两个公司了解不够,呵呵同时再去了解一下当年淡马锡为什么买入StarHub吧!
呵呵[王者农药 (6-25 14:25, Long long ago)]
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(引用 王者农药:原来楼主对这两个公司了解不够,呵呵同时再去了解一下当年淡马锡为什么买入StarHub吧! 呵呵)是啊,但新加坡有人不知道starhub吗 [本文发送自华新iOS APP] [mkx (6-25 18:56, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]56楼
目前的惨烈的股价 可能政府也没预料到10年前就有定论,新加坡市场太小,只能容纳三家电信业者。最近新电信总裁重申了这个观点。
[mingtian1990 (6-25 19:38, Long long ago)]
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(引用 mingtian1990:目前的惨烈的股价 可能政府也没预料到10年前就有定论,新加坡市场太小,只能容纳三家电信业者。最近新电信总裁重申了这个观点。 但政府...)政府可以让星河m1合并啊 [本文发送自华新iOS APP] [mkx (6-25 21:32, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]58楼
(引用 mingtian1990:目前的惨烈的股价 可能政府也没预料到10年前就有定论,新加坡市场太小,只能容纳三家电信业者。最近新电信总裁重申了这个观点。 但政府...)有政治目的 [本文发送自华新iOS APP] [mkx (6-25 21:36, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]59楼
1.68!继续涨 [本文发送自华新iOS APP] [mkx (6-26 14:29, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]60楼