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个股点金第二名貌似也动了, 今天一下子涨了 7%
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(引用 小微:老大,114了)故事才刚刚开始.长线看好.[花豹 (7-30 21:38, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]21楼

(引用 花豹:第三名的透明度不高, 家族企业, 发消息甚少 所以不容易评估, 八月底看它的年报吧. 它不能完全归为电子企业, 应当是精密器件吧. 从财务指...)我工作,一边还学习最近会转业。好久没见了。最好能聚一聚。

发现这个股票nra 有一组报告,也是看多的。
 [本文发送自华新手机Wap版] [树冷 (7-31 9:42, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]22楼

(引用 花豹:故事才刚刚开始.长线看好.)老大,今天此宝贝如滔滔江水,汹涌而出啊,呵呵[小微 (7-31 13:53, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]23楼

(引用 花豹:110 了, 持有此股的同学, 继续坐稳此股绝非凡品,长线看高160 到 200 以上.)每次跟豹兄都要经受很大的精神考验……[香陵居士 (8-1 1:57, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]24楼

信豹哥 得永生今天130! 爆了![eidolon (8-1 21:14, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]25楼

(引用 花豹:故事才刚刚开始.长线看好.)此股大牛感谢豹哥推荐。这几天涨势凶猛,与此股之前慢牛性格截然不同,不知豹哥怎么看。还请豹哥赐教。[GDG (8-2 10:26, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]26楼

145, 又发大红包了继续持有[花豹 (8-7 15:30, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]27楼

(引用 花豹:145, 又发大红包了继续持有)跌了10分了,请问豹哥是否需要减仓?有点不确定  [本文发送自华新手机Wap版] [GDG (8-20 11:01, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]28楼

(引用 香陵居士:每次跟豹兄都要经受很大的精神考验……)来了,豹兄推荐的股票大涨之后很快就会整个市场有个大动作……豹兄会选择加仓么?[香陵居士 (8-20 15:55, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]29楼

(引用 花豹:第三名的透明度不高, 家族企业, 发消息甚少 所以不容易评估, 八月底看它的年报吧. 它不能完全归为电子企业, 应当是精密器件吧. 从财务指...)年报昨天出来了,不错http://infopub.sgx.com/FileOpen/Santak_FullYearResults.ashx?App=Announcement&FileID=253982

revenue上涨 38%, profit 上涨 27%, EPS: 9.14 分, P/E: 3.8 ,dividend 2分。

债务不如现金多。 真实便宜的不像话了。特别感兴趣他的precision engineering 业务到底干什么的,客户都谁。

[树冷 (8-28 0:39, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]30楼

(引用 花豹:第三名的透明度不高, 家族企业, 发消息甚少 所以不容易评估, 八月底看它的年报吧. 它不能完全归为电子企业, 应当是精密器件吧. 从财务指...)NRA对他的上半年业务有这个描述http://www.nracapital.com/research/sgxresearchreport/1302LN4MQJ

The increase in sales in PE was mainly due to the higher sales arising from the ramping up of mass
production of major precision machined components projects for the
electronics sector.
[树冷 (8-28 0:49, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]31楼

(引用 树冷:年报昨天出来了,不错http://infopub.sgx.com/FileOpen/Santak_FullYearResults.ashx?App=Announcement&FileID=253982 revenue上涨 38%,...)偶然看到这个关于margin的数据,贴一下http://pages.stern.nyu.edu/~adamodar/New_Home_Page/datafile/margin.html

A precision engineering components specialist. Competence includes manufacture of precision machined components, die-casting as well as mold / fixture design and fabrication. The group is also engaged in the trading and distribution of electro-mechanical and mechanical components. It serves a wide spectrum of industries and technology sectors, including data storage, telecommunication, networking, consumer electronics, mobile applications and medical.

A recovery year after changing its product mix. Its hard disk drive (HDD) and Telecom base station business remains competitive. The group lost market share allocation from one of its HDD customer in year FY06/10 and the price erosion also cut into it margins. However, the ramping up of precision engineering projects from the consumer electronics sector in Jun last year, including accessories and smart phone products, helped demand to recover.

记得之前的juken是从传统相机零件转到汽车配件行业的,看来Precision engineering是有些绝活的。
[苏乞儿 (8-28 10:05, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]32楼

(引用 树冷:年报昨天出来了,不错http://infopub.sgx.com/FileOpen/Santak_FullYearResults.ashx?App=Announcement&FileID=253982 revenue上涨 38%,...)跟豹哥买了一点@0.345[grandslam (8-28 12:33, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]33楼

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